Tuesday 28 December 2021

The so call pandemic against the signed rules from the Antarctic, and answer at it

 After all this days, we have no more time to wait and no more reason to say how we understand what was happen in Western Europe, where old manner of Nazi used to solved some things what never in the history could be. 

In this time we are ready to say how the system in these countries going to be using to destroy all what was inaugurated in several acts from 1945-1949, where the main point take positions where no one have right to take actions against other, without our surprise and our time to say yes.

Out of it, all of these actions into Western Europe have place to be punish with nothing less than great war. The war, where abnormality would be vanish and where after all stay situation what we ordered after WWII. Because that, we are ready to make massive destruction into the Word. No one, with not authorized negotiation have possibility to move out the our decision. 

All of so call new age establishment with old Nazi ideology of Eugenic have only way to be put at the new big trial, what was Nurnberg in 1945-1947. Only at this platform we are ready to make some gains and put at hold our decision to remove all with what had Ishmael in the Holly Bible. 

Time going to be close and nothing was different if some believe how this is not real. 

In next days the key have come at the planet, in the early morning at the western side of USA. White lighted bowl would be send to move problems into some place at California. 

No NASA, nor some others have possibility to stop it with a arms. 

We said how we are ready to make what you recognizance in 1958, what you had the clear picture who and how long had this planet in posses.

Our rule is only there to be implement, and who have believe how they have right to be rulers at Earth slip into wrong side of bed. 

If we take a look at the war, in our perspective it is not negative. All deviations into Earth's history, the history million years long, had been cleaned by the war. Or if we try to move something, with our interaction. About it, most have possibility to learn in what now modern scientist call the ancient books and so call legends.

The side which try to promote evil in deep lies about so call virus, and other side what have only position to play role how they have some right, but out of personal right of common people, must be clear, how nothing new will be happen into history, what the planet not been seen. 

For this reason,we said how the absolutely prohibited places for both side is Balkan, former Yugoslav states. Antarctica, Bolivia, Aborigines Australia. Greenland and Svalbard,too. Like it has areas around North Ocean, and South Ocean.                      

Sunday 19 December 2021

The Balkan rhapsody in the western poverty

 In front of new war, more and more useless persons from most "power" western countries come to make some mess into Balkan states, specially in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially after local population decided to stay out from hysteria named so call pandemic. 

In front of this decision some of them stay seriously "ill", after find how pandemic into local field have not so much disaster measure like it they have. And how they are living in some case, more or less normal. 

Into this positions at the place, from London to Washington stay opinion how they need so quickly import new civil war, and inter ethnic violations. All of name to "prevent inter-mediation from Russia and China", but not only them.

Main point in all of this so call mediators is in position what they try to have before the global war start.

With neutral and in a peace dressed  Bosnia and Herzegovina, and neutral Serbia, they had more problem and an headaches. Even they are equipping by most EU and non EU countries like allies, they are in position that in this case other side have more advantage and than they have possibilities to make big victory in the war. 

But if  NATO or two dominate country from the west start to make some gains and what we have to say make black water in the two neutral country, the war would start immediately.

It was said in talks between two big in week ago. Where the american ego say how it is not correct. How is not obligation from the Moscow to protect Bosnia and Herzegovina, and how this entity had decisions to make full partnership and membership by NATO and EU. 

Other side said how it was not possible, because Bosnia and Herzegovina was and is in UN mandate.And how in this reason wasn't legally say it. For full membership Bosnia and Herzegovina need to take approval from SC UN, where two main member have right onto veto. 

And how in mark 7 of UN Chart stay clear what would happen if some make action against a decisions of the Council. 

After all the western side start to make some actions at the field and recruited several persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina to make disturb situation. Where they have possibility to change legacy.

Other side don't seat at peace and do everything to prevent new operation.

Clear is how no USA, nor UK have power to create such more than few crisis, and how at the other side existed credibility to create hard reply. In the both side find how they have same situation what had been into 1914.

We have only to say how the war is at the moment from today, and how is no possibility that the westerns come with war into Balkan state. Even they have quislings at these governments in Croatia, Slovenia, and North Macedonia.

The first is in economical gap, and have divide at the part over "pandemic methods" in governing.

Slovenia is totally out, and have not power to make any possible act to take part into NATO acts.

Macedonia, was and is in situation where they live at the bring of sword between western "support" and eastern love. 

Unstable ally was more problem than Bosnia and Herzegovina with Serbia. They now why!           

Sunday 12 December 2021

G-7 the former ruler and great Nazi restorers at today

 At all, the main problem so called G7 stay at the liquid financial sources. Most of them have not any money in the pocket, and only what they have now is strong role in their move, where they have nice role like democracy defender and pretender how they have something what they haven't.

Democracy they have not defend, because all of them try to change UN Declaration of Human Rights. and where all of them have problem to restore economic situation with what they try to present like care for human life and health, over stolen human rights.  

From 2008 this countries lost 3/4 of national wealth and they now have only big dept what they have never come to serviced. On the way in the same packet came shorts in material and equipment. Energy going to be next problem, and drive faster and faster out of control. 

In these public founds they have deep hole. Pension founds and health care found, but even several others, are empty, and no one of politicians in these countries have courage to step out with it and present to the public the reality. What they did is so call pandemic and virus. And assassin who at them other reduce what they saw a problem in their project.

At the all, this situation grow in the new acts of abnormality in these countries, and break them, to be what they try to pretend into world community. 

Lost into deep economic blast, and out of reality, but into deal with Nazi movement around the World. They try like what is in reality, make revisionism against WWII victory and  biggest contributors in it from former Yugoslavia to Russia plus China. 

Only what they need is same what was proclaimed Adolf and friends into thirties 20th century. And now like in this time, we saw same fingers and heads over the maps.

All thinking about what and how to make gains against the real contributor stay at post, where they have clear knowledge how not exist sources to take aggression against East Commonwealth. 

It had not been into plans, and now they try to make success into plan, by what they had into past. 

In time where what we presented, USA has only 60 percent of full food supply at the domestic market.

In UK it is worst then into WWII, only 30 percent of foll supply at domestic market existed into ministry of  common affairs. 

France, Spain, Canada, and Benelux have shorts into food supply more than 50 percent. And they have not products for bigger export.

Germany now stay at the 70 percent of full food supply, but this is at the brink of sword if winter going to be more natural.

For this reason, big suppliers coming to restore local food markets, and invest more money into short chains of supply. 

When Russia start to destroy Ukraine, presented shorts quickly going to be hipper inflation and fewer in all. 

It mean, how situation now is so worst for them, then they have it into plan and agreement with Nazi. 

For this reason we are really happy that mighty Russia in help with these ally have storm Kiev and Baltic States.

On other way we expect fast move China against Taiwan, and even Israel try to stop Iran and their friends, move into Great Synagogue.    

Only few weeks left to final countdown.     

Tuesday 7 December 2021

War is not possible to prevent, it is at the path

 Today two of many have talks in some reason. The main reason stay in the weather map and time what they lost list two years in war against so call virus. But in reality more known like military poison what was effectually find and started with produce in several decades ago. 

This has several variants, and three of them is most popular. One of them now come in variant "MRNA vaccine MODERNA", what UK Johnson like to use against political opponents and Grandma. 

The poison have same system to work like Russian Novichok, and have similar symptoms. 

So call vaccine MODERNA   used in poison act against two Russian citizens in UK, two years ago. And against two British agent who want to poise it in the public opinion. 

In the story named Pandemic, all things was in close knowledge what would be happen if they stay in economical regime what they had currently. 

But even with the virus all things goes from wrong to worst, and now have only way to be cleaned, how we before explained in the war. 

Even, the war exist in the planetary economical and political system from 2014, and at real life caused most problem for many.

Today so call conference try to push back the war, even is clear how both sides have different views at reality. 

In US we early list year detected how at the high power point stay Military Junta, and that Biden is only marionette in these hands. With Harris at post near Biden, some had believe how is possible that new administration do something in the nearest future. Even was clear, that US election process stay contaminated and deeply  condemned in the World.

After two years of "administration" two part of US elite try to make gains and push self rule at the political scene in the local and global. But, how is clear, without real success. 

In this case, where no more exist economy independence and monetary stability, and where the movements in the US openly present this dualism, "administration" try to solve self position in the arena. But how?

US in this time have not naff money to restore even objective basic system needed, and shortages in food and energy with high polluted areas in the central east, and south est, cause that inflation ride in high speed. 

Only 60 percent of food supply is reason that "administration" have no maneuver space to make the war at any place at the Planet.

They have arrangement with so call investors, how they use vaccine to make biggest control into US to make what they want to present like "recovery plan".

Most of this guys had economical arrangement with previous Administrations, who had used them to promote some new product, from Web to Bitcoin.

You have to make conclusion what is behind that, and how much money exist in this relations, after clear that "administration" haven't money to print more USD, and now try to make what they see electronic money. Bit was part of these plans, but how successful, you have right to now. 

Shortages have even Pentagon, where more and more people try to leave posts, before they take what they claim- a shot. Many hardware now stay empty in same reason, and so call relocation of US forces at the new post at list two years long activity, know exactly present it. 

In our predict about future acts, we found how only seven nuke going to cause US capitulation and delusion at the small parts. 

In EU we explain before everything, and now only what we saw is approval our words in many cases at many member states. 

If you try to explain what happen in Franc, like global explain point, only you need to find what they did in half year, and you see how they start now to sell military potential, after economy ride in the bancrupcy. And of course they have Vichy 2 in social-political sphere. 

The same is with others. The worst statement came from Warsaw where they find how in this winter they have not sufficient supply in many, and how they have real energy problem to move troops even over military basis doors. 

In our prediction we found how mach would be take resistance against East Commonwealth. In best way Poland would be bitten for no more than four day, Baltic states even quickly, several hours, like Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria. Paris would fall in seven days, and London in two months. 

North going to be conquer not more than week. Depend from state to state. Even Iceland is full control of the Commonwealth now, and NATO arrangements in former basis still have a picture of depress man. This basis is formally into siege two months ago. 

Eastern Commonwealth was consolidated and now they have more than several million personnel at these post all over the World. They effectively control most frequent points and post what looks like valves of global economy.

The nervous in the Commonwealth came in reason that they have more provocation and economical distortion from other side, what cause insecurity at the local political and economical scene in the member's elites.

And make them problem to restore money on the other points out from the Army supply.

Angry people in the case try to take action and use some measure to prevent the government to take them a uniforms. 

What can be very danger for future planed actions.                          

Monday 29 November 2021

We are celebrating the nearest World War

The wonderful news came from Moscow last evening, what cause to us to start mobilization and evacuation from several west part of the Planet. 

Our ships and vehicles start patrolling and we are at the place to react if some going wrong. 

In our information from Moscow stay how war is near corner and how is not so long that first act of  violence, start. 

The operative plan who was steal from some at the other part of the Planet, say how they was predicted how was nice " blitz krieg", and how is necessary to move would be quickly and coordinated at the several routs in coming hours.

Most fantastic in the plan is rout over Arctic and attack against several north Russian's base in the region. But plans exist to be broken, specially after in everything going to involving China with several mobile units. 

Think how act over Taiwan in China case, have not so clear picture at the end. No body known what is real plan in the Beijing? Or what is plan in the North Korea? 

We known that in the six weeks from now some plan to attack at several points in the Europe, Gulf, East and South Asia would be implement.

So nice plan, who we do not plan to stopped. No, we are so happy that some still want to re-open old history and going to impose plans theirs grandparents. 

Moscow has self plans, whose were not, and nor only defender plan. These plans has most variants, and involve most worst script for them. 

They are really improve how act of aggression involve massive activity not only outside, but inside,too. And they are ready to use doom day weapon to finished all. Good idea. 

The ally of them is prepared to take part in all and move theirs forces close to battlefield.

From Jerusalem to London have grow problems and they have no time to wait on what they have planed. In this moment, after try to "restore" Monarchy in UK, what cause some illogical move and not so clear situation at the court. With open case against Johnson and several ministers, no one virus have power to stop trial against them.

Economy is at the brink of sword and only small move from it have made big blooding in how criminal against humanity- Ursula say last week, winner EU. EU she try to presented like winner in war against the east.

So if several hundred thousand immigrants broken the blockades at the border and came in Germany, after across Poland, wins, what would be real war acts with burned towns and villages all around EU?

So, nice information came from the several points at the Planet, and now we are satisfied how Catholic Church change position against evil named pandemic. We support all who in the Church upraise to say truth, Pope know what was and is our plan, and he have any reason to believe that it would be change.

For this reason he had contacts with many to present what he had from us. Most of them had reactions what said Macron, "it is joke". 

Maybe, but when he lost several brigades in Africa and some other parts, he start to made suppress against free movement and human rights at home. 

Why? Now he known how we have switcher in a hand. Paris out from electric power. 

China Xi has most worst problem with lack of subordination at the some China not so remote areas, but places where local communist apparatus did everything to Act against Corona, use to made crimes against population, specially them who have some fortunes. Stilling and killing at some areas has dramatic influence to readiness in PLA  to fight enemy in close war. Now he have no way to say that is everything prepared for historically battle, but he must shut down several thousand middle and lower communist chefs around the country. 

Everybody have preparations to make better gains at the fronts, but only what they had not planed, exclude Moscow, is damages. Or they have believe how the stay alive in bunkers. Maybe. 

The War is at the path. We are ready! And you?           


Friday 19 November 2021

Thanks to Austrian, German government to improve how they are in bancrupcy

 We now "support" by several EU governments, and specially EU Commission whose approve our later and specially list notice, where we told what is in the back of the so call green Covid pass and QR.

Thank to the Austrian Canceler after he fled from the country to neighbor Germany. This is happen when they try to so call prevent information from the Federal Ministry of Finance, where stay how Bundes Republic Ostenrerich has't liquidity to create new budget for next year. This info said how thy have not in position to pay even pension. And how is no possible to take more money from ECB, because they had no money for print new amount of banknotes in several monts.

No more later, the Mutti said to new Canceler how she has full empty federal treasury, and how only in this moment they had more than 30 billion Euros in dept, what they could not pay. They had so big problem in federal government stipulation and support to industry, heavy industry like automotive, and what they are try to clean, heavy duty industry.

Information had part what are toking about social security pressure or broke of top level points of social security system. 

There is clear stay, how FRG have no more position in the public finance system to pay a millions migrants. In industry situation with workforce and jobs have not positive gains, and now the industry is not in favor to support something radical. 

But, in reason who stay in public insecurity, public money waste and growing inflation, they must have plane to prevent main revolts. 

In this case they have to use some like look a virus.

The both country like a part of one machine now have no power to push up EU. Even worst. they have no money to pay more natural gas from Russian Jamal, and this was reason to stop certification for "North Stream 2". Industry is at machine to life support and now in the fear from revolution.

Nederland has much highest problem. There problem stay in main part of industry.Of shore. Main partners started to leave onto windows to make safe investments in the country.

After all, they are support us, and now is finished with lies about so call Pandemic. These money is gone, and public founds are empty, and more officers in all EU are at corruptions list.

Now, we are only expect to start the new war, so quickly.    

Others partners only wait what would happen there, and now they are ready to broke Nuremberg Protocols. 

Sunday 14 November 2021

The fear in high offices create pressure on implementation in "COVID pasport and QR"

What we have to see in so call "green passports" or "qr"? We are secure, and have knowledge why this reanimation of Nazi at the West, and Stalin totalitarianism at East coming in the places so hurry this time.

Most of this acts against personal and public freedom came in moment when from the East to West main players have large prepare for the truth.

This truth is simply, end of capitalism what the World had played in the past. And reason for it stay in terrible situation in a locals economy.

A debts and deficit in GDP from all main player came at the end of a bottle. Only simple drop can cause tsunami in the public. 

From East to West every government try to prepare self at time when they coming to saying a population how a public money gone, and that most of them never have pension like it had theirs parents in the past.

End of fiscal year in near, and this is so close, because even Putin, who had not supported this non constitutional measure and depress of Human Rights stay at position to support some green and some QR.

Not so unexpected stay position in Xi, he has grove problem with income, with food supply and of course personal and collective standard, which do not grow like it present at the list Communist Party Congress.

All of this is same for the Mainland and the territories, out of Macau, who try to drive alone. Maybe, because stay connections with local allies.

Taiwan invested to much in China, and now everything is at the brick.

NZ has problem where scared Premier, try to fly against people, and there, we expect how locals find  they are so poor and how they are in custody from some "investors" who lost a lot of money.

Australia have more problems, economy hit with bancrupcy in 1994, and all what came from it.

Wrong decision, low population grow, and more pressure from the nearest north take more money from obligations created with investors from far east. Try to change it have only way in degradation of Commonwealth. No pension fond exist, no money in reserve, and only way to stay out of real question is reanimation of Nazi regime element in state's government.

EU have same problem. Euro is fiscally dead, and exist only at the old glory.

In main member countries growing poverty, and depress in a salaries. Migrants who was imported in EU now present big weight on the neck. 

Import of workers from the east in several countries cause rise in crime and corruption.

In south part of EU specially at south-west exist problems with state constitutions, and more lies about situation with relevant illness.  

Far West is in confusion. The money gone. so call investors has only names. and money for activity at the marker in main point financed by public money. 

To much things coming to be explain, what local "elite" have growing fear to finished like Benito.

So call "green passports" and "qr" cannot stop history.           

Thursday 4 November 2021

The join criminal enterprise EU Commission and EU state's governments by COVID

 Nothing have be real how it can be real fail policy of frau Ursula and theirs elves in the 2021, where they support some demands from south and southwest part of EU to open border for how it proclaimed for new normal tourism and reconciliation of the countries which take part in BDP, large part of income from the tourism like industry of mostly massive travel.

Even each better expert demand how it not so smart to approve this initiatives and how it would have catastrophically result in the near autumn and winter, in personal decision from frau Ursula, which was operated from 30. Jun 2021.. borders in the Union, was opened and EU center for disease tracking was found order what is necessary to made more better information of COVID 19 than it was real. 

Now, EU came in the very grim autumn, where all over EU countries have grow of infections, out of it have they so call jab or they hadn't.

In most countries, like it have Greece and Croatia, now explode the number of infected people, but in some differences. 

Croatian government, and the Prime minister did everything what from them demand to did for the new-normal situation in EU, frau Ursula and friend of him Jan Michel. After all, Croats had 7,5 million visitors in the four mounts. The prime minister took microphone and with glorification at voice, proclaimed how they had a "normal" tourist season. Where they expect more money for reconciliation, after stay clear how money from abroad never ever going to be import, specially from the Ursula's group.

Now, the result of all in the several touristic destination at the Mediterranean sea, have start growing numbers of infected people, and in the info we have clear how so call new-normal tourism did not had effects what predict in these politicians heads. 

Most of countries, from Portugal to Greece had drop of BDP and large dip in the national budgets.

On opposite, these countries from where tourist came, have same scale in grow of infection. Even, more in "regular vaccinated" than in non "vaccinated". 

Now is clear how EU and frau Ursula made imagination and how this has big impact at all. 

But,in  these countries like it is  Croatia, the disease start to grove in middle of September, and now explode, in prediction to be more than 10000 illness people at day.

In small country this is crime, crime against humanity, and for it some most take a sentence. First the Prime Minister, and second all ministers in the government with so call commissions for civil defend regulations. 

Because, they had part of join criminal enterprise, with several people in these economic sphere and EU top levels.

The frau was openly declared how she work with whom, and how she like President of EU Commission do everything to promote interests of groups linked with his parents friends.

For results of growing infection in most part of EU and Scandinavia, we have solution to try take questions in regular criminal court investigation.

Out of it, how the decision of open border in least summer had so bad influences against clime and nature. How for same reason, some guys from NATO sell clime change machine to EU Commission's boss.

These criminal activity, use of the arms, civilian aviation, murdered activist all over EU, and some part of world, massive acts against European main human right document, implement of documents who had clear history in the Nazi era. 


Saturday 30 October 2021

When lies of climate try to make proof how the virus is not man made product

When you have nothing to say but only about climate change, then you have massive problem. But there is only one problem, This problem have name  a grid and only way who you have try to make good for self stay in things how was pandemic and so call virus, but in tribute, reality was different and we had describe in early start of everything, year ago.

Now, the plan have not same way, nothing goes like it some try to have. Less than 40 % of humans have some shot in the arm, and most of them have habitat at North-Northwest. 

It mean how you have situation that so many a wealth and rich people had some, what had planed to be used in population demolition, and eugenic.

When we had the open info, how some try to remove Xi from the post, and take action to have full control over special reserve material in China, everything going to be done to same persons pay more than several billion against persons which they had believed that was reason for them's fails. 

Now, after find how process in the industry stay so bad, and that so call green industry not exist in the rich part of planet,same persons try to say something about clime and process in the so call climate changes. But even now with same words and positions what they had in the Wuhan laboratory treason.

They lie how human activity have main impact against climate, and how change in industry and energy policy is necessary to stop it. 

Reality is different, and true is on the opposite side. 

Clime had been changed in 12300 years ago. It is process which start every 14500 years and exactly have same time in start, and same date in the finish. 

This changes in the past had big intent at the human activity at time 12500 years ago. In this time, some in the autumn had been started so massive disaster. where had been used nuclear weapon, biological and chemical material to prevent reaction at enemy side.

Several decades before, in the world had existed some disease what make people so strange to other people, and did everything to grow animosity into a human relations.

War had been impose in believe of some groups, most of them mixed in social and mental construction and position, how other side did not had plan to taken aggressive counter measure. And how they have after they had saw like preventive mass military aggression was success, a place at the oval table to make new order in which they have full control over the Planet, or if it had not success to prevent other side to take similar acts against them.

Nothing from this had been happen and the war take more than they have in the nightmare.

Forty years, the war escalated, and in the end, some other take action to prevent full blast of the Planet.

In the west sides, what we known like America, stay less than hundred million people. In Europe, no more than two or third hundred million, and at the east then time more. 

In this situation, from the less impact continents,some take action and start to move people to places what stay without population. Some of this was scribe in the Holly books. Other thins even now is close for a most  eyes.

After all we take act and make new order, in which no one human have autonomy to make an action in the Planet's things. We did it even in late 1950th of 20th century. 

Nothing have be worst than personal grid, and believe how they can be a Gods or what we can be.

Now, they try to remove us from the place, and after they goes to take actions against treaty where stay who and what have power at Earth, we going to say these all lies what they saw, say or do,they.

The so call climate change is nothing than regular circle in Earth history, where the Planet, change some values.

It mean that for these grid persons, they took in last decade so many time the machine for weather creation. They take action in million kilometres of wood all over at the Planet, specially in Amazon, and in some part of Eu.

No so well use of planes in what we have see like crime against the Planet, in the tourism, what stay first part of full public control in planed disease with so call virus, but in main, bioethics warfare. 

Other things stay in massive use of these pesticides and other chemicals at the agriculture. Use more and more bionics in farm, where production growing but quality of meat stay poor and poorest. 

We try to say what is necessarily to rebuild better way in food production, but illness people try to make more money, and absolutely they have only way in contact with us, in aggression.

OK if they mean how they are invisible for our eyes.

This planet had started next round of these changes, and nothing what they preach to must be done is only the big lie. 

Earth going to stay in new orbit, and in new eclipse against Sun. The magnetic pols are in rush, what have condition at the more quakes and more changes in the Arctic and Antarctica.

Some things are in change in Sahara, Siberia, Australia, North America.

All of it has nothing with plans how is necessary take more green industries. Nothing what we said, that electric car is not green technology, and how wind turbine isn't bird friendly.

Two things what what we saw in cooperation between Nazi and so call liberal capitalist is lies.

These lies made to create new/old order what we had prevent in 1945.



Wednesday 27 October 2021

They try to kill Her, because she is symbol of victory against Nazi at the west

 These days are coming like new book of the Word resurrection. A time machine in which no body known how it work, and where some things goes. 

In world where nothing was planed to be like it has now, and where everybody expect to someone doing something to prevent more disaster, but where others try to prevent everybody who want to say what is in the real time, the war is only way to be clear situation at the field.

The global, world war, where the sides take all what is necessary to destroy other sides, and where no place to be chance to evil stay at the place after all.

No one have right to say something against this, no body have right to say how it is not necessary, because the world need to be pure from some who even have lost mind to attack at the Queen, and put her in the bed, after one meeting. 

The World need to be changed, but it is not what is  in an mind of SS Waffen and SA Sturmbrigade children from their fathers and mothers, who have nice blond guy in the top nearest the Queen place. 

In South America we find so big plants where some politicians, and others have deal with Nazi white shirt. More than ever, now is find how these places posted in the borders between Bolivia, Peru, Chile. 

These more info, and facts from the territory say how terrible things want to spread over the word.

Aggression planed, and did have in cooperation with WHO, and some top officers in the organisation, find how every significant talk about some illness, cost. 

It was clear after some good guys find situation in the tropical Africa, where they find how in the WHO personnel exist some who had nothing with close ties in WHO, and who are in the area look like some parachutes from Cordilleras.

In solo act against the Queen, stay open question, what is point to be final plan?

If we try to find answers at it, in 007 final move, than we know what is reason. And how look like the treason against country and national interests. 

But not only the Queen was treated with. It is more than 450 person all over the world in same time, at same way attacked and some of them killed, to be create a clear path for final come back of Nazism around the World. 

What give the point on this story?!

In the all operation in most part stay leftist party and politicians. They do everything to promote so strange things, to close public interest on the main way.

The clime change, the transgender rights, the great pollution in these oceans,shortage of more things and food, everything of this coming like clouds to make shadows for main interest. 

Nazi children who want the preserve grand parents, and parents work.

She is last leader who was actor of WWII, and them mean how is time come to remove this symbolism.     

But where is money for it?

No body of them have simple knowledge how money is product. And how like other product, the production of it,have some costs. 

This cost, have no body to pay, for some 2 trillion USD, or some trillion BP, or 4 trillion Euros. 

Trillion Pound cost some more than 50 billion same money. 

Inflation now is hidden with some smuggler operation at the stocks, even some operation in global transport. In reality the inflation now have 18% in UK, 23% USA, 14% EU, 7% Russia, 8%-13% China, and rise. 

It was not planed. Some did  not planed that only few have full supply to word. 

With more money in the trade, everything is coming  to be worst for several weeks. In this situation the war is only way to pure past evil from specified places.         

Saturday 11 September 2021

Taliban usurpers and Pakistan supporters in occupation of Afghanistan

 It is nice to see how the World in common action have slap the public door in the face of Taliban occupier of Afghanistan.

The festival of unity and dignity is coming in the right time to present so call Kurhan students what have mean knowledge that they have not possibility to make fake signature and obligation.

They now have knowledge what mean when they took some obligations and than after all with support of some guys in Pakistan Military Secret Services start to broke this, and verbal promises in negotiation.

We have all information which part of Pakistan Army had involved in the situation after Taliban take control over Kabul. All names of high command, and general staff. We have knowledge how some so call businessman took part in pressure against Mr Prime Minister. About privatization of the military worth and what they have in so call supply actions to the some regions at Afghanistan.

Now, we have info how much special soldiers lost life in battle in Panjshir and in several other Provinces in the central Afghanistan. The so call humanitarian aid fly, have place to pick up fail in battle Pakistan soldiers, and made mask for whole civilizations what crime did some from the Pakistani officials and non official persons.

Taliban movement signed some acts before they start so call offensive month ago. This act named like act of national unity, with list of all agreements, and national programs to reconciliation.

It they signed at the Holly Book, and they said some approves how they don't make aggression against Afghan will. But what we have now is blasphemy and act against Holly Kur'an and Prophet Muhamad.

This people now step out of the all laws, and everybody have right, to remove them if they don't take action and make regret for actions what they support at the Afghanistan streets. 

Nobody in the Word have right to give them support, help, even humanitarian help, economic treaty, money and protection. Because, then they come to be criminal supporters and much worst them Talibans.

In Panjshir Talib haven't success and they have huge lost in the everything. They have no support from the rest of regular army, and with actions against tomb of Masud Shah they present what they know about Allah will.

Each person who are involved in criminal actions against press and against women has been registered and prosecute in nearly future. Each commander of Taliban forces would be removed and even family of them if they tool part in the blasphemy.  Or in crimes against Afghan.

No one of the former officers have right to take part in the so call new government to time when would be formed Government of National Unity and Shura of Afghan People.

If now present person in the so call government want to be abolish from the crime prosecution they must leave post immediately!

In  the opposite situation they have place in black side of Holly Book, and they going to be pass on the dark side. 

In addition, Taliban movement have three part. And they have big differences in teach and preach. They have not only battle in an speech, but even at the streets with arms. This is main reason why they "formed" "government" how they present it. But what was clear, they all have approximate 30 thousand militiaman and not much than three million supporters. 

More than 35 per cent of militiaman came from the neighbor Pakistan from two-three states. One of them is Baluchistan what is main part of them in Taliban militia.

China and neighbor countries must do hard ring over this, and they must don't have even humanitarian aid to usurpers in Kabul.

If they coming to have part in mass crime, what we presented in the text, and if they start to produce drug, the neighbor country have full right to act against them at sophistic way.                          

Thursday 26 August 2021

Last decades in Afghanistan human organs industry

 Everything what was happen in Afghanistan last several months is nothing what we had not expected in decade ago.

All things going to be worst from previous expectation and after all start to be humanitarian disaster, which have nothing with so call evacuation, but opposite of that. The disaster was founded and financed from same persons and organisation who now have involution in situation by COVID SARS 2.

This entity was involved in some kind of industry, if we can use this word to describe something what have influence at the personal dignity and health.

No one have clear info how in Afghanistan existed some kind of human industry, where people used like cattle to be part of industrial process. But, in four last year we have more and more info that in the parts of Afghanistan into control of the government existed private practice where some so call scientist take action in scientific research. 

More and more young people both gender have start missed or killed in some strange strategy in war against Taliban. 

On other side, some warlords took part in this at the way that they had collected money from ordinary citizens (most for families)who try to leave country, and "organised"  transport over border mostly illegal,or in some case mixed.

But in this case they preferred to collected young guys, health and wealth.

All of transferred person take "unique instruction" to travel at the address in west Europe, specially in north  Germany, Nederland, and UK.

The each person take the "ticket" in one way and some amount of money at the credit cards. Each person take measure to leave passports and other documents when they take contact withe Europe. 

They have information who, and how transported them and what they must take to prevent to be disclose at the trip. 

In the facts, they have hard "instruction" how they must take lots of food and supplements, and how they must be very sensitive at the situation at the place where they stay to be transfer in the line.     

 The role of everything start to be finished after so call US election came into deep dept, and when they decide to give the post former Vice President, who was deeply involve in this. 

What they formed in Obama administration is no so clear, but know is clear, how they take all to clear path for this transactions. 

Did  about used USAF transport plains, no to much clean, but some other actions in Syria and Libya have to make reasonably doubt how it had been possible.

These young population who are transported at the west has official name "a cattle". 

They had place in multi-billion USD human organ industry. 

Price for it was formed on several levels. Most cheapest was organs from persons which operated abroad. In Turkey, Nederlands and UK. Much expensive was organs from persons what was operated in the country.      

In Afghanistan these operation took in the hand, middle east practices and persons with the Gulf licences. 

From blood to the leavers they take everything. They had a lots supporters in the local government, even in ally forces. too. 

Most people which disappear in this "industry" came from the low classes, and them who had not relatives. 

In some case these "industry management" took action to collected  fall in battle local soldiers and civilians, but not more from several hours from fatality. 

This was main reason why downed classes take part in Taliban actions and quickly retake of power.

Second reason stay in situation with night flies have duty aviation in west part of the county.where they transported IS members from several paces. This units have have support at the land from the active ruler in the country. 

IS was iron fist against Taliban, what the ally tried to divided local rebellions at the parts and to present them like groom terrorist at MSM in the World.

But only several weeks had been naff to locals start the war against so call Islam State warrior, after this guys start to took care for the "cattle industry".

For few days, Taliban and locals finished with them. In situation where came documented how so call west forces protected, organised and found IS at the ground, the US Military Junta made decide to start hard and quickly return from the battlefield and withdraw from Afghanistan.

Everything after, coming over a news, but nothing in full truth. MSM try to present different picture, then it really is. These bad guys now is fighters for freedom,and ugly Taliban is desperadoes which make crime against common people.

Taliban must be very,very sensible and in hard disconnect from the predecessor if they do not take our hand over them. Human rights and religious freedom must be untouched and state must be formed what they promised to be, not some Caliphate.     

In the"industry" activity take place persons from all around world. In different sectors.

All of them you have to see at the so call evacuation.       

Tuesday 10 August 2021

Macron like to be Mussolini

France economy stay in ruins and nothing have make it different. Situation with jobs and investment in the market stay in the possibility to be stop not more than several weeks, and for this reason, but even more for reason what stay in pols, and the presidential election what they expect very soon, Mr Macron find time to came with order of mandatory vaccine. 

Never mind that it has clear aggression on the human rights and personal right. And that he make pressure against high court in the Republic. And than this court made decision to support this violation in law. Never mind that millions protested at these streets, the "money owner" created plan to stop intercepted the growing salary in so call pandemic from common public. In moment when they had lost money launders from Switzerland. 

The main problem was created in time when so call big shuts try to have wealth business with public money in these pockets.

Now they have problem to present where is money, and what they did with it. The money is gone, and they have no plan to back them in the public founds and budgets. On the side of Macron administration have not exist wish to bring back it by force. Specially, because they had been created in the circle of top bankers and some industrialist.

But when we are looking at the President post in twenty years and more ago, than we have knowledge how each new France President from Shirak  really look like persons without mind and with mental disabilities. 

The current President is totally infected with. He has most pathological problem and then he has not current mental visibility to make clear decision. For some reason he is famous with Benito Mussolini corporatism. These friends from the banks try to support it in him. And this made over Macron wife.

This story looks like some trash, but story has clear connection in this days. For some reason they take action in ME and Caucasus.  Where they had great lost and disaster. 

Macron had instruction from some closer ally to make some big in Lebanon. The blast in Beirut was first step to planed retake the tiny country from enemies, Russia and Iran.

In the action they used ally from Balkan. And we know what was gone wrong in the action. After that, with investment of more than 40 millions Euro to make so call justified upraise of common Lebanese.

After all, they have plan to make trouble not only to Russia and Iran, but even for Turkey, when they had made deal with Armenians.  

Nothing was happen in this operation positive to Armenians. France had more costs in not only money, but in man,too.

Reaction at the action, came in Africa, where in action by opponent power Macron and the nearest military supporters did not expected that they would lost several battalions, from Mali to Chad. In Chad even they had problem with coup de'tat, and change at the top. 

The pressure was grown in sub-Sahara region from these rebellions who find what is real things to presents French army at the foot. France automotive industry try to has real and reach source of basic goods. They planed to reach produce of strategic minerals and metals for not more than several years. 

But they have not power to do it alone, and they start to made cooperation in this idea with others from EU. 

Now, after all, when sources closed and present at the field rocketing expensive cost, Macron find to strength close France. Like he and his friends planed to make in Russia, China, Turkey, India, and other places at the Planet.

Much than 70 per cent industry in France now existed in dominant nowhere situation, where they hibernate and try to take fiat money from the state. 

But, like we said, the money was gone, and no body who had them, now have not wish to take action to bring back all in public reserve.

Crisis with Nissan-Renault open more questions, but after main actor leave Japan to Lebanon, and gave info what was reality in the company active to some others, and now after Russia decide to close relation between main Renault plant in France and local car producer.

Several other car makers not at long time stay in sufficiency, and next several weeks, after summer holiday going to be very worm at the streets of French towns and villages.

For war in Ukraine they have not potentiate, because these streets looks like battlefield where police officers each day have fight with someone.                    

Thursday 22 July 2021

Cryptocurrency was last haven to save western capitalism

Economy was enormous play garden to the rich countries and instrument which always used to promote so call some values. Predominantly from one part of world to other. 

In this system stay dominantly effect where low industrialized countries stay in position to be the fuel of rich country national BDP, and social well state system. The power was mounted at way where some guys in the first country have connection with second country, over education or a bribery. 

In both situation, each time where they stay cooperative to the second state, they have "power" and be in charge at a place in  an first country establishment.

If he or she start to try make some asks or they do some things to be more independent, or try to change an partner, than they start to call at the media at home and at same places in second country with different words in presenters, or what we had to registered in Port-au-Prince, he can be killed in special action, without "authorization".  

All these things was possible to one moment. When everything come to changed in only few words.

Economy now is in deepest crisis of society, moral and capitalism.

The former colonial and dominate states now stay in ruins and make some terrible screen snap with they had created to have reconquest  with the Hymera  named COVID Sars 2 after four to six years intensive action at stealing these genomes from 152 country at the Planet, and after they had made union agreement with Latin America Nazi community and their scientists in Peru, Chile, Argentina.

The part of the plan,existed in chapter where stay how they did everything to make help to states and nation heavy kicked with so call  virus.

For this things they did so call vaccine but in favor it was only what we found chemical accelerator in plan what had made in Third Reich named EUgenica.

The plan was created in form to be presented like something in public interests, where would be use everything what a governments and private businessman in contract with them, to take every possible instrument what they have in the power to push strongly and so call fairly protection from the virus.

In fist moment they had believed how they spread it in Russian world and BRICS states. So call virus, in nature created like weapon in war  for natural goods in this countries.

But after, first China and that Russia start to prepare so call vaccine against virus spread, it had been great shock to the ordinary builders of the so call virus. All plan start to going in the dept. More and more substance stay at the factory in Gent, and Netherlands south east region, near border with Germany. And everything started to grown fast. Virus come to US from EU. 

In only several years EU stay out of economical power, and they try to take money from so call China invest plan. Some trillion Euro was planed to be pushed in EU over China retake of companies and other places and create them to be able make export in China. More than seventy five percent was credits, and only twenty five percent stay to be direct invest in companies at EU soil.

EU made this deal when in  the Oval was former President and after "election of new" they try to change side. 

All time we are waited to find what they prepared to do. And we find how they have same system like it existed in the past. They try to used democracy to stolen money from, now in Belarus.

This operation is in action, now less effective and more pain for them than they planed.

On other side China did everything to make some moves against it, in deep secrecy.

Without big emotion, and words, they did. And in moment when EU, and Washington start to believe how they have the way to break main enemy, this enemy had played checkmate.

China rulers find how their enemy try to stolen lots of money from them in cryptocurrency. In coordinate action with several other ally they make in only half day blockade more than three hundred billion dollars. More they block in next days.

In this operation, several "important" countries stay out of possibility to have a sequel in so call pandemic.

What would be changed after this, we have info, and we know how in cooperation with all, coming so call weathers wars in which floods and hits have place to make more damage. 

In this wars even so call ally attack ally, and no one is secure that would stay untouched.

Of course, the crisis existed at the other sides but differences stay in the expectation, who is much more at the first side than in BRICS side.

EUgenica now is at the home, and after all we registered what was happen in several high treated countries. 

In this case, all stories what coming from the media, specially some media, is the way to make false flag in situation where is not possible to have guaranties from the States that they have reserve to make stagnation. Even we have open signals how inflation has big rise.                       


Wednesday 23 June 2021

Nervous and rush in the communication all over the World, after Geneva

 Hi,everybody! Today we had to say, how we registered to much rush and so nervous politicians. So many big economical boss try to have contact with some in a government. Too much phone calls and too much email, translate the message- what is in the road?

If we had it, and when too much statesman said how they have plan to make "obligatory vaccination", than you we have info how situation is in the stock market. The world stock market is in the deeply red, and no one big company have place where they can take new money. Same things is in the budget of several states, and not poor, but several so rich, not so long time before. well fair states.

Australia is extreme example, what have history in the 1994. when the Commonwealth of Australia, first time had so hard crisis. And years after that, was most "hungry" years in the history. Than, in 2000 came so call messiah, from Beijing with lots of money invested in the basic industry. And China started to took ownership over most Australian industry, specially in the miner industry.

All things had been well to time when China had call to the market that they have some right, and that they have rights to take more control in Australia market, after stay to be clear how local government had not money to pay some dept to them, for more infrastructure projects.

When local federal government find that they have not money, and that China went to took security instruments to protect self investment in Australia, they start to play political game. For several years they changed many officials, some of them at the top position in the government. 

But, it has not so big deal to the China, which had right to take stake, because they had valid papers for it.

To stop this Australia started to play hard game with US, and take "strong message" to China leaders, in end they started with war games to what they said, " prevent China introduction at Australian domestic policy".

In acts, what had in the same time at the different way, with strategic ally they try to take some support to "defend democracy and economic freedom".

They expected that US would had plan to did it and what is more interest, money to subside China's wort in the local economy.

Now, they are in the red, without money, and with only by promise that it would be, "very soon", and that several past years. Now they have not liquid money, economy stay at basis of short time loans and what they had to sell in to other, if they want to pay it. 

EU, had plan to take same system from Australia, but what they try to made different. What we explained before. 

In both way, they try to stolen money from China, and both of them have bankrupt economy.

But this situation has more influence at the main economic players at the both side of globe. Most of them have close support from the state found and now they haven't it. 

Australia tried to change money shortage with "false" USD, what they have not possibility to change for something. In addition they have climate change, what cause big shortage in agriculture production. And lifestyle of local population, too. 

In Europe they try to change clime to have some influence at the "front" against east. No meter if it mean lost for poorest country in EU. In the population life and wealth. The hypocrisy what they present in local media when they call to safe the planet clime came with same game to make more control over population by several new "instruments". One of them is the pandemic law system. Everything to hide real things from the public opinion. 

To take gains against China,and "help" Australia,  some US officials took contacts with Nazi in South America, and make finance and support in so call pandemic Covid. Some big economic icon, too. 

What was happen we had saw, and now we have more info who,how, why, and when take stake in this criminal act, against UN Chart.

And what we have to say in summary, in Geneva, some guys did not have possibility to kill the Russian President. The US Military Junta, find how it is not so smart idea, and now they try-what?

If they try to solve problem in the house they must know how they have not time to do it. Money is lost and situation with social instability growing. In so call Administration have three group, who are different in many things. What we had to saw in Geneva.

Specially after, when all of them find how Geneva was warning to both side, how they are not main players at the Planet. and what would be if some of them going to make such "mistake".

We saw that US delegation have laud discussion, after they saw what they have not right to do.

Russian side find what they must do, but not so laud. They came to home in silence. and now they are in post to expect to other side stop foolish acts. And what is nice to see, they do home work. 

In some group at the west side of planet we found more moral and political idiots, who have not right to stay at post where they are now. It mean to much senators. But not only them.

In reality, what have to do, US Military Junta had explained, and Geneva came like corner stone of new political and economic system in the World.

First they find that USD is no more world money, and how they have lots money out of control and economic cover.

Words after Geneva against China, isn't so smart, after stay clear where is actually situation at stock market. In talks at the Lake. 

Third, that they must have control over so call ally to stop them in the reaction, what have be prohibited  at the Lake. 

Fourth, take care to take all actions within limits of UN system. Out of so call economical sanctions, or pirate acts at the internet. 

Fifth, for us Navalny is not free speech prisoner, but Nazi founder in Russia. Even in Russia exist much better fighters for free speech and other things, but they are not interest for the west, because they are independent or try to be it. You have Assange, and what you have to say for it. We did not have heard answer. Have you right to say something to others about free speech after it. About others, is not so necessary. Take action to make them free. And do not use UN system to impose invalid idea at other.

This system created to protect the World from Nazi horror. And some in the west support Nazi in Ukraine and Latin America. And East EU,too.  





Friday 28 May 2021

Geneva can be used like it was assassination in Sarajevo 1914( accidental plane crash of president)

 After to much mistakes and wrong messages in the nearest history, we are ready to say how we are seriously concern to next meeting between two President in Geneva 16. June 2021. is classical evidence how one side have intention to make some gains at the political arena by killing of one or both Presidents in some what they want to present like accidental crash of presidential plane in place where they have exercise several years ago, when plane from Germany, full at the board make crash in the mountain and not clear even today why and how. The recent plane existed in Paris, and they believe how it will be nice gift to expansionist in Brussels. 

For this reason we make appeal to US Military Junta to make initiative for change the place for meeting two President, from Geneva to Tripoli Lebanon. 

The change of place make great signal how two big countries have same view at situation in the small country, and how they support new reform in there. 

Maybe Lebanon looking like not so much secure, but presence both military in the region, give to both side comfortable position to make more in the negotiation.  

It would present that US did not scare to be in the neighborhood with Iran, and how they have not nothing against to Russian presence in the Middle East region, specially in both - Syria and Lebanon, what can make more security to State of Israel.

Place lake Tripoli have Airport and military base of Lebanon Army, what can make summit to much secure than it can be in Swiss. 

If we looking on the transport for high guest, it would be more easy and more transparent than it can be in situation when summit stay in Geneva. 

After all, we are very concern that plane, specially of Russian President, can be treat with some "mistake". But how we told before, nothing going to be secure. More leader in the Europe have not so good look at the summit.

On summit must be create new map of Europe and new reset to way onto UN Chart, where no place to be intercepted into domestic affairs and where no more have place for a sanctions to be place for economic war against economic and political concurrent.

But this is only few.from dozen points what have to be implement in the agreement of two, where must be presented place for the others, in first way China.         

Tuesday 11 May 2021

China have EU in the hand, and main shot against them

 The new ruler of the Europe is Beijing, like it had been thousand years ago when market connections gave fortune for many who had connection in it, at the Silk Road. 

Today Beijing have EU in the fist and only one move is ready to make the Union of elite club states, in club of depend little states who are in need to try international, read China investment, to break revolution, and eruption of all colored extremism, at the local streets.

EU believe how they are in position and how they are so strong to make condition for others. But situation with rescue plan disclose what is reality. Reality where at the streets live every fourth person in EU.

If you look at it so close, than you have to see how economy presented in the Plan, and what it mean for real recover of main part in EU?! Money what they planed to use after deal with Beijing now slashed at the third, and what is real, prosperity and growth or stagnation and keep the stand position.

The position where the rich country in EU have more and try to have more, and where poor and not wealth countries have less, and less. And where they exist in the Union only like market for the rich member states industrial and specially agriculture goods,too.

But now, pandemic situation make clear how it is not possible to exist in crisis, and what it mean for spread of illness. 

In the specific model, we have to register that same policy find like magic bag and how it would not be change for long time.

And after all, the powerful countries stay in the Plan, that south and less success countries must be some buffer zone for revolution movements at the home. They had plan to send more people at the vacation in this countries, where they have to be washed from wrong idea, and where tourism make some gains at local economy. For it , EU need splendid summer,  without to much rain. Where  would be hot and sunny days, to make both, tourist and local investors in tourist industry, satisfied.

This model in next seven years must give 25% more money for reconciliation plan. No meter if it mean break in a local ago-industry. And if it mean change in the clime. They are ready, and now it is in the place, to change weather, with all methods. After it they going to say how for it, guilty stay at other side, or sides.

Beijing must known that it mean change not only in Europe, but the clime coming to be change in Africa.Where shortage of water created open road for Sahara desert, and starvation to millions people.

What would have implication at China growth and specially in grow of trade with "Black Continent". EU have plan to use it against Beijing, and new changes present to implication nation like China's crime. We saw how now is, and how weather changed only after in Chad opened mine with heavy  metals. Or what was happen in several other places in Africa.

Beijing now have not so hard exam, and if they have to stop to have Ukraine situation, they only must take actions at the Atlantic Ocean, and start to defend the Planet from crease bureaucrats in Brussels, and governments in main part of Europe.

China have technology and possibilities to take action and spent only several million Yuan to put EU at the place. Not need to have sanctions, or such war, but only open action over media, and in atmosphere to new 2021 summer stay in the classical border of weather. South, Mediterranean must have more raining days than average, less sunny days, and pretty cold weather in most part of  the summer tourist season. 

At north of Europe, we heave see cold and wet weather, with temperatures above not highest than 20 degrees Celsius. 

This conditions make EU policy nervous, too much nervous, and streets nice to be presented at the world media, specially after they going to come ask money and help of you. Do it, because it is necessary to India stop disaster at home, and to stop tensions at the east border of EU.                   

Monday 26 April 2021

India - detonator on the western economy, and eastern restraint

The Word is in war. Who knows which in turn?! But war, where several groups try to make gains in the conflict, and where they try to defend self interest against others.
Persons, or groups who was planed the war did not planed everything, or they planed so bad. 
Now we have to see how problem for planers coming from the place where they hadn't expect to they  have a problems, but to be reserve in main time to going to be use at the front after escalation coming into pick.
In the plans they believed, how they did everything to push back these enemies, and make them vulnerable to be smashed in one big proxy war. 
In this war main position was reserved to India, and Prime Minister Modi. Leader who had dream to make India Great. 
For this dream he did everything to open the gates to persons with money and influence to "invest" into India, and "bring there modern and new technology", to reduce famine,and to reduce differences between separate part of Indian society. In this formula they have not place to Indian Army, who are strongly stay at position of distance from the both side, but to be not so similar what it have to see at the east.
This stance into Army stay very problematic, and "investors" tried from the new friend to made changes into Army corps and take at the high ranking position persons who are with same view by Prime Minister Modi. Persons who are with "Napoleon syndrome", believe what they coming at the command the Army start to be great and give bigger influence to India in the World. For it, they need more arms and weapons, who started to came from the several main country at West. 
In several years India started to make difference from the Soviet and Russia made arms to the western hardware. No regardless how it will be cost.
After that started first so call battle against dangerous neighbors. But all time Prime Minister have miss information for "investors".
He told every time at all places how India going to be great, and how India has technology which should give them new place at the world table.       
Money was not problem, but problems came from the field not so far from the pandemic start.
After all started to be clear how India is platform to produce and storage the world disaster. 
And when Prime Minister who take a money for effort and who had a dream, started to believe how finish of an glory is very soon, in India started revolution.
Peasants came at the streets and roads to demonstrate and demand new policy, after much of them find how crops what they use have dangerous influence and how them fields change into desert,too. How they have not money to pay debts, to buy cloths and food to family. And how most of them have some strange diseases, what they had not before.
The water coming to be shortest and polluted. 
After first actions, the government made so hard measure to suppressed it, but it had different answer at the public opinion. 
In industry at 2020 started disaster when grow fail and export started to be lowest each month. But problem for Prime Minister Modi, did not came from that. The problem started into small business, where lowest income from agriculture, have pumped instability at the street, and changed social and economic situation from the best to worst for only several month.
Pollution who was invested in India several years ago now made country uncertainly.
Clime in population stay different, specially after find how the "investors" did not gave India sources to protected population from great pandemic. And how they have only way out, after all take money from policy which going to promote "industrial agriculture with modern technology". What have strongly disaster measure against local population. 
When all was find and clear, the Prime Minister try to change place, but not so quickly. The revolution in the country was supported from the high structure, and he find how even "investors" try to take a bill for all. And what is happen? Somebody find how India have several hundred thousand tons of substance ready to be use against somebody somewhere when plan coming to be ready to finishing it.
At other side "investors" find how it can be dangers if info coming to the interest enemy side, and what can be if local find it. Peace revolution after that, very soon coming to be global and not so nice for them.
Now we have to see what happen in India, and we known that it no so accidentally. But this situation opened info who, when, why and how produced, storage, and spread substance of the pandemic in the world.        
What India place in it, and what is real intention at economic and politic questions at the Planet have all what was happen there in several years before.
Result of all would be massive blow in the world economy, and very soon biggest unrest in several western country, where EU, like the block stay at the brink to be dismantle. Even if the block try to open gates to these revolted population at the southern beaches, it should not have any positive  effect for local political and other elite.
At war, every side use the bombs, but now India is detonator of global bomb, who would change face of the all.

Sunday 4 April 2021

In Ukraine and East Syria we find same medicines from 2008 war

 In additional and current situation with viruses and deeply divide into US Army and Navy, we are not understand  what is possible that Russia don't take action in both side, Ukraine and Syria!? 

Specially after USAF withdraw  equipment from the Harkov and after pushed strongly Ukraine Army with contractors from several countries, mainly from UK to made attacks against predominately in near border regions between Ukraine and Russian Federation. In contra-actions in Crimea peninsula, Russian forces simulated actions against coordinated attackers formed from two groups, Ukraine servicemen and US Marine Corps. 

After that, so call military exercise in Kersons area was canceled and now situation going to be pregnant at the sea. With large scale of action at the east and southeast front line.

What we have to see, in real cause what stay behind all. It is situation with young Biden and his mother. Who was involved in several acts with criminal pretext.  

The main rulers in Washington DC have different view at the positions whose have US West Pacific Commander and persons around them, include the Man in High Castle.

Main point in actions at the east Europe, came from the several army post who are deeply involve into Democrat party structure, and who are deeply embraced with "Wuhan Case", where they take act to hide and gave support in criminal acts against US national interests, and where Man's in High Castle have deep role.

Is possible that US Military Junta do not control all post in the US Forces, and how is possible that some of this "rebels" have close coordination with former Georgian President accused in the country for criminal reason. Even they know what they must signed after US capitulation in 2008 war between Georgia and Russian Federation with UN mandate?

Now is clear that same persons have fingers in new escalation at Ukraine east, and how most of them have close relation with local neo-Nazi movement. And how they try to take revenge for shame from 2008.

In Syria the son of Man in High Castle, try to make money with US arms and doing what did youngest  Erdogan, to make the money in stolen oil from the Syrian's east.

Why Russia with China did not make harsh answer and make brutal fiery light against all of this acts, and make in several days gains in central and east Ukraine, and in Syria remove US pirates from the national territory?!

In this moment no one from the so call Alliance have not wish to play dance with Bear and Dragon, and even US Military Junta. 

Only what they can to do, to going to make new sanctions against them, but without oil and agricultural land with high number of ill in population, they coming to be in same position like it had been 2008.


Thursday 25 March 2021

US Dollar cannot be global curecy

 Now we are secure how crisis what cause the so call pandemia, coming from the same position and these same people whose had plan to "restore"  humanity. It mean that they planed to use the Empire and there force to take full control over the Planet. 

But problem wasn't came so long after they in the Georgia created the Beast. The current problem coming to be global problem what have grave implication at the most part of the Earth when  fifth persons who was involved in it, looked at the situation in the States, and where they have loosed power and where nation came in revolution move against political two party system with high corruption from the Senate to the Chamber to Deputies to local state governments, with huge injustice,specially in the law and law force system.

All of this problem created in former administrations whose try to solve it,with "export of democracy" and with sell of "US dept" all around world, supported by the USA Army and Navy Force. What Army was main part in taxes who paid US citizens not only in the States, but what is unusually, all around the World. 

It mean how all world made USA and gave them power to made whole planet like self backyard. Where no place to them who want to be independent and who want to have self identity out of what it have in main the "Fifth member gang group", and persons who have contact with them.

We have no intention to say that it is American elite, because the elite is dived between two-three groups. Two of them are so call "globalist", who have plan to have rule in the World economy and policy, but on two different way. First group want to make gains in the domination over world, to kicking other players from the scene. They have only live new neocolonialism and restore of the supremacy. It they did in several acts what they said how history has not what was, but what they see that it must did. In this, they was very clear and not feel bad to restore some ideology with philosophy whose came with it, hand by hand. Like Eugenic and Nazi movement. 

Second group came in the same position like first group, but they have intention to make new aggression against other in combination with neo-liberalism with idea how they must crush so call pollute technology and how they have mission to safe the Planet from the some who are evil and who are using the pollute energy coming to make Earth, place without condition for life. Mostly in acts against religions and cultural diversity at the Planet. Where they transfer so call equality in sex and race, but not in the worth and life conditions.

In back of it stay same intention like it have first group of "Globalist" to have full control over others. After they separated the owners of these energy and mineral wealth, they have coming to make same business but now without mediator in it. 

Like they did in several countries where they planed and made so call color revolution, in force combined between official army regiment from High Castle, private contractors and local groups payed from them to import democracy. What really not Democracy but plutocracy where only few people from domestic population ruled in-favor to main ruler from abroad.

Both group are interested to have full control of the world market, and both of them try to have military power in these hands. And clear situation in USA,too.Where no place to them who want something new, like it want to have third group who have see "USA First". Some what had been actual at beginning of 20th century, known like isolation and from 2016.

In confrontation with first and second group they try to have better situation at home, they made combination with second group plan. Mainly differences between them exist and mirroring in use of army forces globally. When "Globalist" have plans for US Army and Navy, the third group have plane to Army stay only defender of USA. Where no need to have huge number of military bases,and ally, too.

The first group have modulation to present self like good guys who have "intention" to give, and to deliver things to create place for normal economic and social life. But we have to see in India, with Prime Minister Modi, it is illusion. The illusion in what the group member try to give new technology which made more disaster, injustice, hungry and riots.  They import in India some governing whose not classical Indian governing, but something out of tradition, and local democratic way of main. With GMO in agriculture systems to vaccination with no proof. Where the so call good guys use local politicians and big face to have local population for these experiments.

All groups used and try to use USD like whip and key in control over all.

USD today was not what it was after WWII, or decades before. Today it is only paper without any real wealth. How is possibly that something stay global currency after US decide to going to making recover plan with new print banknotes?Who are in plan to buy and use it, and how is possibly that after all in the States do not exist inflation? But what is with costs of all? Who would pay this activity and who coming to be main creditor?

All of this questions try to be in shadow, because they have plane first to take pandemic against global enemies, and than after they fail to gain in it, now they try to import so call democracy in them, after they expect to take local worth and filed by that they start to produce better situation in the mainland.

What they not expect is our protection of peace and global prosperity,and hard answer from their enemies.

The warm war is not possible. USA have not power to attack even Mauritius, and NATO is the worst condition.

Economic situation in the European Union coming in the deep red, and there is clear how pandemic use to close popular upraising. 

Both of them, but not only use it to control media, make fake news against others, and pumping insecurity in society, like a shadow for "Five member gang group".

And them plan to stolen more money from the global and local wealth-wort.

To stop all of this, we see that USD must be remove from position what it has from the WWII peace treatment. Impossible has plan to others pay one third from 9 trillion USD only to this sum be print.

Isn't correct to 20th square kilometres of Amazons forest of Siberian forest going to be cut down for some fall idea and The States!

The US Military Junta must start to take new course,mainly returned out from the World stuff. Or they have no more than the current summer civil war.           

Tuesday 9 March 2021

Select memory and false expect or how the propaganda make tragicomedy

Many in the world expect something. Many of them stay at a way how some so call Western Alliance have capability to support Ukraine in war against East Company, and how it may be make in several weeks no more than two months. They looking at the places from west China, to south in Myanmar. In these many analysis they try to detect date of USA attack at Iran, in company with ME ally group lead by Saudi Araby, and now denominated in AUE, which bought several "doses" of specific arms, and which arms transported Israel Company in two convoy from the port of Djibouti, to main port of AUE. 

This transport wasn't stay close in eyes to IRCG, who had info from the inel-cooperation, and who close monitored at the all. 

The situation in the Israel with COVID disaster pushed the local government in the some not so clear move, to speak with enemies about so call ceasefire. The main trouble in the elite of IDF where main part of hardware had contaminated and now is in reconciliation. 

In second position stay Saudi Araby where local regime came in the custody, after find that local army forces even they have heavy support from the USAF, did and do nothing normal in the war. But for the USA Military Junta too pain stay moment when in Yemen they lost commander of squadron and several units of plains.

In other front, the front in Iraq, so call success in bombing against Shiia group, who have relevant connections with Iran, how it said State Department, and local US Command, after two days was hardly washed and they found how it was clear disaster. Only two F16 and half dozen of AUV came in action, and from action in the half number. But most shame came few days ago, when came "classified" report from the US commando in Iraq, where they "lost" to said something about people at the field in the action.

In same time into region of  Black Sea, action and contra actions, going at the post, and in several day we have situation, where in the close sea, some boats missed, some planes, too. Where in the operatives group at the ground did many actions, and all of it looks like preparation to war.

A war who did no body have plan to start, even if arms came at both sides and incursion special groups operated in full scale.

The main trouble for the both side stay motivation, and number of mercenaries prepared to die.

East Company now have several actions in the several part of the Planet, and they have not capacity to move in the battle to much armed personnel.

If the Western Alliance going to made trouble in the battlefield, than they can expect something, named The Grill.

Everything of this facts, are coming into shadow whose made some media, (specially after found how into the High Castle stay the old traumatized men, who have huge health problem, whose reason stay in tragic family history and loose.The men who is into close care of the wife. And where second in this have some psychological problem cussed with family relations. Some lies and tragic grow in atmosphere of racial and social conflict, where the parents did  not have power to made some questions about who they are, and what did they hide.) try to push to much lies in the public. They do false flags and make false documentation about some people who are stay opposite of them ideology.

The East Company find other media problem, where they have represent how some part of the elite have difficulties to understand reality in the modern society. And how is way to grow and defend itself only path where have place for all, not only for them. It is so nice to see, how Comrade Xi learn about it.  


Friday 12 February 2021

The War between West and others is at full scale, and winner isn't who start the first

We are happy now, the Woman in European Commission came and said how she had to say something, but she said nothing relevant what we known. The bribery from the high position in so call chemical industry and her connection by the Nazi in the South America and Africa laboratories she try to made out of the public opinion!
She did not say how she took several million in the papers and money to push up connection with some part of vaccine industry, and how she arranged with them what, where,when and how be exposed in the area. 
Now we have information that is not project of mad one, or several them, but from the high presented in the Berlin: Where Bundeswerh generals try to have real confrontation against millennium enemy from the east. We have close watch over them end some structures over Atlantic way, who are involved in mass disaster named COVID19. 
These air bases and military fields in several part of Germany,started to had warehouses for substance, now second waive substance, green in different shades, but with same structure. It they have it  in process when they put in the bombers B1 and spread it over most part of Europe and Asia, in the intention and hope that the Planet weather paths going to make more against what they see like their enemies. But this enemies have same, and in some things much better technology, and the Bundess generals has the worst problem. Substance to fourth circle of the bio-chemical war, named COVID19, start to be non stable, and leaking in the local air. 
Action to move it to close part of NATO member which have border with them enemy was suspend after start "Siberian winter" in the west Europe, and after some things in Germany going onto new rails.
Even than, the some part of Europe try to finish the action named so poetry "East's Dawn".
Operation had been started in Omsk, and after all now stay in the position that several hardware stay in position-ready, to going to make action against these enemies, and going to spreading substance near borders and including "meteorological stimulation"
Against it the East Company did contra measure, and take action what make situation in most part of Europe so difficult. Much part of the continent stay hard bunch with new normal temperatures what it cause to much consumption in the energy.
And what we said before, it are making  situation with biological war, to much difficult for the some guys in the High Castle and Down House.
But East Company did something more, they attacked laboratories all over places where the lady from the EC took the bribery. All of them was destroyed and more than several doses of so call serum and more than dozens criminals in the white clothes stay out of life. 
The War is in fool scale, and only the step stay between this and thermonuclear hating of all of us.
East Company going to put more pressure against old enemies, and these measure should be so painful. What it wear, is not so clear. 
In other way, the actions what prefer to make the man from High Caste isn't new and it have only way to look away from them, and interm policy. Where are totalitarianism marching in support of music what coming from the internet net, and big players in that industry.
At end , the war is, the war where some ideology masked with new methods coming to finishing what did start long time ago same people who are now coming to make revenge  for these several lost wars. 
They have becoming  income into High Command in 1947, they are now at same places. But the world isn't same place, and they known it from 1947, when they had first contact with us.

Thursday 28 January 2021

Russian riots and US motivation

 In this moment, at the Planet exist to much notorious lies, which coming in the last time from the High Castle, where now we have some persons whose have only role to be marionettes in the hand of the High Command of US Army Forces. How we can detect it? Simply when you take in compare the two different side in the USA. On first side stay Army and Navy which have clear knowledge what they have and what is them military capability. At the other side we have political and part of commercial elite which want to be first in the Word. But they are out of contact with the reality and they are to much scare from these local streets. In this constellation they believe how only expansion against others have effect of unity in the US. and only way to stop riots in these streets.

They need now one small and quick war, but they so nervous about what is in the front of this plan. What is possible to expect from these main players in the World? Do both of them coming with heavy weapons against them, or everything be silence? 

For this reason they made training to so call prominent opposition figure in Russian Federation, some Navalny. They give him more than 30 million Russian Ruble and some what they made in the studios in middle German Federate Republic, where they try to created Hollywood blockbuster about so call Putin luxury. 

This story have not only Navalny, but several oust circle around Putin, whose have interest to come in the position to take Russian money for self promotion, and who are not interest to Russia prosperity. In operation was gave bribe in full amount over 30 million USD to several commands of National Guard, Police, OMON, even in the some part of Health ministry structure. The money came inside over several rounds, most of them from the so call NGO groups, to all operation stay out of visibility from these watchers. 

For this reason, reaction on Russian cities squares and streets, was so soft and not coordinated by the main place. And money have incursion in the some offices what gave some courage to went out in the action. So interest was that most serious actions have towns where live better payed and much richer population.

This support our claim before in the text, and make serious question, what was wrong in the governing in Russian Federation? 

We have answer on it, and it is short- Putin have wrong domestic economic and social policy in half part. He must take revenge against US political elite on way to make more invests into domestic infrastructure, specially to Rail and highways at the north and northeast, especially at the far east where it have to much input into personal standard of common Russians. But for clear and normal life is necessary to start immediately, gasification  and internet connection over all territory. In towns and villages he must push immediately invest into ambulances, normal asphalt street, schools buses no more 3 years old. On big rivers must be involve fast boat services. All of it to inflation in the country going down in not more than year.

What he must to do with circles it is only his will and only his interest to take more places in the battle against the elite in the High Castle.

Without money and sources from Russian Federation or China, the elite have not possible to stay in place without open use of Army in American streets. 

We know how it is impossible,and how was with action in Minsk. Where they try to remove so call dictator Lukashenko. But they want to pick up or stolen some 381 million Euro Belarus worth.

US generals and admirals who known what is reality in the system and what they have not to do, try to push everything in the place of spy games, and proxi war. They are not so happy what from they try to take the elite, more forces into east Europe, near Iranian border, and in South East Asia. 

Reason isn't in the money, but in the structure of the forces. No more people from the US Force tank in the middle America, and south east Asia. have wishes to take place in the rank. And no more enthusiast in USA to take place in army, specially after shocking killing of the veterans in the fear action in Capitol. But not only for it. 

People in the Navy coming to make some worth or to escape the bancrupcy, and they are not motivate to give a life or to fight against imagination of the some who are not them leaders.

 Other things is in the place that plague make disaster at the main fleet and army posts. Yes, only who are fit to make some action stay in the USAF, but not all, and not everywhere. There problems coming in the hardware, where more info coming how avionics isn't in excellent condition. 

Biden and Harris is in sandwich between elite expectation, and military order to solve USA. Do they have capability to make it? We are not sure, because they stolen votes and now they do everything to stolen the peace from all of us.   

Thursday 7 January 2021

USA export of democracy is way to solve domestic civil war

Today world is nice place, where exist two part of states and people. One has colonial status against USA, and other whose are not.

Now we have to see how so call democracy in the USA gone with wind, and how so call elected President Biden look like the doll in the hands of so call friends who are invested in him lots amount, and now expect to have joystick with they have right to take control over Biden in next four years.

On the other hand they are to much angry against Mr. Trump, because he did not lead some so call justification war against example Iran. Or more lunatic, against Russian Federation. In a same ship stay several media group around world but mostly in the USA. Where situation in the newsroom is disaster. What democracy have with media who have one side wive, and who are openly attacked at the other side of population which have not same opinion.

At all, we have all to told in our stories before, and now only we can say that some people in the States are in the mass hysteria after they saw what should be if they have made a plan against Mr. Trump. They stay disclose and naked after all, and now is totally known that they have no potential to make new justified war against some other at the Planet, without domestic riots and civil war.  

Today they have clear picture how so call democracy haven't money in the pocket to make even some reforms and that plan to use vaccination to remove old and illness from the treasure have not power to be realized successfully.

The potential of them candidates to posts, have not be clear even to them. If they have Biden only for few months and Harris after that, to call US colonies at war against someone, in name of democracy, after all is so clear how only few stay at this side, and others try to escape at secure distance.

New world is not place where three former US president can live free, after they made to much war crimes against international law. But what with Barack Obama? He on example was nominated and gave him the Nobel Price, to stop them in planed war action in the first time of Barack mandate.

For this reason he now still is stay in custody of same people who was invested in him.

In contrary Mr. Trump cannot be control at the same way and for this reason so call democratic stones in the Senate stay to say what sponsors try to have. Nothing there have with theory of democracy.

Democracy cannot be found at dead voters, scrambling vote machine and judge who have not personal integrity. But on the side, you can have not free election and free speech if you did not control the key part of state. Which from the beginning try to make overthrow against you.

In final, at the place did happen nothing, and only what we have registered was, USA have war expansion and lamentation over democracy in the world in the political and doctrinaire dictionary to solve the active civil war which constantly exist in USA. 

Even Harris start some prepares to going to liberate Venezuela or Iran, she must know how she has a gun at the head with bullet in a tube. And how sponsors do any to stop her elimination if she start to made defeat. Yes. they have plan to take some states or to stolen money to others, but after all they have not money, and after all people whose ready to follow them.