Thursday 4 November 2021

The join criminal enterprise EU Commission and EU state's governments by COVID

 Nothing have be real how it can be real fail policy of frau Ursula and theirs elves in the 2021, where they support some demands from south and southwest part of EU to open border for how it proclaimed for new normal tourism and reconciliation of the countries which take part in BDP, large part of income from the tourism like industry of mostly massive travel.

Even each better expert demand how it not so smart to approve this initiatives and how it would have catastrophically result in the near autumn and winter, in personal decision from frau Ursula, which was operated from 30. Jun 2021.. borders in the Union, was opened and EU center for disease tracking was found order what is necessary to made more better information of COVID 19 than it was real. 

Now, EU came in the very grim autumn, where all over EU countries have grow of infections, out of it have they so call jab or they hadn't.

In most countries, like it have Greece and Croatia, now explode the number of infected people, but in some differences. 

Croatian government, and the Prime minister did everything what from them demand to did for the new-normal situation in EU, frau Ursula and friend of him Jan Michel. After all, Croats had 7,5 million visitors in the four mounts. The prime minister took microphone and with glorification at voice, proclaimed how they had a "normal" tourist season. Where they expect more money for reconciliation, after stay clear how money from abroad never ever going to be import, specially from the Ursula's group.

Now, the result of all in the several touristic destination at the Mediterranean sea, have start growing numbers of infected people, and in the info we have clear how so call new-normal tourism did not had effects what predict in these politicians heads. 

Most of countries, from Portugal to Greece had drop of BDP and large dip in the national budgets.

On opposite, these countries from where tourist came, have same scale in grow of infection. Even, more in "regular vaccinated" than in non "vaccinated". 

Now is clear how EU and frau Ursula made imagination and how this has big impact at all. 

But,in  these countries like it is  Croatia, the disease start to grove in middle of September, and now explode, in prediction to be more than 10000 illness people at day.

In small country this is crime, crime against humanity, and for it some most take a sentence. First the Prime Minister, and second all ministers in the government with so call commissions for civil defend regulations. 

Because, they had part of join criminal enterprise, with several people in these economic sphere and EU top levels.

The frau was openly declared how she work with whom, and how she like President of EU Commission do everything to promote interests of groups linked with his parents friends.

For results of growing infection in most part of EU and Scandinavia, we have solution to try take questions in regular criminal court investigation.

Out of it, how the decision of open border in least summer had so bad influences against clime and nature. How for same reason, some guys from NATO sell clime change machine to EU Commission's boss.

These criminal activity, use of the arms, civilian aviation, murdered activist all over EU, and some part of world, massive acts against European main human right document, implement of documents who had clear history in the Nazi era. 


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