Friday 19 November 2021

Thanks to Austrian, German government to improve how they are in bancrupcy

 We now "support" by several EU governments, and specially EU Commission whose approve our later and specially list notice, where we told what is in the back of the so call green Covid pass and QR.

Thank to the Austrian Canceler after he fled from the country to neighbor Germany. This is happen when they try to so call prevent information from the Federal Ministry of Finance, where stay how Bundes Republic Ostenrerich has't liquidity to create new budget for next year. This info said how thy have not in position to pay even pension. And how is no possible to take more money from ECB, because they had no money for print new amount of banknotes in several monts.

No more later, the Mutti said to new Canceler how she has full empty federal treasury, and how only in this moment they had more than 30 billion Euros in dept, what they could not pay. They had so big problem in federal government stipulation and support to industry, heavy industry like automotive, and what they are try to clean, heavy duty industry.

Information had part what are toking about social security pressure or broke of top level points of social security system. 

There is clear stay, how FRG have no more position in the public finance system to pay a millions migrants. In industry situation with workforce and jobs have not positive gains, and now the industry is not in favor to support something radical. 

But, in reason who stay in public insecurity, public money waste and growing inflation, they must have plane to prevent main revolts. 

In this case they have to use some like look a virus.

The both country like a part of one machine now have no power to push up EU. Even worst. they have no money to pay more natural gas from Russian Jamal, and this was reason to stop certification for "North Stream 2". Industry is at machine to life support and now in the fear from revolution.

Nederland has much highest problem. There problem stay in main part of industry.Of shore. Main partners started to leave onto windows to make safe investments in the country.

After all, they are support us, and now is finished with lies about so call Pandemic. These money is gone, and public founds are empty, and more officers in all EU are at corruptions list.

Now, we are only expect to start the new war, so quickly.    

Others partners only wait what would happen there, and now they are ready to broke Nuremberg Protocols. 

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