Saturday 30 October 2021

When lies of climate try to make proof how the virus is not man made product

When you have nothing to say but only about climate change, then you have massive problem. But there is only one problem, This problem have name  a grid and only way who you have try to make good for self stay in things how was pandemic and so call virus, but in tribute, reality was different and we had describe in early start of everything, year ago.

Now, the plan have not same way, nothing goes like it some try to have. Less than 40 % of humans have some shot in the arm, and most of them have habitat at North-Northwest. 

It mean how you have situation that so many a wealth and rich people had some, what had planed to be used in population demolition, and eugenic.

When we had the open info, how some try to remove Xi from the post, and take action to have full control over special reserve material in China, everything going to be done to same persons pay more than several billion against persons which they had believed that was reason for them's fails. 

Now, after find how process in the industry stay so bad, and that so call green industry not exist in the rich part of planet,same persons try to say something about clime and process in the so call climate changes. But even now with same words and positions what they had in the Wuhan laboratory treason.

They lie how human activity have main impact against climate, and how change in industry and energy policy is necessary to stop it. 

Reality is different, and true is on the opposite side. 

Clime had been changed in 12300 years ago. It is process which start every 14500 years and exactly have same time in start, and same date in the finish. 

This changes in the past had big intent at the human activity at time 12500 years ago. In this time, some in the autumn had been started so massive disaster. where had been used nuclear weapon, biological and chemical material to prevent reaction at enemy side.

Several decades before, in the world had existed some disease what make people so strange to other people, and did everything to grow animosity into a human relations.

War had been impose in believe of some groups, most of them mixed in social and mental construction and position, how other side did not had plan to taken aggressive counter measure. And how they have after they had saw like preventive mass military aggression was success, a place at the oval table to make new order in which they have full control over the Planet, or if it had not success to prevent other side to take similar acts against them.

Nothing from this had been happen and the war take more than they have in the nightmare.

Forty years, the war escalated, and in the end, some other take action to prevent full blast of the Planet.

In the west sides, what we known like America, stay less than hundred million people. In Europe, no more than two or third hundred million, and at the east then time more. 

In this situation, from the less impact continents,some take action and start to move people to places what stay without population. Some of this was scribe in the Holly books. Other thins even now is close for a most  eyes.

After all we take act and make new order, in which no one human have autonomy to make an action in the Planet's things. We did it even in late 1950th of 20th century. 

Nothing have be worst than personal grid, and believe how they can be a Gods or what we can be.

Now, they try to remove us from the place, and after they goes to take actions against treaty where stay who and what have power at Earth, we going to say these all lies what they saw, say or do,they.

The so call climate change is nothing than regular circle in Earth history, where the Planet, change some values.

It mean that for these grid persons, they took in last decade so many time the machine for weather creation. They take action in million kilometres of wood all over at the Planet, specially in Amazon, and in some part of Eu.

No so well use of planes in what we have see like crime against the Planet, in the tourism, what stay first part of full public control in planed disease with so call virus, but in main, bioethics warfare. 

Other things stay in massive use of these pesticides and other chemicals at the agriculture. Use more and more bionics in farm, where production growing but quality of meat stay poor and poorest. 

We try to say what is necessarily to rebuild better way in food production, but illness people try to make more money, and absolutely they have only way in contact with us, in aggression.

OK if they mean how they are invisible for our eyes.

This planet had started next round of these changes, and nothing what they preach to must be done is only the big lie. 

Earth going to stay in new orbit, and in new eclipse against Sun. The magnetic pols are in rush, what have condition at the more quakes and more changes in the Arctic and Antarctica.

Some things are in change in Sahara, Siberia, Australia, North America.

All of it has nothing with plans how is necessary take more green industries. Nothing what we said, that electric car is not green technology, and how wind turbine isn't bird friendly.

Two things what what we saw in cooperation between Nazi and so call liberal capitalist is lies.

These lies made to create new/old order what we had prevent in 1945.



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