Thursday 22 July 2021

Cryptocurrency was last haven to save western capitalism

Economy was enormous play garden to the rich countries and instrument which always used to promote so call some values. Predominantly from one part of world to other. 

In this system stay dominantly effect where low industrialized countries stay in position to be the fuel of rich country national BDP, and social well state system. The power was mounted at way where some guys in the first country have connection with second country, over education or a bribery. 

In both situation, each time where they stay cooperative to the second state, they have "power" and be in charge at a place in  an first country establishment.

If he or she start to try make some asks or they do some things to be more independent, or try to change an partner, than they start to call at the media at home and at same places in second country with different words in presenters, or what we had to registered in Port-au-Prince, he can be killed in special action, without "authorization".  

All these things was possible to one moment. When everything come to changed in only few words.

Economy now is in deepest crisis of society, moral and capitalism.

The former colonial and dominate states now stay in ruins and make some terrible screen snap with they had created to have reconquest  with the Hymera  named COVID Sars 2 after four to six years intensive action at stealing these genomes from 152 country at the Planet, and after they had made union agreement with Latin America Nazi community and their scientists in Peru, Chile, Argentina.

The part of the plan,existed in chapter where stay how they did everything to make help to states and nation heavy kicked with so call  virus.

For this things they did so call vaccine but in favor it was only what we found chemical accelerator in plan what had made in Third Reich named EUgenica.

The plan was created in form to be presented like something in public interests, where would be use everything what a governments and private businessman in contract with them, to take every possible instrument what they have in the power to push strongly and so call fairly protection from the virus.

In fist moment they had believed how they spread it in Russian world and BRICS states. So call virus, in nature created like weapon in war  for natural goods in this countries.

But after, first China and that Russia start to prepare so call vaccine against virus spread, it had been great shock to the ordinary builders of the so call virus. All plan start to going in the dept. More and more substance stay at the factory in Gent, and Netherlands south east region, near border with Germany. And everything started to grown fast. Virus come to US from EU. 

In only several years EU stay out of economical power, and they try to take money from so call China invest plan. Some trillion Euro was planed to be pushed in EU over China retake of companies and other places and create them to be able make export in China. More than seventy five percent was credits, and only twenty five percent stay to be direct invest in companies at EU soil.

EU made this deal when in  the Oval was former President and after "election of new" they try to change side. 

All time we are waited to find what they prepared to do. And we find how they have same system like it existed in the past. They try to used democracy to stolen money from, now in Belarus.

This operation is in action, now less effective and more pain for them than they planed.

On other side China did everything to make some moves against it, in deep secrecy.

Without big emotion, and words, they did. And in moment when EU, and Washington start to believe how they have the way to break main enemy, this enemy had played checkmate.

China rulers find how their enemy try to stolen lots of money from them in cryptocurrency. In coordinate action with several other ally they make in only half day blockade more than three hundred billion dollars. More they block in next days.

In this operation, several "important" countries stay out of possibility to have a sequel in so call pandemic.

What would be changed after this, we have info, and we know how in cooperation with all, coming so call weathers wars in which floods and hits have place to make more damage. 

In this wars even so call ally attack ally, and no one is secure that would stay untouched.

Of course, the crisis existed at the other sides but differences stay in the expectation, who is much more at the first side than in BRICS side.

EUgenica now is at the home, and after all we registered what was happen in several high treated countries. 

In this case, all stories what coming from the media, specially some media, is the way to make false flag in situation where is not possible to have guaranties from the States that they have reserve to make stagnation. Even we have open signals how inflation has big rise.                       


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