Wednesday 23 June 2021

Nervous and rush in the communication all over the World, after Geneva

 Hi,everybody! Today we had to say, how we registered to much rush and so nervous politicians. So many big economical boss try to have contact with some in a government. Too much phone calls and too much email, translate the message- what is in the road?

If we had it, and when too much statesman said how they have plan to make "obligatory vaccination", than you we have info how situation is in the stock market. The world stock market is in the deeply red, and no one big company have place where they can take new money. Same things is in the budget of several states, and not poor, but several so rich, not so long time before. well fair states.

Australia is extreme example, what have history in the 1994. when the Commonwealth of Australia, first time had so hard crisis. And years after that, was most "hungry" years in the history. Than, in 2000 came so call messiah, from Beijing with lots of money invested in the basic industry. And China started to took ownership over most Australian industry, specially in the miner industry.

All things had been well to time when China had call to the market that they have some right, and that they have rights to take more control in Australia market, after stay to be clear how local government had not money to pay some dept to them, for more infrastructure projects.

When local federal government find that they have not money, and that China went to took security instruments to protect self investment in Australia, they start to play political game. For several years they changed many officials, some of them at the top position in the government. 

But, it has not so big deal to the China, which had right to take stake, because they had valid papers for it.

To stop this Australia started to play hard game with US, and take "strong message" to China leaders, in end they started with war games to what they said, " prevent China introduction at Australian domestic policy".

In acts, what had in the same time at the different way, with strategic ally they try to take some support to "defend democracy and economic freedom".

They expected that US would had plan to did it and what is more interest, money to subside China's wort in the local economy.

Now, they are in the red, without money, and with only by promise that it would be, "very soon", and that several past years. Now they have not liquid money, economy stay at basis of short time loans and what they had to sell in to other, if they want to pay it. 

EU, had plan to take same system from Australia, but what they try to made different. What we explained before. 

In both way, they try to stolen money from China, and both of them have bankrupt economy.

But this situation has more influence at the main economic players at the both side of globe. Most of them have close support from the state found and now they haven't it. 

Australia tried to change money shortage with "false" USD, what they have not possibility to change for something. In addition they have climate change, what cause big shortage in agriculture production. And lifestyle of local population, too. 

In Europe they try to change clime to have some influence at the "front" against east. No meter if it mean lost for poorest country in EU. In the population life and wealth. The hypocrisy what they present in local media when they call to safe the planet clime came with same game to make more control over population by several new "instruments". One of them is the pandemic law system. Everything to hide real things from the public opinion. 

To take gains against China,and "help" Australia,  some US officials took contacts with Nazi in South America, and make finance and support in so call pandemic Covid. Some big economic icon, too. 

What was happen we had saw, and now we have more info who,how, why, and when take stake in this criminal act, against UN Chart.

And what we have to say in summary, in Geneva, some guys did not have possibility to kill the Russian President. The US Military Junta, find how it is not so smart idea, and now they try-what?

If they try to solve problem in the house they must know how they have not time to do it. Money is lost and situation with social instability growing. In so call Administration have three group, who are different in many things. What we had to saw in Geneva.

Specially after, when all of them find how Geneva was warning to both side, how they are not main players at the Planet. and what would be if some of them going to make such "mistake".

We saw that US delegation have laud discussion, after they saw what they have not right to do.

Russian side find what they must do, but not so laud. They came to home in silence. and now they are in post to expect to other side stop foolish acts. And what is nice to see, they do home work. 

In some group at the west side of planet we found more moral and political idiots, who have not right to stay at post where they are now. It mean to much senators. But not only them.

In reality, what have to do, US Military Junta had explained, and Geneva came like corner stone of new political and economic system in the World.

First they find that USD is no more world money, and how they have lots money out of control and economic cover.

Words after Geneva against China, isn't so smart, after stay clear where is actually situation at stock market. In talks at the Lake. 

Third, that they must have control over so call ally to stop them in the reaction, what have be prohibited  at the Lake. 

Fourth, take care to take all actions within limits of UN system. Out of so call economical sanctions, or pirate acts at the internet. 

Fifth, for us Navalny is not free speech prisoner, but Nazi founder in Russia. Even in Russia exist much better fighters for free speech and other things, but they are not interest for the west, because they are independent or try to be it. You have Assange, and what you have to say for it. We did not have heard answer. Have you right to say something to others about free speech after it. About others, is not so necessary. Take action to make them free. And do not use UN system to impose invalid idea at other.

This system created to protect the World from Nazi horror. And some in the west support Nazi in Ukraine and Latin America. And East EU,too.  





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