Friday 28 May 2021

Geneva can be used like it was assassination in Sarajevo 1914( accidental plane crash of president)

 After to much mistakes and wrong messages in the nearest history, we are ready to say how we are seriously concern to next meeting between two President in Geneva 16. June 2021. is classical evidence how one side have intention to make some gains at the political arena by killing of one or both Presidents in some what they want to present like accidental crash of presidential plane in place where they have exercise several years ago, when plane from Germany, full at the board make crash in the mountain and not clear even today why and how. The recent plane existed in Paris, and they believe how it will be nice gift to expansionist in Brussels. 

For this reason we make appeal to US Military Junta to make initiative for change the place for meeting two President, from Geneva to Tripoli Lebanon. 

The change of place make great signal how two big countries have same view at situation in the small country, and how they support new reform in there. 

Maybe Lebanon looking like not so much secure, but presence both military in the region, give to both side comfortable position to make more in the negotiation.  

It would present that US did not scare to be in the neighborhood with Iran, and how they have not nothing against to Russian presence in the Middle East region, specially in both - Syria and Lebanon, what can make more security to State of Israel.

Place lake Tripoli have Airport and military base of Lebanon Army, what can make summit to much secure than it can be in Swiss. 

If we looking on the transport for high guest, it would be more easy and more transparent than it can be in situation when summit stay in Geneva. 

After all, we are very concern that plane, specially of Russian President, can be treat with some "mistake". But how we told before, nothing going to be secure. More leader in the Europe have not so good look at the summit.

On summit must be create new map of Europe and new reset to way onto UN Chart, where no place to be intercepted into domestic affairs and where no more have place for a sanctions to be place for economic war against economic and political concurrent.

But this is only few.from dozen points what have to be implement in the agreement of two, where must be presented place for the others, in first way China.         

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