Monday 26 April 2021

India - detonator on the western economy, and eastern restraint

The Word is in war. Who knows which in turn?! But war, where several groups try to make gains in the conflict, and where they try to defend self interest against others.
Persons, or groups who was planed the war did not planed everything, or they planed so bad. 
Now we have to see how problem for planers coming from the place where they hadn't expect to they  have a problems, but to be reserve in main time to going to be use at the front after escalation coming into pick.
In the plans they believed, how they did everything to push back these enemies, and make them vulnerable to be smashed in one big proxy war. 
In this war main position was reserved to India, and Prime Minister Modi. Leader who had dream to make India Great. 
For this dream he did everything to open the gates to persons with money and influence to "invest" into India, and "bring there modern and new technology", to reduce famine,and to reduce differences between separate part of Indian society. In this formula they have not place to Indian Army, who are strongly stay at position of distance from the both side, but to be not so similar what it have to see at the east.
This stance into Army stay very problematic, and "investors" tried from the new friend to made changes into Army corps and take at the high ranking position persons who are with same view by Prime Minister Modi. Persons who are with "Napoleon syndrome", believe what they coming at the command the Army start to be great and give bigger influence to India in the World. For it, they need more arms and weapons, who started to came from the several main country at West. 
In several years India started to make difference from the Soviet and Russia made arms to the western hardware. No regardless how it will be cost.
After that started first so call battle against dangerous neighbors. But all time Prime Minister have miss information for "investors".
He told every time at all places how India going to be great, and how India has technology which should give them new place at the world table.       
Money was not problem, but problems came from the field not so far from the pandemic start.
After all started to be clear how India is platform to produce and storage the world disaster. 
And when Prime Minister who take a money for effort and who had a dream, started to believe how finish of an glory is very soon, in India started revolution.
Peasants came at the streets and roads to demonstrate and demand new policy, after much of them find how crops what they use have dangerous influence and how them fields change into desert,too. How they have not money to pay debts, to buy cloths and food to family. And how most of them have some strange diseases, what they had not before.
The water coming to be shortest and polluted. 
After first actions, the government made so hard measure to suppressed it, but it had different answer at the public opinion. 
In industry at 2020 started disaster when grow fail and export started to be lowest each month. But problem for Prime Minister Modi, did not came from that. The problem started into small business, where lowest income from agriculture, have pumped instability at the street, and changed social and economic situation from the best to worst for only several month.
Pollution who was invested in India several years ago now made country uncertainly.
Clime in population stay different, specially after find how the "investors" did not gave India sources to protected population from great pandemic. And how they have only way out, after all take money from policy which going to promote "industrial agriculture with modern technology". What have strongly disaster measure against local population. 
When all was find and clear, the Prime Minister try to change place, but not so quickly. The revolution in the country was supported from the high structure, and he find how even "investors" try to take a bill for all. And what is happen? Somebody find how India have several hundred thousand tons of substance ready to be use against somebody somewhere when plan coming to be ready to finishing it.
At other side "investors" find how it can be dangers if info coming to the interest enemy side, and what can be if local find it. Peace revolution after that, very soon coming to be global and not so nice for them.
Now we have to see what happen in India, and we known that it no so accidentally. But this situation opened info who, when, why and how produced, storage, and spread substance of the pandemic in the world.        
What India place in it, and what is real intention at economic and politic questions at the Planet have all what was happen there in several years before.
Result of all would be massive blow in the world economy, and very soon biggest unrest in several western country, where EU, like the block stay at the brink to be dismantle. Even if the block try to open gates to these revolted population at the southern beaches, it should not have any positive  effect for local political and other elite.
At war, every side use the bombs, but now India is detonator of global bomb, who would change face of the all.

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