Saturday 11 September 2021

Taliban usurpers and Pakistan supporters in occupation of Afghanistan

 It is nice to see how the World in common action have slap the public door in the face of Taliban occupier of Afghanistan.

The festival of unity and dignity is coming in the right time to present so call Kurhan students what have mean knowledge that they have not possibility to make fake signature and obligation.

They now have knowledge what mean when they took some obligations and than after all with support of some guys in Pakistan Military Secret Services start to broke this, and verbal promises in negotiation.

We have all information which part of Pakistan Army had involved in the situation after Taliban take control over Kabul. All names of high command, and general staff. We have knowledge how some so call businessman took part in pressure against Mr Prime Minister. About privatization of the military worth and what they have in so call supply actions to the some regions at Afghanistan.

Now, we have info how much special soldiers lost life in battle in Panjshir and in several other Provinces in the central Afghanistan. The so call humanitarian aid fly, have place to pick up fail in battle Pakistan soldiers, and made mask for whole civilizations what crime did some from the Pakistani officials and non official persons.

Taliban movement signed some acts before they start so call offensive month ago. This act named like act of national unity, with list of all agreements, and national programs to reconciliation.

It they signed at the Holly Book, and they said some approves how they don't make aggression against Afghan will. But what we have now is blasphemy and act against Holly Kur'an and Prophet Muhamad.

This people now step out of the all laws, and everybody have right, to remove them if they don't take action and make regret for actions what they support at the Afghanistan streets. 

Nobody in the Word have right to give them support, help, even humanitarian help, economic treaty, money and protection. Because, then they come to be criminal supporters and much worst them Talibans.

In Panjshir Talib haven't success and they have huge lost in the everything. They have no support from the rest of regular army, and with actions against tomb of Masud Shah they present what they know about Allah will.

Each person who are involved in criminal actions against press and against women has been registered and prosecute in nearly future. Each commander of Taliban forces would be removed and even family of them if they tool part in the blasphemy.  Or in crimes against Afghan.

No one of the former officers have right to take part in the so call new government to time when would be formed Government of National Unity and Shura of Afghan People.

If now present person in the so call government want to be abolish from the crime prosecution they must leave post immediately!

In  the opposite situation they have place in black side of Holly Book, and they going to be pass on the dark side. 

In addition, Taliban movement have three part. And they have big differences in teach and preach. They have not only battle in an speech, but even at the streets with arms. This is main reason why they "formed" "government" how they present it. But what was clear, they all have approximate 30 thousand militiaman and not much than three million supporters. 

More than 35 per cent of militiaman came from the neighbor Pakistan from two-three states. One of them is Baluchistan what is main part of them in Taliban militia.

China and neighbor countries must do hard ring over this, and they must don't have even humanitarian aid to usurpers in Kabul.

If they coming to have part in mass crime, what we presented in the text, and if they start to produce drug, the neighbor country have full right to act against them at sophistic way.                          

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