Sunday 19 December 2021

The Balkan rhapsody in the western poverty

 In front of new war, more and more useless persons from most "power" western countries come to make some mess into Balkan states, specially in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially after local population decided to stay out from hysteria named so call pandemic. 

In front of this decision some of them stay seriously "ill", after find how pandemic into local field have not so much disaster measure like it they have. And how they are living in some case, more or less normal. 

Into this positions at the place, from London to Washington stay opinion how they need so quickly import new civil war, and inter ethnic violations. All of name to "prevent inter-mediation from Russia and China", but not only them.

Main point in all of this so call mediators is in position what they try to have before the global war start.

With neutral and in a peace dressed  Bosnia and Herzegovina, and neutral Serbia, they had more problem and an headaches. Even they are equipping by most EU and non EU countries like allies, they are in position that in this case other side have more advantage and than they have possibilities to make big victory in the war. 

But if  NATO or two dominate country from the west start to make some gains and what we have to say make black water in the two neutral country, the war would start immediately.

It was said in talks between two big in week ago. Where the american ego say how it is not correct. How is not obligation from the Moscow to protect Bosnia and Herzegovina, and how this entity had decisions to make full partnership and membership by NATO and EU. 

Other side said how it was not possible, because Bosnia and Herzegovina was and is in UN mandate.And how in this reason wasn't legally say it. For full membership Bosnia and Herzegovina need to take approval from SC UN, where two main member have right onto veto. 

And how in mark 7 of UN Chart stay clear what would happen if some make action against a decisions of the Council. 

After all the western side start to make some actions at the field and recruited several persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina to make disturb situation. Where they have possibility to change legacy.

Other side don't seat at peace and do everything to prevent new operation.

Clear is how no USA, nor UK have power to create such more than few crisis, and how at the other side existed credibility to create hard reply. In the both side find how they have same situation what had been into 1914.

We have only to say how the war is at the moment from today, and how is no possibility that the westerns come with war into Balkan state. Even they have quislings at these governments in Croatia, Slovenia, and North Macedonia.

The first is in economical gap, and have divide at the part over "pandemic methods" in governing.

Slovenia is totally out, and have not power to make any possible act to take part into NATO acts.

Macedonia, was and is in situation where they live at the bring of sword between western "support" and eastern love. 

Unstable ally was more problem than Bosnia and Herzegovina with Serbia. They now why!           

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