Tuesday 7 December 2021

War is not possible to prevent, it is at the path

 Today two of many have talks in some reason. The main reason stay in the weather map and time what they lost list two years in war against so call virus. But in reality more known like military poison what was effectually find and started with produce in several decades ago. 

This has several variants, and three of them is most popular. One of them now come in variant "MRNA vaccine MODERNA", what UK Johnson like to use against political opponents and Grandma. 

The poison have same system to work like Russian Novichok, and have similar symptoms. 

So call vaccine MODERNA   used in poison act against two Russian citizens in UK, two years ago. And against two British agent who want to poise it in the public opinion. 

In the story named Pandemic, all things was in close knowledge what would be happen if they stay in economical regime what they had currently. 

But even with the virus all things goes from wrong to worst, and now have only way to be cleaned, how we before explained in the war. 

Even, the war exist in the planetary economical and political system from 2014, and at real life caused most problem for many.

Today so call conference try to push back the war, even is clear how both sides have different views at reality. 

In US we early list year detected how at the high power point stay Military Junta, and that Biden is only marionette in these hands. With Harris at post near Biden, some had believe how is possible that new administration do something in the nearest future. Even was clear, that US election process stay contaminated and deeply  condemned in the World.

After two years of "administration" two part of US elite try to make gains and push self rule at the political scene in the local and global. But, how is clear, without real success. 

In this case, where no more exist economy independence and monetary stability, and where the movements in the US openly present this dualism, "administration" try to solve self position in the arena. But how?

US in this time have not naff money to restore even objective basic system needed, and shortages in food and energy with high polluted areas in the central east, and south est, cause that inflation ride in high speed. 

Only 60 percent of food supply is reason that "administration" have no maneuver space to make the war at any place at the Planet.

They have arrangement with so call investors, how they use vaccine to make biggest control into US to make what they want to present like "recovery plan".

Most of this guys had economical arrangement with previous Administrations, who had used them to promote some new product, from Web to Bitcoin.

You have to make conclusion what is behind that, and how much money exist in this relations, after clear that "administration" haven't money to print more USD, and now try to make what they see electronic money. Bit was part of these plans, but how successful, you have right to now. 

Shortages have even Pentagon, where more and more people try to leave posts, before they take what they claim- a shot. Many hardware now stay empty in same reason, and so call relocation of US forces at the new post at list two years long activity, know exactly present it. 

In our predict about future acts, we found how only seven nuke going to cause US capitulation and delusion at the small parts. 

In EU we explain before everything, and now only what we saw is approval our words in many cases at many member states. 

If you try to explain what happen in Franc, like global explain point, only you need to find what they did in half year, and you see how they start now to sell military potential, after economy ride in the bancrupcy. And of course they have Vichy 2 in social-political sphere. 

The same is with others. The worst statement came from Warsaw where they find how in this winter they have not sufficient supply in many, and how they have real energy problem to move troops even over military basis doors. 

In our prediction we found how mach would be take resistance against East Commonwealth. In best way Poland would be bitten for no more than four day, Baltic states even quickly, several hours, like Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria. Paris would fall in seven days, and London in two months. 

North going to be conquer not more than week. Depend from state to state. Even Iceland is full control of the Commonwealth now, and NATO arrangements in former basis still have a picture of depress man. This basis is formally into siege two months ago. 

Eastern Commonwealth was consolidated and now they have more than several million personnel at these post all over the World. They effectively control most frequent points and post what looks like valves of global economy.

The nervous in the Commonwealth came in reason that they have more provocation and economical distortion from other side, what cause insecurity at the local political and economical scene in the member's elites.

And make them problem to restore money on the other points out from the Army supply.

Angry people in the case try to take action and use some measure to prevent the government to take them a uniforms. 

What can be very danger for future planed actions.                          

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