Tuesday 9 March 2021

Select memory and false expect or how the propaganda make tragicomedy

Many in the world expect something. Many of them stay at a way how some so call Western Alliance have capability to support Ukraine in war against East Company, and how it may be make in several weeks no more than two months. They looking at the places from west China, to south in Myanmar. In these many analysis they try to detect date of USA attack at Iran, in company with ME ally group lead by Saudi Araby, and now denominated in AUE, which bought several "doses" of specific arms, and which arms transported Israel Company in two convoy from the port of Djibouti, to main port of AUE. 

This transport wasn't stay close in eyes to IRCG, who had info from the inel-cooperation, and who close monitored at the all. 

The situation in the Israel with COVID disaster pushed the local government in the some not so clear move, to speak with enemies about so call ceasefire. The main trouble in the elite of IDF where main part of hardware had contaminated and now is in reconciliation. 

In second position stay Saudi Araby where local regime came in the custody, after find that local army forces even they have heavy support from the USAF, did and do nothing normal in the war. But for the USA Military Junta too pain stay moment when in Yemen they lost commander of squadron and several units of plains.

In other front, the front in Iraq, so call success in bombing against Shiia group, who have relevant connections with Iran, how it said State Department, and local US Command, after two days was hardly washed and they found how it was clear disaster. Only two F16 and half dozen of AUV came in action, and from action in the half number. But most shame came few days ago, when came "classified" report from the US commando in Iraq, where they "lost" to said something about people at the field in the action.

In same time into region of  Black Sea, action and contra actions, going at the post, and in several day we have situation, where in the close sea, some boats missed, some planes, too. Where in the operatives group at the ground did many actions, and all of it looks like preparation to war.

A war who did no body have plan to start, even if arms came at both sides and incursion special groups operated in full scale.

The main trouble for the both side stay motivation, and number of mercenaries prepared to die.

East Company now have several actions in the several part of the Planet, and they have not capacity to move in the battle to much armed personnel.

If the Western Alliance going to made trouble in the battlefield, than they can expect something, named The Grill.

Everything of this facts, are coming into shadow whose made some media, (specially after found how into the High Castle stay the old traumatized men, who have huge health problem, whose reason stay in tragic family history and loose.The men who is into close care of the wife. And where second in this have some psychological problem cussed with family relations. Some lies and tragic grow in atmosphere of racial and social conflict, where the parents did  not have power to made some questions about who they are, and what did they hide.) try to push to much lies in the public. They do false flags and make false documentation about some people who are stay opposite of them ideology.

The East Company find other media problem, where they have represent how some part of the elite have difficulties to understand reality in the modern society. And how is way to grow and defend itself only path where have place for all, not only for them. It is so nice to see, how Comrade Xi learn about it.  


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