Thursday 25 March 2021

US Dollar cannot be global curecy

 Now we are secure how crisis what cause the so call pandemia, coming from the same position and these same people whose had plan to "restore"  humanity. It mean that they planed to use the Empire and there force to take full control over the Planet. 

But problem wasn't came so long after they in the Georgia created the Beast. The current problem coming to be global problem what have grave implication at the most part of the Earth when  fifth persons who was involved in it, looked at the situation in the States, and where they have loosed power and where nation came in revolution move against political two party system with high corruption from the Senate to the Chamber to Deputies to local state governments, with huge injustice,specially in the law and law force system.

All of this problem created in former administrations whose try to solve it,with "export of democracy" and with sell of "US dept" all around world, supported by the USA Army and Navy Force. What Army was main part in taxes who paid US citizens not only in the States, but what is unusually, all around the World. 

It mean how all world made USA and gave them power to made whole planet like self backyard. Where no place to them who want to be independent and who want to have self identity out of what it have in main the "Fifth member gang group", and persons who have contact with them.

We have no intention to say that it is American elite, because the elite is dived between two-three groups. Two of them are so call "globalist", who have plan to have rule in the World economy and policy, but on two different way. First group want to make gains in the domination over world, to kicking other players from the scene. They have only live new neocolonialism and restore of the supremacy. It they did in several acts what they said how history has not what was, but what they see that it must did. In this, they was very clear and not feel bad to restore some ideology with philosophy whose came with it, hand by hand. Like Eugenic and Nazi movement. 

Second group came in the same position like first group, but they have intention to make new aggression against other in combination with neo-liberalism with idea how they must crush so call pollute technology and how they have mission to safe the Planet from the some who are evil and who are using the pollute energy coming to make Earth, place without condition for life. Mostly in acts against religions and cultural diversity at the Planet. Where they transfer so call equality in sex and race, but not in the worth and life conditions.

In back of it stay same intention like it have first group of "Globalist" to have full control over others. After they separated the owners of these energy and mineral wealth, they have coming to make same business but now without mediator in it. 

Like they did in several countries where they planed and made so call color revolution, in force combined between official army regiment from High Castle, private contractors and local groups payed from them to import democracy. What really not Democracy but plutocracy where only few people from domestic population ruled in-favor to main ruler from abroad.

Both group are interested to have full control of the world market, and both of them try to have military power in these hands. And clear situation in USA,too.Where no place to them who want something new, like it want to have third group who have see "USA First". Some what had been actual at beginning of 20th century, known like isolation and from 2016.

In confrontation with first and second group they try to have better situation at home, they made combination with second group plan. Mainly differences between them exist and mirroring in use of army forces globally. When "Globalist" have plans for US Army and Navy, the third group have plane to Army stay only defender of USA. Where no need to have huge number of military bases,and ally, too.

The first group have modulation to present self like good guys who have "intention" to give, and to deliver things to create place for normal economic and social life. But we have to see in India, with Prime Minister Modi, it is illusion. The illusion in what the group member try to give new technology which made more disaster, injustice, hungry and riots.  They import in India some governing whose not classical Indian governing, but something out of tradition, and local democratic way of main. With GMO in agriculture systems to vaccination with no proof. Where the so call good guys use local politicians and big face to have local population for these experiments.

All groups used and try to use USD like whip and key in control over all.

USD today was not what it was after WWII, or decades before. Today it is only paper without any real wealth. How is possibly that something stay global currency after US decide to going to making recover plan with new print banknotes?Who are in plan to buy and use it, and how is possibly that after all in the States do not exist inflation? But what is with costs of all? Who would pay this activity and who coming to be main creditor?

All of this questions try to be in shadow, because they have plane first to take pandemic against global enemies, and than after they fail to gain in it, now they try to import so call democracy in them, after they expect to take local worth and filed by that they start to produce better situation in the mainland.

What they not expect is our protection of peace and global prosperity,and hard answer from their enemies.

The warm war is not possible. USA have not power to attack even Mauritius, and NATO is the worst condition.

Economic situation in the European Union coming in the deep red, and there is clear how pandemic use to close popular upraising. 

Both of them, but not only use it to control media, make fake news against others, and pumping insecurity in society, like a shadow for "Five member gang group".

And them plan to stolen more money from the global and local wealth-wort.

To stop all of this, we see that USD must be remove from position what it has from the WWII peace treatment. Impossible has plan to others pay one third from 9 trillion USD only to this sum be print.

Isn't correct to 20th square kilometres of Amazons forest of Siberian forest going to be cut down for some fall idea and The States!

The US Military Junta must start to take new course,mainly returned out from the World stuff. Or they have no more than the current summer civil war.           

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