Saturday 27 December 2014

Sanctions make the economic situation worst, not only the East

If you want to start new era in some place, than you going to make a pressure against it.
If you believe how they have right to defend self prom this acts, them you take actions against it.
But, what is happen when measure and countermeasure step more worst than it first predict?
Have they right to say we are in wrong? Or they must stay at the same path?
If we objectively look at situation in the European states in period of two years, than we see how situation with mos tensions at the continent, coming to be shadow for economical problems, whose grow in presents of real differences between local states which  have separates plan for grow and economical prosperity.
Yes, Germany is the motor of EU, but motor who need a fuel, whose come from the east, but what is now?
Other countries like Scandinavian states have the broken pact where some of them try to others coming to be NATO members, and some others have to come with help for them social problems.
But, in this situation something was and is in the mess. No Swedes,nor Finland's population want to be involved in something what they not feel like self problem.
The other have the fear,but this fear come not from only one side, But it has mutual fear,what have in basic, economical depends of oil industry, which is in basic power of Europe.
The sanctions against Russia, with war in the East, some of them coming with believe how it would be only one way direct kick.
Now, the economy is in the collapse. The German diesel have more and more problem to work properly, and with south of the Union, make that economic prognosis stay onto brink of sword of deflation.
In other part of war zone, in Russia, economy stay where they was in the beginning of it. The Russian economy is on the way to be reestablish on the new path. Where domestic industry must have more involve at the market. It have only chance if something going to be wrong with foreign supply. What now is situation.
Ukraine is bankrupt state, with more and more inflationary US dollars at the local market.
But in full opinion of the situation at the economy, the oil price whose start to plumb after US and SA negotiation, we have to see how price above hundred US dollars stay high only because this price, after the broke in 2008, and bank crisis at the States, stay be high to protect to a capitalistic economy do not go into the end. And to some of the companies over this price collect the money whose they cannot expect from a public funds.
Now, with miscalculation in the House, and with situation in Europe, where the crisis form 2008 never be gone, and with Russia whose try to gone over west economical shadow at the self market, the price of oil and several fronts on the different part of the Word. The stock stray in inflation, a investors in fear, and states in bankrupt, even this whose in most time of this several decades believe that they synonym for new way.
Canada, Scandinavia, Germany,Japan, and many more now stay to resolve self problems, what mean that for common they have not a time.
US, the oil states from the Gulf, have no chance to do something more to only export crisis.
Inflation in states whose depend from the oil industry, have not same way. In Norway it mean inflation with social control, where the local fond melting ease than ever before, what is clear in social connectivity between north and south of these county.
But in Sweden of other north Baltic states, about Poland and Belarus situation don't make word, social relation going to worst, and this broken situation NATO still try to fix.
Why? Why some coming to waste the sources to fix something what going to be modern fascism, control over all part of communication and the a information. With inter social dismiss in the States.
In this moment situation coming to be worst, but for whom it depend from the right information.                

Sunday 26 October 2014

The elections without voters in Ukraina

If some want to say how the voting process into Ukraine is legal and democratic, than they have real need for medical treatment in a psychiatry.

What we have to say is that the people at the field haven't right for free present at the poll.
The most people have real treat that they have be beat, and that they have right to say yes only for policy what rule with Ukraine against the real democratic procedure,from the violence in last winter.

From coup in the early 2014., over acts against a political opponents in the summer and with the war against citizens at east and south of the country, so call government of it and President try to make what they promised to some persons at the Copenhagen's agreement in April 2014.

It is so sad that in this activity a fingers have EU offices and Parliament.
Is really democratic when the boss of EU represents and watch dogs coming with lack info about real participation in the election of local population?!
Or they, mean EU going to make results on the way what we had to saw in some totalitarian regimes, to after the voting come with a fix results at the polls out of the poling boxes.
After all, have the Union right to say that it has be the democratic process in Ukraine when more than quarter of the local population stay out of the ballots in the reason case?! And after more than several hundred thousand citizens of Ukraine leave the country in refugees.

In end, elections in all at Ukraine polls have no legitimates and nor legality. It has made violence against international law, and of course against human right, in try to some come into control over several industries at EU market.
It has the new blasphemy onto democracy from EU parliament and commission.   

Sunday 19 October 2014

The fall plane in Ukraine, a blocking true and these active lies

What must to be happen that some interest groups to stop in agresion against the truth?
Is possible that some have info about something, in this time about plane shot down in Ukraine several moths ago?
Or we have to say that some questions has not come at the table, even it have had called in the nearest past.
After it isn't clear how some have courage to say everything about the plane crush, even the commissions who was created to make the goals about crush stay out of conclusions, and even now we have nothing about it.

But, in the opposite of that we have to see how the some places in Europe, try to make some interest at the field, after going to be clear how they stay over IS and Ebola.
After stay at clear how some of them have interest to with plane incident make a platform for the open war at the East.

What has happen in the actions of the US Seals who come into battle against Iranian Revolution Guard in time when they have conflict against IS in the north part of Iraq?

Turkey, the ally of US stay out of the conflict in Syria and Iraq,because they have strong pushes from the north.
Russia, whose in the aggressive struggle against open acts against self interest, called the south neighborhood to stay away of the front line, or they can expect the actions in favor to State contract between Soviets and Ataturk in 1924.
After all, the new actions in the so call investigation over plane crush in the East, stay on the path that in the nearest winter, EU economy expect sow and fall. That the fight with oil price, have nothing with war against Russia, but with situation at the several crucial EU member states, where crisis block an life.
About it we have to say something in the several days.     

Thursday 25 September 2014

Bombing to promote ally's presents at the field

No ideas, nor real predictions, neither a real actions in the real World.

The actions in the ME against so call IS was made to promoted a power in the arms whose step in the more information production of a success than it has real potential at the field.
The Ally in the war against self dolls whose had been created to dismantled government of Syrian Leader Bashar Al Assad who stay at the path of oil "independence" of some part of the West nations, mostly this whose have much power at the some organisation whose created in the past to promote something different what we have to see at the plan in which created and in several years before from today made and incorporate the so called leaders of the democratic World.

But in the actions whose we had to saw at Iraq and Syria we haven't see that they have a permission to take have action in the independent states?!
Is possible to make have an war actions against somebody if country whose have this aggressors at the territory fight them with an state troops?
Have in the international law a positive order that it has possible?

No, nor in the UN Charters, where is ordered that only government of a country have right to call in a help or to give a permission for an action against  aggressive traitor at a self territory.

Because that actions whose impose the so call Ally has only an illegal motive to over actions against these terrorist group take control over all part of an country.
After all, in this actions stay asks which have to who pay the damages  whose it make have so call liberators?

Is possible that Syria ask over UN to US and Ally to pay a price for everything what they did in the several years, from the time when they created and start to trained ISIS forces to time when they created the action against them, in all time still promote the idea how is no possible to talk with Syrian government?

If we had information from the 1999. and attacks against Yugoslavia, and where had any success in bombing the troops at the ground, even NATO had supported at the ground by the local Albanian rebel forces, to situation in Libya where action against Libyan army made any support to rebel forces, but where only action in the corrupt high officers of the local army made gains at the front. We have right to tell how is action against IS this days from the air have not to much success, not because they have sophisticate antiaircraft, but because the fears in the pilots and politicians that the loss in the air, going to make path for disaster.  

If planes and ships fired bombs and rockets at the positions whose marked from the technicians at the field, it has not so correct to say that it has naff for success, because the arms lunched so far from the target and on the positions whose IS mostly abandon nearest the actions to start.
After this stupidity, the Ally and some NATO member states for not to much long period going to start talks and demands from others to resumes a more support in all.

Monday 22 September 2014

Islamic State is EU, and others whose drop at the hole

Have you some interest to see a truth in a policy?
Have you care how live an people near you? Or have you care to be involve at the battle against someone, like it has IS?

No?! Or Yes?!

But in the both way you have not power to changes something at the better, or to make some decision in a political elite to do what you have to see is correct.

Nothing had been different many time in the history, when your predecessors pushed in an battles against mostly whose you have not known that even exist. Nothing has been changed after this battles when the same lieder calling at the victory, but then nothing told about a price of it.

Now, when they created ISIL or IS, you are again called to going to join in a battle for secure and better world, but nobody in the World, from the political elite have told nothing that they have good connections with same whose you most to help to kick in as somewhere at the ME.

The politicians have good, just to say hundred millions of dollars payment in dirt money, to move the actions against somebody, but to do nothing to change the situation in the main so call ally like it has Saudi Araby, and Qatar or UAE. The main sponsors of terrorist at the Planet.

The US president take no measure to going at the battlefield by self army, because they have no control over them, and he and him advisers have total scare what have to be after IS start to produce in the dozens number full metal jackets, on a board to the home.

No body take the true, how the sophistical  arms come in the posses of IS and what they have in the back of the front line.

IS is the child of same politicians which now have to push public at war path, like they have do mask over total crisis in the domestic areas.

War whose the West created for it, and after that lost for self stupidity, isn't same what it had been against Saddam  in Iraq. Now, they have war against population whose so desperate, and brutal even to self life, in believe how they now have possibilities to conquer the north, and decadent politicians whose want to make a history with them.

All of it known the main intelligence at the Planet, and they have info how the opp in the field mostly stay in the way to make a fog for main targets.
EU and others lost the wars in the history, they lost wars after they wined at them, and in most places these opp make have to stop post colonial way in the Word. Something about that we was seen in Scotland.
In targeting to close the markets for others, mostly former colonies they do everything, even that they produces more crisis than it have been ever in the past. 

Monday 15 September 2014

Scotland must be independent

When they dismantled several federation at Europe, boomerang of secession come to knock at the door.
The same door whose impose  the destruction, bloodshed and wars in several federation in Europe.
UK give more and more falls statements in the past at Scotland, than have no time to say more than - Scotland must be free, independent and without London "support" state. Where have to be more liberty and democracy than it now exist in UK.

When we had gave the advertisement about Kosovo independence in 2008, and how after that at the path of it start to drive Scotland, two day still stay to the time when in Europe start to live independent and sovereign Scotland.

Even now more and more so call Unionist and Premier of UK make threats against Scots and democracy that if they step up in independent state, they have make harsh time for self.
For them it has democratic process, but it hadn't in time when they dismantled other countries. In this ways the person whose stay against "national right to self determination called so bad names". It they do now and at the same way named Scots who are for self country free from London.

London have interest to prolong control over Scottish propriety at the land and sea, and to over Scotland build illusion that they still listed like third world power.

And it had paid Scots. They know how it so been hard?!

Long live independent Scotland!               

Saturday 13 September 2014

IS say to much about these creators

Now is not time to some of fail politicians make self careers, like it have to make some person in the States.

In the Union stay no idea to make something good for the people who have problems in the acts of IS, criminal group fabricated from the same guys who are now in so call action to dismantle it, to "protect int. order and humanity".
IS groups stay like the bad reminder at the policy which created some not so smart adviser in the some place.
But in this moment, point have stay in the situation, where no body take care for the President wish to protect self position at the Home. No body have to see how he is in the position where only the war have make changes in public opinion at the policy whose he and administration made.

In the Union they have no money, and whiles to take some action, at situation where they have total mess at political arena, and where some of the member states have same wishes like it had existed 70th years ago.
Not is clear what to do with the European far east, after have to be clear that the EU policy make the open pact with Nazi movement at the place, after in this area made war crimes against humanity.

On the real path, the several EU countries take place of main exporters of  Jihad warriors who have took place at the battle in Syria.
IS had founded with same warriors, and in the job with them have post of officials in this countries.
They have the not only phone number but even the personal number, and what is significant, number of the bank account, all of them.
The arms whose they posses in this moment started to be built with arms from the depots whose bought few Gulf States, which now have problem with some others who had direct protest to them, "that if only one piece came at the field, than they have to file bright revenge".
IS has only product of some, or same persons who have fix idea to fixed Assad in Syria, because for them and its interest he is the most prominent problem, much worst than IS have ever to be.
Before that,Kerry take act of  lie, against Iran, when he try to push them in the war at Iraq soil, against ISIL, than to after they took place in the battle, he make accusation for it, and  after all a act against them, to protect "Iraq sovereignty against Iranian evil aggression".
After they had not take action, now the same person refuse to done what he proposed in near history.
In front of the true, so call democratic ruler of EU and US now have problem with lack of it inside of the self territory, what we have to see in the Sweden, where before elections rise the tension in the society.
But, what can be doing after some of the investors take place out from Sweden, and something what had been identified like "Swedish capitalism with socialistic face" drop down?!
Or, what we have to expect from the France, where tension at relations between white and black, and Christians and Muslims growing after a public detect that they have "Old new President"?
What is real, it mean that something what most politicians at the EU, but more in the States see like problem who stay out of the door, is several decades pointed at the home, and battle against IS, must be battle for the soul of democracy and liberty for all, not only for several persons.
And this battle can be arrangement with regimes which have nothing with truly Islam, but even more with humanity, human dignity and mostly they have big involving at the terror conspiracy with several IS groups at the Planet. In a interest? What is real posses in the call to faith IS? Rhetorical or deeply call?
Or they want to over IS come on the back doors to some backyards, the same not friendly nation, which they call now?
In deeply regret that we had call to EU make something on the east, we never call on the aggression and coups! We had call to EU take measure to protect humanity in the member states like it has Romania,Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Malta, Italy, Poland and Baltic states, where the minorities have not right and where the false history celebrate Nazi heroes or make story like it has in Poland about great nation whose have exclusives right in Europe.
For peace in the World, first what EU must to done has to clean in the self house, and then they maybe have right to step to talk others what they have to do. In contrast the EU has false idea, with no history.        

Monday 8 September 2014

The Polish fate of EU

The markets today have indexes which has not so good, but it has excellent support to the theory how crisis in the World step up in situation where the former colonial states, say "good by " for a supremacy in the same place, like it has the Planet now.

A capital and a money have in the big motion, ever seen  in the history at these markets, after move at the political arena, where the players step up in the condition to be first at a move against interest of others in it.

Even EU make decision and voted to some person from Poland and Italy to step up in the condition to be supreme person at the EU's hierarchy, it has nothing to others in the World. 
The both of them haven't self charisma, and both are in the hypocrisy of policy made in the early 1940', when some people changed self places from the Nazi losers to Allies winners.

These has not same people, but they are coming from the same groups whose had involved at the big crimes at the period of WWII.

Maybe some believe how the Putin is like Hitler, with "same" moves whose the last had. But in the 1930' of 20th century, no one going to change the Peace Treaty from Paris, whose had finished WWI.

No England, nor France have intention to change it, but some new power at the historical plate, come to move influence at the place, and start to supported A.Hitler in them rose to position of German Chancellor. United States of America!

Over German-American associates, and over investment the money of big US trusts, German with A.Hitler gone to prepared the changes in the World.

In the States in this days the Nazi party had been second political force, with most bigger support in the industrial areas of the country. What had price to the State,when they upset of the war, when in favor of some US companies and money, Nazi Germany goes to destroyed Poland in believed how was possible to Nazi   made a job and crash Soviet Union, what make the gains for these companies whose have money involved at German war machine.

 Today, the States support same movements in the World like it had been with Hitler Nazi Germany.
From Ukraine's Nazi groups to IS, in believe how with them they have possibilities to change the history, whose have nothing good to US.

But, like it has been in that time, even England stay in the lime with Hitler, at the war at North Europe, against Stalin aggression against Finland.

Today situation is still same, aggression goes on the minorities at the Baltic States, Ukraine. and other  east EU states,where the SS Waffen movement marched each year like winners to scare mostly Russian minority, whose have no most personal, human right which conclude from European Chart of Human Rights, and no body have to say something in favor to it have be protect  in the Baltic States. 
Nobody say something against moves monuments and acts against Red Army veterans of WWII. 

We have to say how the policy whose some have to present like policy of Russia president maybe has not come from these direction,but from the same persons whose nominated at the high places at EU. 
The same persons whose have fingers in assassinates of former Polish President. 

Wednesday 27 August 2014

What Obama must to do, to help itself!?

Time is to say how Mr. Obama must stop to make miscalculation and then he must to start to make new US policy in the World.

Mr. Obama must step out from Syria and he and his advisers must to have new obligation with Russia and China. Because, world have right to live at the peace. The peace for all, and out of the neocolonialist schemes.

No body have right to have make violating UN constitution and the chapter 7 of it, out of the SC UN permission. Out of that, even US stay to be aggressor.

The madness in the east Europe have to be changes after Mr. Obama and advisers start to changes policy against the rest of World.
Kiev's junta is in position that they haven't legitimate, and they do most worst things whose have the poison effect  at NATO, and the relations with others in the World, too.

Because that, Mr. Obama must to going to say C. Rice how she must live the post of the top adviser.
But even for not so correct advised in Gaza case,too.

Now is clear how the real policy in the World has been changes and how the uni-polar Word does not exist, any more.

Most of US ally have no more power to support actions abroad to US, and much of so call enemies has in the potent to broke spine of more of them. What we have to saw in Gaza case.

After all, before some put finger at the red button, Mr. Obama must call Mr. Putin to discus about wrong advise and miscalculated economical proposals at these markets after sanctions going on the power.

On the another part of the Planet Putin must step up in the action against some guys whose in the WWIII  have to see possibilities for self promotion.
Like it had some admirals in US Navy,IDF,Australia Royal Navy after they made help to created IS, in worst knowledge history and geography, and in after all, in miscalculated that they have be a weapon in the hand against BRICS  interest.     

Friday 22 August 2014

These sanctions make the new World

If we looking at the policy whose impose Putin, then we have to see how the capitalism is ill.

The most economy in the World have not power to change position which they have in this moment. EU economy stay in the gap of self publised isolation against most part of the Planet, where they do everything against the WTO's protocol and broke free market trade over these borders.

Even more, they have intervention in most prominent industries where the member states and the Union make more and more support  for producers to make damping prices at the market,even they have costs which stay in the narrow of inflation and inputs whose grow monthly and pres the final prices like a rocket.

These sanctions whose impose Russian Federation to these countries displays how the Union basically stay the Agricultural Union, where the former neocolonialist policy stay in the back of economic policies, and where only a hard force against others make gain for the Union's policy and economy.

After the Union stay against same weapon whose they took to make politic gains over the Planet, economy, they have to see how the politic influence of EU is so less, and how the price for expansion is high.  The real price stay in the point that EU make BRICS more coherent and in-fluent at the modern political scene.

Positive from the both embargo stay in the possibility to live Russian Federation out of so expensive and not so good products from the West, but on the other way the other players at the Planet have place to stand up and fall down democratic fascism from EU. Especially after stay clear how some of the prominent EU states stay in active role at the Ebola case, and how they do noting to protect the Christians at the ME against the West made product named ISIL.

Crisis after summer holidays step up in the EU homes, broke the personal economic status.
Less money income at the agriculture industry in this moment make damages in several so east member states, whose have more than 60 % incomes in the agriculture and export this products at Russian Federation.
France whose live only at the agriculture expansion in the nearly past, now have decline at the economy grow and rose of unemployment. The more and more people most take second or thread work place, to pay no more a luxury, but normal life. More and more people live with the relevant support and state support, but it have no place at Eurostat notes to the Union's public opinion.  
Maybe it make have to EU going to more to protect fundamental ideas of the Union at self soil, and step down from the lost ideas from history. Because, EU is so weak and not coherent.  

Monday 11 August 2014

ISIL has at Turkey

After several years, what they had prepared and only few weeks in the actions, ISIL make opposite what they have to do in originally construction-to destabilized Syria and Iraq, and after all to make goals in SA importance at political map in the region of ME.

Now, the ISIL has the imperial army which have money, support, logistic and of course cover from the so call important places in the World.
They did everything what they have to make in order from the support places, and nothing can come to stop them in it.
The army equipment have mostly military cods number from the east part of Europe. It had payed from the reach supporters, mostly from the SA, but not only. In some contacts with the regular forces at the terrain, mostly special forces of the West countries, they buy info by gold, and after all they have advance for one more step at the field.

The actions at the East Europe going at the act to disaster and it had known at the some places like it has upper command of a several big player in the game.

But what they have no intention to say in the public, it has that ISIL whose created for something else know is coming deeply in the NATO member state, Turkey.

ISIL what is tragedy for the creators going to be the great treat for most prominent the Alliance bases in Turkey,what mean that they in position to take in the possession most sophisticate arms.

The agents of ISIL step up in the actions over most places at the European east, and what has so sad, the information about aggressive manners of them, is message for the old lady-Europe, whose make help to created them.
Not more than two months, they have going to be in position to treating even Paris.
The high command of US strategic forces is in possession of clear info about that.
Russia is not priority,the priority now stay the so call friendly puppets, these guys from "our prisons", whose now make the retaliation plans.
Sorry, but the believe in the God has not same in believe at the selfish lucre grime.               

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Obama made Africa's Ebola

In some mind , Africa live like the continent of colonial opportunity,where live only black man, and where have no others.
But, Africa is place where have more and more sadness than it some can expect.
This guy have reason to say how he make order to some to came at the place with plague, to disciplined the not so discipline local politicians.

The president of some states, have no interest to prevent what he try to say that he would do. But, he has only order from other places to doing something to make prevention against influences of BRICS. To make impossible that the African states come to be truly independent.

The States has not interest for an common people to live better, but to make selfish gains in try to protect self disaster,  which start to growing  in Latin America, where US have influence only in two maybe three states.

In moment when is clear how the so call big companies have no liquid money and when is clear how the derivative stock market have more and more loses.
In mortgage market nothing have to be solve or to something make changes in the such grow, but the prices of housing and the states bonds steps in fall, each month even some have to make picture that growing is on the path.

If we clear demolition bonds and actions, than we have to see how only several players have gains at the markets, and how is possible that some big states like it has even Canada step up into bancrupcy.
Canada has close ties with the States, and in most relation, Canadians buy so much US debts, over not payed contracts in many small and midi industry.But same stay into medical industry, whose have maybe some twelve million extra users of medicine capability.

If we looking at the so call basic industry, than we have see that situation is worst. Openly, Obama tells to self advisers how they haven't so much commodities to  restore map of Europe. Even the Canada make help in this progress,too.The problem stay in the Libya, where the colonel soldiers and sons coming back, and where is impossible to intervene, if they have not be prepare to have a lots casualties.

After all, then is possible to came with Ebola to call Africa on discipline. Three agents who was make it and whose been exposed at Ebola now stay in the treatment in hospital, when others common Africans stay away from properly medical support. Everything does against the God and humanity for the blood money and selfish interest the man who have anything with Africa. 

Saturday 2 August 2014

IDF declared to BIbi, "We had defeated"

The situation at the field in Gaza make more worries against real goals in the war against HAMAS.
IDF have more and more problems with soldiers and what is never happened in the history, with officers who defected in numbers at the field.

General staff in the Tel Aviv have problem even with Arab and Druze army non combat forces which have no move in the conflict at the battle-field. They have more and conflicts with the regular army whose step out of the front and now they have to be use like military police in the beck of IDF forces.

The number of the deflect officers and soldiers growing in the minutes, because HAMAS and other Palestinian groups make more and more sophisticate defend, where they have to see a lot dead and wounded comrades.

On the other side, the anti missile launchers in the field have no more than 20% success, what the war going in the time.
Even new supply from the States have no changes the situation in the most part of State Israel.
No censures, nor lies, neither support to the Zionism going to change the true that IDF has defeated.
They now have conversations how they have need the US air support, but in this moment it mean the total war in the World.
You mean that it is not true?      

Tuesday 29 July 2014

US, EU and Russia, who is winner in these sanctions?

When you stay to be like fortress than you have no long time to going to be a prison.
The EU with several acts in the last two months make it.
But they do something worst, they try to make a true in several cases in the World. Most time they have the wrong point the view at the matter.
In actions in Libya they came to sold a democracy against "worst dictator in the history", and after all they make crime against intel law, with murder to Qaddafi.
Now the same men coming to make revenge against so call democrats from the north, the same who are have the colonial aspiration at the oil and gas in this country.
The situation with escalation in Libya going to be come in the worst time for the EU economy.
They impose the new sanction to Russia, but in believe how they have reserve in North Africa. Algeria and Libya, too.
But, with not so secures in the both of the countries and with war in Gaza Strip they have big whole in the economical analytic on the economic perspectives.

Fuel who maybe can be import from the Arab states is not so secure, for the same reason who they have in the previous point.

In actives against Russia, India, and other states in BRICS group EU stand to be flush from the money and commodity markets. And after all stay alone like the big  concentration camp, with borders in high voltage. But now to prevent people to leave the Union.

In only few moments after EU came with the statement at these sanctions, the most investors coming to try sell so much corporate obligation, action, and off course the risk states bonds from the Union states members.

Second, the most investors coming to going to make transactions in the crude materials, out of US bonds, and UK treasure auctions.
The position in the east stay so well, because, these markets came to stay in stability, with more cash and gold at the table, what in the other parts, especial in the Union have no to be chance.
Markets in the most Arab states stay at the bring of the revolution, what pump the governmental silence and inactivity in Gaza case. Then more investors from these states coming to leave with money in London and nearest area.
Sanctions against Russia, relevantly quickly make hit to east EU member states, than they now have no chance to make recover in the self economy.
But if we look at history,than we had to saw how it finished at the Serbia and Montenegro case, where the neighborhood, Romania, Bulgaria, and specially Greece have been heat with sanctions against Serbia and Montenegro. But even Albania,too.

These countries now have broken economy, and fail society, with more and more people who are in the path to leave countries where they borne.

They follow to make be worst in the Russian case, if they have make conclusion, how they have no money to buy the Western goods.

In only several months the EU job rate going to be broke in the several countries 45% of employ ability , and the more of 65% unemployment rate.
It make the Union dysfunctional. With more instability and more pressure at the ECB to print more Euros. It push to rise the inflation. After all it built the situation same like it had been in 1930-th.
Russia have to stay with some casualties, but in the more analysis they have to make all gains what they have to predict before sanctions.
US have no more money to make a big actions in the World. Even they have help to Israel in Gaza Strip, they have bring the economic collapse so close to NYMEX, and  after all, to make a heat  at the market in the all World.               

Friday 25 July 2014

Israel stay in the Norway treat to teror

Norway say how they have no intention to be only watcher in the state terror and how they have emotion on the pain.

Israel has nice relationship the command of  ISIL. They gave money for the arms, and logistical support for the arming and war advance in the Syria and Iraq. In collaboration with Saudi Arabia dynastic.

When Israelis see how opp in Palestine goes wrong they decide to make discipline to others which have no same view at the situation at the field.

Order to kill came over London, executors are a white contractors in the Army.

The actions have make financing the Saudi King, to resolve Iranian influence at the ME.

But it have no support at the other Gulf states, what made most tensions at the place, and after all made that info about cooperation between Saudis and Israelis step out of the silence and secrecy.

This had been the way to make acts over the ME untouched.

The States now stay in the trouble.     

Monday 21 July 2014

Gaza, the west trip

He get them to make a history move and now they have made a step on the road to ......

Israel has believe to the Prime Minister how they are win so easily in attack against Palestinians in Gaza Strip.

The info came from how they had believe from some agents at the field, and they had believe how is possibly that it had made in several days with grate success, which could be cover by MN 17 fly in Ukraine.

Prime Minister is the same man who had stayed in massacres at the Norwegian island, and in big demo at the south east of Sweden.

He had crated several actions against government in Tunisia, Libya, and after all in Syria.  But they have finger print in the actions of ISIL terror group in the ME, against Holly God. He have introduce in the actions against Shiites and Christians at ME.

But most blasphemy in the plot against UN, and actions to shot down MN 17 flay,too.

Why he do it?
The main economy in the UK have not power to change reality where is possibly that from the UK live Scots, and to with them England stay out of Oil and gas supply.

On the other way, he do everything to make situation at EU so difficult. Because he have no respect to the big ally like it has Germany.

With no oil and gas from the Russia, but even from the north he believe how they have much more chance to control Mrs Angela Merkel  and Germany.

The situation, and script has same like it had before in Iraq and specially in Syria.

Specially, when we know how the phosphor munition came from the same position like it came the poison gas in Syria. What he and former FM Hague have been say nothing after UN find them in the post.
For it both of them, specially the first men take action to "honor" UN, and we see the circumstances in more than 800 dead.                 

Friday 18 July 2014

In fall down to Malaysian Airlines.........

The plane, the man, the order, the war, and the lie....

The pane was crash in the attack to prevent WHO to come in the fool info about AIDS.

The two man was targeted from the same man in Washington, out of the President room.

First was Putin, and second the high scientist from the UN WHO. The third  has second in the Administration.

Order to shot down come in over Warsaw to Dnepropetrovsk.

The second, control from Odessa made had info how is the wrong position of the plane.

The Rostov control in this moment lost contact with the plane.
Several moment after something hit the plane.

The order come in 14.26 GMT.

Is impossible that so many NATO war ships have stay blind over this fly down. Specially it had not possible from the French electronic intercept cruise ship stationed at Black sea.

In moment of act, three attacker  going in the action.
First, from the Dnepropetrovsk fly up the SU-24 i an pair, to intercept the fly from the Warsaw and do what is order.
Second, the robotic fly drone, who had used from the sea, to watch and done the order if something go wrong.
Third, the anti aircraft missile battery from Novorussia army, which get info over a radar about two war plane in the area.  
A visual contact between the panes had been pass without act. An pilots had not find similarly with the Russian plane.
After it they made the withdrawal. Sharply down to a field. In this maneuver one of then had shot down by the Novorosian Army missile.
Altitude was 4200 meters, so less than it had been the MN 17.
Not so long from the first shot, next shot take it in the passenger plane, at above 8800 meters, much higher than it has possibility Novorussian to do.
Who had made finished the job? The drone or some missile from the land, whose come in the air to protect the war plane, attacked from the Novorosian Army.
First is open to conclude.
Second, the missile of land battery fail the other missile, gone up in the space, and than had made catch the passenger plane.

We have to say how is so sad when less than century some going to copy NAZI policy for a war start.

Yes, if this is not the fool war than what it has?
How is possible that the Palestinian life cost less than it has life from the such westerner?
Why the Israel have right, and other have not right to self determination and self defense?

Ugly is situation that some sacrificed own people to make deal with the devil.
The actions what we had to saw after all tell to us, how is possible that some guys believe that they over the law. But it has not true.
And evidence would present real manner of looser.

Sunday 13 July 2014

Israel have drive to be lost

If someone mean how he have right to make destroy homes and lives of some other than he have no right to try for mercy!

Israel's Prime-minister took the info from the agencies  how they have no a force to make gains at the terrain, and from the IDF comando they took the info how situation in the Army is. So bad.

From 40000 reservist called to come at the service, they have no more than 25%. Because that they take more professional soldiers, many of them from the some ally nation.

After this, where the HAMAS make more precious attacks at the IDF bases, the Prime-minster do what he done in the past. He is pushing Israel to over brink in the deep.

Why IDF make actions against Gaza?

It has need to help the ally forces in Iraq and East Europe.
US and the satellite states want to make blind smoke against the World.

What is result?

Israel is oblate, and after new humiliation, the existence of State Israel have no more purpose.

Iron dome is the worst thing what Israelis payed. For this money most of Israelis had take the better social and education system. with more right for peoples out of socialite. Specially to non Jewish citizens.

The end of actions have result to more of hundred deaths soldiers, the army facilities lost, and after all more Jews who going to suffer in the World.

Is it necessary?           

Monday 7 July 2014

The spin whose made the indexes

Even economy analysts say how is possible to economic growth have positive impact on the situation at the some parts of the World,mainly at the North and West, the real true stay in the position how is clear that material to positive growth in these markets have stay in the predominate interests to real info don't come at the public.
Industry, specially oil industry and energetic industry now stay more insecure than it look like several months ago in the beginning of the several crisis at the East and South-east,too.
The controlled info about a employment at the work market in the States, with the spin about the cracking for oil and gas explore and produce in the US, with false info to the States start to be the first in energetic industry, in several months make that the markets stay so high.
An indexes of most prominent stock places at the World make info how the crisis at Africa, ME,and specially in the Europe, haven't any influence.
But, most prominent EU member states stay in the of record talks about situation, and about reason whose stay out side of the power to be removed, and the crisis fix.
Information of true story whose stay over the States proclamations, make calls to US Dollar to going to be remove from the No1 position at the trade in the World.
The money whose come in the States budget, stay less than it had been before Watergate crisis.
Yes, the States have the huge amount of gold at the several post in the World, but true stay in the way how it have not in the possession and propriety of the Fed reserve.
Most of it stay in the hand of the Chines and others who are have in possession government bonds and treasure vouchers from several US official and non official emitters.
In this moment the so call growth of the States economy stay against low consumption at the domestic market. And in position the States's companies from the several branches at the most ally market in the World.
But situation at UK with labor market, and the labor law, have make more complication for the US companies to make such gains in EU, what have make clear how the position of US is weak.
UK oil industry now have not so big income at the local market, what have believe to US to make have plans for export oil and gas to them.
Over the UK, a plans have to be predict, how is possible export the same to rest of EU and how on this way make control on the other side of Atlantic,too.
After all, the cracking stay like SF story, the export of energy mine how the situation in US is so bad and how industry stay out of function.
With more and more money in war industry, without increase money in the public needs, the States government make have opposite what they try to improve the rest of World.
Only several months stay between now and an economic end of simple time economy, whose based on the true lies produced to make stability whose they push with a more and more instability around the World.
Work places in most dominate EU member states and US have going in ash, not monthly but daily. Economy based on the welfare relation in a society, stay away of reality of a life.
More and more people stay out of these process, they have no intention to grow a family and after all the demographic loses create real picture at the market, where more and more gone. And it create the EU states, more of US States have growing problem with money income in the local budgets. Stay no reason to be more investments and what is clear the lie whose some make stay to have now, after all, become to be bloodshed.

Saturday 28 June 2014

"The fail European dreams"

Yesterday the Union had lost self dignity, and had clearly presented how it has not the organisation to promote the Democracy and liberty, but something what had been in the head of Napoleon and Hitler.
Mind "straight to the east" has the logo of the Commission and whole Union yesterday, and more than yesterday.

But what the Union did? They did suicide when they put in a hands of EU skeptic a gift in promoted to taken the new states in so call free trade zone association.
These states has no more income BDP than have it some states in the Africa.
Economy of this states looks like "Swiss cheese", and all of them have export make have at Russian side.
Out of it, this countries has not so much money for build self domestic budget, but only to have try the credits from the foreign banks and credit clubs. In close history from yesterday this countries have only to expect more and more social dramas, more people would going to leave this states, and after all, they still stand the domestic problem of 28 member states of the Union.

In the selfish believe how the Union has money to amortize it, most of the Union's leader still don't have permit for a local newspapers and news agencies to present real situation at the field in the potential new member states.
Open censorship against the truth and democratic view onto situation in the east, make clear how the claims from the top of this article have be heard the true.
The union have not potential to bring in the membership states like it has Norway, Swiss,Island. This Union have not power to make such gains against more introduction of the States in domestic policy, and what is clear, the Union have not power to react against sectarian war in Iraq.
The Union, now have the destabilization move against whole world, and the policy of the Union does not exist.
Economy of the Union have only positive way at the several member states. Notorious it has Germany, Finland, Slovakia, and Holland.
Other member states, specially at the south have not positive motion in a economy, but they do only what it have to say the Commission or what is open to see for everybody, Mrs Merkel.
The German Chancellor now have problem to make so less debits in German economy, on other side she need to make transparent and unification policy at the Union.
But after she decided to promote the former Luxembourg's prime minister to be the President of EU Commission, all conception of the Union was fall down.
The conception would be smashed if Catalonia and Scottie,when they make have step out from Spin and UK.
Unification on the base whose promote some people around Pope,and what was policy of the some part of liberal-democrats politicians, has not historical and human justification.

Whose have right to tell how the states had not been possibly, and how some must stay unite?
This EU have not right, no more to say something about legitimacy and democracy, because they have only motion to make a money for few. To destroy welfare state, and make colonial position to many who have now believe how they would be free.
Economy without export on the East, make have the biggest loses in the history, what with so strong Euro, create situation that after hundred years after WWI, for few year going to be witness of the last WW.                  

Saturday 21 June 2014

Axis of the Evil, ISIL- SA- East Europe

Iran has right to come to make trouble at the King of SA. The Imams in Iran have right to say how they have not security at the field and how is clear that over actions of ISIL group in the ME stay Saudi court with money, army and weapons for mass destruction.
The same court make trouble in the laboratory, near beginning of this year, when they start to created bio-weapon.
The operation stay not so success and more than hundred people stay out of life, because the weapon stay out of control in Saudi Araby desert.
In other hand, some states in the neighborhood start to practice with anthrax to planed to going to use it in action at the Iranian soil, after Iranian Army start actions at the Iraq soil.
In this moment, we have to see how the ISIL criminal group, formed, trained, educated, and financed from axis SA- Gulf states-West, stay in position like decoy.

The right have even Russian President Putin when he start a drills of Russian Army at the Middle War Region in Russia.
He has right to make gains and start tactic acts against ISIL by the strategic bombardment forces. To stop aggression, miss treatment of International Law, and to call at discipline Saudi King.

On situation in Europe, the NATO have no intention to make any support to Pjotr Poroshenko, non elected president. Men who step up in the charges, after he demolish the Constitution, and sold local oil supply to the Vice President of US.
He and some other so call oligarchs tramped self power at the state position for waste agriculture land in the middle of the land.
They now buy lots and lots arms from the East European depots. But they have no money to pay the mercenaries to use it, after same have huge loses in the nearest action at the east and in middle of the country.
Not so clear who have command over local Army, but so clear how the only several  Russian's planes in the air make panic in Kiev.
The same is at Baltic states, which have not feel to security, even they have air support of some NATO states, and field presents, too.
But, on the other side, Russia is little be nervous, few days before EU try to come close to Russian border. They have not so nice mining about bureaucrats in Brussels, which like it had tried them predecessors in colonial era try to control energy, and the world over it. Even is clear how people die for it each day.
UN have no credibility after is clear that General Secretary has no credibility to make changes in the self team, and how he is remote from the States and Britain, because Korea need money to prevent the collapse.
ISIL make something at the States political field, where the President has stay in house prison, where the Vice President is in fool charges.
Situation going to be worst for the markets if the Saudi Army going to make gains against Iraq. They had started presence at Iraq south, several weeks ago, and now they have only to make move to "help" the Sunnites to "liberate Baghdad".
Because that the action from the Iran, coordinate with Russia is so necessary now, in the moment, if we don't to have Islamic fascism rule over the World, collaborate with neo-cons.                   

Thursday 12 June 2014

World Football Cup

After more days in wait, we have to see one more sheet at the Planet, the World Champion Cup in Football, Brasil.
More and more people stay out of the stations and try to have better condition at the school and medicament treatment.
On the ME the some US formed army named ISIL going to be new ruler of the Iraq, in an motion to bring in the war arena, Iran.
Than to make easy to other to do what they predict to done.
In this moment war of the nations going at the path, and no one have right say that they have no knowledge about that.
That they have no intention to know how butchers they had made, and how is so terrible to believe that they never come to kill the masters.
At the other place, East Europe is lost for the EU, after Russian forces make a footage how Ukrainian forces use the NATO flame shells against civilians.
The problem comes in the moment when is clear how some US officials stay in the beck of the massacre in Odessa. And how some of the so call officials at the field make financial arrangement with them.
On the other place, the anti-government  forces storm most places in the area near Black sea, even the government take support from the NATO maritime forces.
In this moment this forces stay in gap, there the situation now is not so clear.
At the south in Turkey the ISIL make gains at the front, and the member of the Alliance need to have take support.
But, it has not possible to make from the positions at the sea. Russia is nearest, the Syria is not so long from them, and even small actions can be make to create have a disaster.  
For more and more in the world the Football Cup is the peace of sheet for some snobs who created it to make more trouble to President Dilma Rousef.
The football is only game, and after all, it is not necessary to have expensive stations and  players training places.
Like it has prepared now, and how it made, it look like more the "Game of Hungry", where the rich play to richest, and poorest live out of the story.
In moment where more and more people die at the Iraqi desert, and where the some killing to others only because they are not have same religions view at the World.
The war,a global crisis and football step side by side, hand in hand in the history, and in most time the game used to remove public opinion look from the it.     

Friday 6 June 2014

How Nazi bought the immunity

If we look at history, than is not possible to say that is true, how "D day" operation over Normandy had been started like some brilliant made operation in the Allies high command in London.

The true come after we had been to saw how is possible that Allies come in the contact with group German high officers, who had not have same views on the war with Adolf Hitler and NSPD, or Nazism.
The main negotiation going on the way in the late 1943, after Allies come with invasion at Italy, at Geneva lake. Where not had been nobody out of the parties, because they had the strong animosity and mistrusts.

The next meeting coming at the place in Rome, but in next year, this had been clear how the war going on the wrong path for the Germany and rest of his allies.

In 1944 these meetings take part in the several part of Europe, than in the finished made had created agreement, how the regular German army, Wehrmacht did made nothing so seriously against acts at the French soil if it would be made at some moment.  

Then is not necessary to be strange that some Wehrmacht general and high commander had been stayed out of France when the invasion started.

The deal was made even with some command  of SS Waffen.
What is made in the paper, now we know like " The Path of Rat", where much of prominent Nazi officers leaved the post war Europe and gone in the neutral countries.

Why we scribe of it?
To tell the truth!
In the moment of the Nazi capitulation the Nazi Germany in the north part of the country, in Denmark, Nederland, Norway,Czech Republic,Austria, have more than ten full attached divisions, and several million soldiers at the number on the operatives list. On the other part, mostly at the West Allies in early 1945. most officers, some Generals and thousands soldiers start to look at the formal Ally, USSR, like enemy. But much worst, what stressed the Prime Minister of UK, they openly played the defeatism.

Because that, the secret services going at the terrain with mission to prevent collaboration between US army corps and German side. And to prevent more and more deserters from the front in winter 1945.
To made something what been made like biggest pressure at the German side, Allies forces had been bombed Dresden.
That it has been true, we can see in the facts from the history archives, where the "new" Germany made with "old" ruler. Where the low and middle ranking personnel of the Nazi party take a places in state offices.
Adenauer, old German Canceler, in some time take a joke " how the West lost the war, and make him the prisoner on the top".

Now, we have knowledge how the Nazi on the field make the situation positive in the East to pay price whose they made at the negotiation table in Lisbon.

In this moment the anniversary and moment for the memory at the beach in Normandy has only way to prevent the true, how the war is finished with money and a amnesty for most bigger war criminals in the world history.
The Nuremberg, had made only at the pressure from the small part of US Zionist, the administration, and from the USSR, but not Stalin.
In the invasion at the Normandy beaches active part have been made from the parachutes, whose have mission to destroyed some SS divisions, and to prevent con- attack from the some Germany army whose came from the East front, because Hitler with Gestapo and Abwer  find something. From the West diplomat in Sweden.
For the parachutes, real Heroes of war, we make salute!

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Mr. President last move to a self salvation

In this moment the President have reason to say himself how he haven't success at relations with Mr. Putin.
These wars going on, and money hasn't in the pocket. Because that, the President try to take money from the Congress to make more money to some actions which do US Army Corps.
The problem he have in the situation at the East Europe, where Romanian army leave some posts at the east front, and now he most make more money for a mercenaries, whose cost.
On the African front he have difficulties with Qaddafi forces, whose make gains at the field and now control most territory.
In the aggressive conference with so call ally in the Europe, Mr. President going to make some gains to push resolution whose make a action against several part of the Planet.
From Russia, to China, but even some parts of US soil, where the federal government have bad dissolution.
Now, the so call close ally like it has Poland and some others , try to find more money for self determination against Russia at the east front.
Poland has each day big lost in the arms and officers, other have problem in the public.
Most of this allies have problem with money, and more of them government have not justifiable words to say what they do in the crisis at the East.
China, on the other way stay to "lose" US treasure bonds and now is clear how the crisis at the east front make not shore the winner.
In close relation at G7 group, two of the member states will be opposite of the President demands and now is clear how Canada stay at the same position like they have view,too.
Of course, the propaganda in the war make shore how a side make win over other side, but on the end war make weak not only fighters, but much more these sponsors, like we have to see in the Africa.          

Friday 30 May 2014

The growing price of war at European east

The big fail in actions at the European east, make so nervous some like it has some guys from State Department.
In so call war against terrorism they make many mistakes, and after all they now make have in these fields from the European east over Syria and to Libya.
In favor acts to so call elected some President where isn't clear how many people come to voted, part of the West come to claim how "they have democratic support at the field to make justice and peace", even they bombardment hospitals and kindergartens, schools and civil buildings.
When they have lost in several officer at the war, they have to say only "we support the guy to say how he have" right to remove some from the place" or to have knowledge "about some mercenaries who make acts against national forces".
Same forces who have support from the Poland, Croatia, Hungary, and Bulgaria, and where command officers stay to be US citizen, like it known is clear that it had been in Syria, where Ukrainian forces fight against Syrian Army and President Assad.
In this moment, the war spread all over European east, and presence of Russian forces is not necessary.
Acting forces from the naval France and US forces whose stay near front at the east, has not naff to make changes against interest of Russian speaker population and most other whose have not so nice mind about EU and the West in global view.

War in whose some guys expect to be winner in the it and where some others make same moves like it had made at the Balkan or at the Libya, isn't nice job, and it has not end like it they have to plan.

In this moment more than  320 dead soldiers and national guards, and more than 800 injuries and wounded with several shot down planes and helicopters, with lost more than several dozens armor personnel  transporters and tanks, make information from the terrain only an propaganda.

On other side lost some 80 personnel, with 320 wounded, some dozens missing in an actions and with lost of several armor personnel transporters.

The price of all action on the West side rise from the beginning 3,2 million at a day to more than eleven million at today. When you make it in the table, you got the price of it, whose EU pay to Jacenuk and Turcionov month ago from billion euro loan.
At the same side problem with lost in the officers and European mercenaries create deep lies at the public media observe against this war.

Of course the money whose they try to pay a illusion of invincible West, they try to push from Germany, what in the moment they have no intention to pay.
In this reason stay lots of nervous from Haige to Carry.

Saturday 24 May 2014

EU voting, for what?

Europe vote?
Why? Is it democratic process or it has a some fine act to promote selfish interest of some people and states?
What we have to see in time of the voting in Europe? Is Europe united or it has only an illusion?
Europe now make the voting to elect new EU Parliament, but we haven't public information about over turn onto voting places. Nothing is transparent, and after all it is not clear does an Europeans going to vote for some new ideas or they coming at a voting place to support resist of the Union?!

In the moment isn't so clear who  have the goal to the voting going to be making?
Does vote make have EU better places to live, or it have to make the Union more than big illusion at the common people life?
After this votes, like it had been in the past, nothing going to be different than it was yesterday, before the vote take a place.
Is it problem for the most people in the Union that they have interest to support "democracy" at an voting places?
Maybe someone want to sell the story how the Union is so important and necessary for a many Union's citizens, but this citizens haven't illusion how the institution whose had built in the twenty century now stay less democratic, and what is not so less important to say, they lay out of a common people touch.
The Union, today is so weak. On the top of the Union seat some people whose have no intense to make better future for the all, but only they live and work the "glorious past". A times when them grandfathers and other old relevant, make colonial history of the some part of Europe.
Today, the votes against or in favor to some idea, center,right or left, or in some color is not so different, because the "old Lady Europe" have no idea to make something better, to make that at the territory of the Union,to have same condition to live all, to make naff for self life and to make naff to support others.
The voting in EU, after all clean all illusion how the Europeans live in the democratic states, and the Union,too. Because, after this votes going to still stay a many dirty things and minds, where the north of the Union have indecent mining about the South, and West against East,too.
Where, the crime can take place only at abroad, when it is necessary  to job be make. Or if it is necessary to "old Lady" take from the owners natural welts.
EU make change the basic ideas of the unification, and now the Europe has not so nice place for live, for more than two third of Union's population.
Social and work places insecurity, bankruptcy, institutional crime, the wars all over the Planet, but in most places at the Union, the insecurity in investment make the votes for the Parliament more voting against something, than they voting for somebody.           

Wednesday 14 May 2014

IMF and World Bank are making the world crisis elements

Nearly several years after WWII the winners in the war going to make new order.
In this actions they made more constructions, and two of them was IMF and WB, the both organisations make to create system in the World to support so call non aggressive world, with dominate role in economic issues by USA.
It had been award to American support of the Allies in the WWII. In motion to US dollar stay to be worldwide currency.
After many decades this choose still stand, but in many time like anachronism which the West take to control other parts of the Planet.
In history no exist example that IMF, nor WB make have any support goal in economy, or that this two organisations in actions gave some else than insecurity, miss treatment, and the miss calculate support to most economy in the World.
After US disaster in the Vietnam War when the dollar step on the brink, when President Nixon make changes in the dollar valuating, no IMF, nor WB do nothing to step up in the asks to change the supremacy of the dollar.
Now, when is totally know how the both organisations failed to explain the capitalism, and when they make the several big crisis, with the monetary system from the the end of WWII nobody can expect to something going to be different and better in the economy and financial industry.

If we looked at the economical system whose exist in the States, than we had to see how the workforce at the work market in the States stay at the rubbish theory of democratic liberty, where everything is possible, and where you have had the American dream, or a nightmare.
Why we say it?
The reform of the health system in US, created from the current administration, and named Obamacare, dropped down. The social tutorial to pure people stay at the bottom and work place security stay more and more insecurity.
The rights in the States are same like it have Chinese workers, but different stay only in the one, the dollar.
But the both world main financial and economic organisation have sites at US soil,what make impossible to expect from them that they give any credible view on the economic situation at other countries.
The both organisations stay in the shadow of US Federal Reserve and Treasury Department, whose make the dollar.
More and more printing US dollars come at markets and give the truly lies how the markets is the well, but it isn't.
In the annual report about the World economy, you had never heard how they said something against economic station at the States or some other so call old democratic country. And they much more going to support the current US policy against some country, than they make any support advertisement to not well country's economy.
Both, IMF and WB took to made promotion for so call hyper liberal capitalism, against in the first time socialism and now against the well fair states.
In the same time they create to promote selfish and expansion of the States supported, well payed investors which coming to "help" in the not well countries. In much time they not have any scruples on the undemocratic conditions, and dictatorship at the place to invest. The collaboration with Nazi and Fascist is present today in the same places.
After all, the time is come to remove IMF and WB sites from the US at some neutral place. It has necessary to world economy make have big gain and over come the tic-tack crisis.
It have going to make the neutral, but regular opinion at a countries economies. The opinion which not have make the crisis worst, and never create situation for a global confrontation.
This finance and economy world system is anachronism, and they are only have influence to protect surveillance of the States economy, whose, what is clear step in the big gap.      

Sunday 11 May 2014

Referendum is the universal right, recognized from UN

Who has right to say others that they haven't right to be different, to be liberate to make self choice on how they have vision to live?
Is something illegal if some have different opinion, or they have intention to make something like it is a referendum??
Is possible that for someone international law is valid one time, and in other time it isn't?
Who have right to tell from the Union that self determination for somebody is illegal, and for others is OK?
Is possible that Kosovo has right to make what they made, and when others try to do it again, it has not legal onto international law?
Who had broken the law first, who had believed that it was exclusivity for only one side?

The law is it, only if it is valid universally!
If it is not reason, than we have an anarchy, and after all insecurity.
Insecurity have create tensions and after all a war.
But, when a side take actions against other side only because they have believe how they have exclusivity, than we have injustice. Injustice make actions, actions reactions, and after all it going to be evolution in hate.
After that normal life is impossible.
The referendum is universal right, and it has no reserved for a states only, but an nations, and people has it right.
In chapters of UN constituency it had documented, and it had made to prevent what we had to saw in WWII.
The human right is over right a state to motion law and increase influence over a human bean.
Who tells against it, say same what say A. Hitler in the "My life", obscure book,the testimony about how is impossible make a relations in a states which regulated personal happy and liberty.
The US motion to make new order in the some parts of EU on the self picture, is wrong. The life, side along side is not the same system of life, like exist in the European former Imperial territories.

Referendum is valid even it has no support from the local state, if it has not intention to discriminate others.
But, when we look at the referendums in Swiss, than we had to saw how it has possible to be make in the state arrangement. In a democratic state.

Referendum isn't valid when it has make in situation where some part of an society is under pressure to leave a living posts.
In opposite of that, abandoning a referendum is a big crime.               

Wednesday 7 May 2014

The Obama's administration have problem with sanctions against Russia

In this moment we have to see how big story stay to be the big lie.
Not because we say it but because at the markets is clear how economy not stay in the statistics buro, but at the real life in the streets and houses of the Planet.
In this moment some 738 billions Euro stay away from the States markets, after US government make sanctions against Russia and Putin.  It mean that more than an trillion US Dollars has start to be the dept over the US Union.
On the market it start to do like big bomb against the West interests and what is pure clear, the make more trouble at domestic social and political area in the places like it is Middle West, and American far West. The most semi and low grow company coming to have more and more problems to sell self made products.
At other way if Russia start to make some measure, like to punish some cardholder companies, or to start the trade with domestic currency or some other concurrences at intl markets,  it has  start to be not trouble, but the big disaster for the States economy.
The States economy is not only so call big companies or mega companies, but even the middle range and low range companies and private persons who work alone or work in the agriculture industry.
The bank system in the states is hit with sanctions now, and investments,too. But the most problems come with so much inflationary money whose going to be put at the market what not so long could make aggressive influence at the domestic trade in US.
First it would make that the Dollar influence stay weak, and the Dollar exchange rates against other currencies going down rocketing for not months, but two or thee weeks.
Second, the produce price of most goods in the States stay stable. In the few weeks it will be low in the international markets. What have be good for month or two, but not so far.
The incoming products for incorporating in a domestic products grow in the price, and day by day it going to make more and more expensive it,too.
At the end of all it make money more expensive at the market ,it has make more expensive export, inflation at domestic fields and of course aggressive grow of an extremism,too.
The government bonds slush down, public dept stay rise, and after all it predict the economic stroke not so long after summer.
We have look at on the situation on the economic sanctions against Russia like the suicide measures, whose make these man and woman which have interest to broke the US independence.
Same like it done in the "Second Iraq War", when the Bush's junior administration slush down surplus in biggest  dept in the US history, after the States start to lose a friends and made start to have a lots enemies or bankrupt partners.
This method is now same, and after new disaster in confrontation against Russia, or other BRICS states with false investment at the arms, dissolution of USA will be finish.  

Sunday 4 May 2014

The blowing up of the democracy to make instability

Today we have to see how look like the policy with a guns.
After all is clear that politics with no emotion for the human life have a first place in economy whose stay in the speculative actions over exchanges markets in the World.
But even if someone mean how is possible to have any risk at these polices that is not true.
True stay in the position how it cost so much, and cost each day not double but if you see it clearly than we should see how situation really stay at a time.
No, we have no time to say something against or in favor for somebody, but we have tell only one- everybody who believe that a power stay in the arms, he is so weak, injustice, stupid and of course a big looser.
If you want to have a peace and prosperity than you must going to recognizing a dignity,equity, and freedom for other where ever they live, specially if they do it side by side with you.
Out of it you have get nothing, but only destroying and after all a war.
After war, you must put a bath at a chair to talk about a finish of it. Without it, someone else still start to promote it over you, and after many years it will be a big stone on your neck.
You stay in the gap, without a population at territory, and have no economy at all for many decades.
War is nice time for promoting a selfish interests and views, but after it you must stop and step on what?
An ruins haven't point for start new beginning.
In war have not a winner, but only suffer and loose. The pain stay a reason for live for many whose try to in an next time going to make retaliation.
The Magnificent God have reason to say how a democracy is not something great if it serve to make an disaster. He tells to us, how no one have right to celebrate a death and a destruction of  the other man and woman. No one have right to calls other to killing somebody, to reap and stole or to make a storm over somebody only because they haven't same view point on the Life.
Sin is in the mind, in the ignorance,in not acting, and it has a big lie. For injustice and for support in a war creating, nobody have right to look aside, and haven't right to say how it is not them thing.
What mean a money in pocket if you have nobody to spent it with? What mean a territory and state if you have not a neighbor who care to you, but the them whose try to make a trouble to you?
Absolute in the Life not exist.
An absolute power at a Life is a dictatorship, against it we have right to make cry against it. We must have right to protect a life and peace.     

Friday 25 April 2014

The economical stroke like at the path of East-West confrotation

Nothing have be clear than reasons why we have to look at a global crisis,the most prominent from the end of so call Cold war.
1. Reason for it stay have in positions of global economy.
2. Reason have been in European decadency.
3. Reason going to be Russian prevent to be push away of modern political and economical influences at the Planet.
4. China is next reason which make situation at the Planet so rush and make economic relations in the tensions.
5. In this time no US, nor Eu but neither Russia have the power to make a restore maps of  Europe in such big war. Interest from the States and EU have stay in the way to close the Russia,but in the real time they have much questions about a support to Russia over the Planet.
6. The States has Reason to stay over all EU actions in the area, because a real economical and political, even social reforms step down in the US Senate and now is clear how Mr Obama's positions stay weak in the domestic policy.
7. It has reason to the administration of Mr. Obama doing everything to make more tensions all over the Planet. Because, if you have no methods to make changes in the domestic policy than you must clear local attention at something else. The most prominent Senators and Congressman make same.
8. Reason stay in the political abandon of industry at EU member states, minus Germany. Most economy from the south and east of the Union stay in decline, especially at the industry, whose now have no power to set in motion rubbish in social motions at the Unions periphery.
9. Oil and gas is most prominent reason why we have political choice at the some levels to so call cold war must be re-open, but what we have to see, stay in the illogical opinion that is possible transporting something over somebody, without  a permission of someone to the Union have make it. But if they have to make it clean, what we have with the exporter who stay in the shadow?
10. China stay to be treated like semi colony from the some parts of the West. They have mean how they have a influence at the second economic power, even they have need a lots of money from the Chinese money reserves.
11. Reason stay at Tokyo exchanges market.

After all this reasons we can take some curriculum over all.
Russia has in the crisis, but they known much earlier than it predict the German secret service. And what they concluded stay in the fact that with only gas and oil produce and export make the path for disaster. The industry in Russia decline in the past in some 90% and now the problem with unemployment and poverty make the biggest problem for social security systems. For this reason, but in time where is impossible to cut economical ties, Russia do what they do.
On the other part, US, specially EU have great rise of poverty, industrial flush and social insecurity, what can be promote in the Union's elections at the may 25th. With a grow support to far right and left parties. Or what may have legitimate EU parliament, nevertheless overturn at ballots.
Maybe some of analyst have opinion that US try to dissolve power of the Union, but real reason why the States make moves over EU interests stay in the fear how the economic crisis make the melt of European cohesion.
NATO not exist, because the economy in the most EU member NATO states has weak, and they have no money to nerve an domestic army forces.
Only what the Alliance doing is to buy the mercenaries from some structures in the Union to with them make something.
But even if you have no power to make something good, the worst scenario stay in the way how the imagines of a supremacy died with colonial history, and even you have knowledge about that you stay at the way for something what in summer would have make economical stroke.        

Tuesday 15 April 2014

What Putin said Obama, and what it have next?

President Putin told President Obama how he have knowledge that in the acts against east Ukraine step up side by side some NATO elements and how is clear that the actions in Ukraine have point to make the trap for Russia.
The actions of so called independent Ukraine forces have the idea to provoke a activity from the aboard, what will be used to make more pressure against President Putin.

After all the bombardment against some positions of the Ukraine army is necessary, even it would mean the start of global war. Specially after stay open info that some ships near Russian border have the command for combat attack against points on both side of Ukraine-Russian border.

If President Putin don't  it in few ours then he risk to loose even in the Syria. The quick attack in several points on the Planet would change mind of the several senators.    

Sunday 13 April 2014

Is Mr. Rasmussen the Russian man?

Does the gensek of NATO mean that he has a businesses with lunatics?
Does he know how is only a men, who would be only private person after he leave the place, and after he would make the personal break, when he have not make a gain after think tanker meeting?
He and some others so call good guys from the West have no idea that is totally known how they have use the import force, from the two not so eminent NATO member states army force. The Croats and Romanians take have place in so call Ukraine crack down against separatist.
These two states give the forces in command to US officers whose trained them for the job in Ukraine.
Rasmussen is man who have the place for leak info.
He is person which have no idea what to do in the situation when he came in control of the other side.
Attacks against Ukrainian citizens in favor to coup government is something what in war time going to be prosecuted.
In this moment the two side have the battle in the Ukraine, where the both side start the global war.      

Tuesday 8 April 2014

The two bad friends against think tankers

When you make look at the markets, you can see not much but list of a good wishes.
Today, these last months or year, we can saw how situation at the real economy stay worst then it want to present the government or in most position, a subjects of an trade.
Relations between money, or a exchanges rates at the markets haven't a logic, and we are no reason to believe in the numbers and statements whose come from a most position in the World.

Now, we are living only several weeks before the some guys start to make a mess at the Planet.
The economic perspective at the world's market have no reason to give support in optimists, but now is full known how the economic predicts from most so call active post in the West and East is fall.
In this moment crisis in the economy and societies of most prominent states, make have these government to start to build musculus and with the propaganda to prepare a local people and the World for some necessities.
In this moment the necessities has be the Armageddon.
In moment when EU and US with allies come in the decadence, and when most of so call prominent individuals have reason to make the summit about so call new way in the West supremacy, when the East rise like the sun, the shadow  of disaster have be at the path.

No more than few moment, for so call "new beginning", they have to plan the attack like it planed several times before, to "prevent  the aggression  on new democracy".
On Pacific the fleets stay beside each other,in fact to prevent other side in an acts.
In Indian ocean the strategic bombardiers fleets stay in the passive alarm. On other side the fleets try to demolish them at the field.
In the east Mediterranean side by side stay two most large ship at the Planet and looks each other with hands on the arms, if other side start to make a trouble against other.
In Syria, something have going wrong for Turkish Army, whose each day have lose of several units at the field. But even the other supporters of the so call Syrian revolution against President Assad have no success.
In Atlantic ocean, over the number NATO war ships and support units flying the Russian bears.
At the north the some nukes stay in position to make action in the second after they have receive command from Moscow. Or US  the North fleet to create have prevent intruding against Russian soil.

The cards has been deal and now only the moment stay between us and Armageddon,which have to lead the Nazi think tank.
Of course, the Mr. President Obama have no power to change it. He personally stay at danger, and him family, too.
The same think tank personal created the lethal treat against him.
Only who have to make him a help is the "worst man from east"- President Putin.  

Monday 24 March 2014

True lies of G7 at these exchanges markets

Hello, who is so stupid to say what we can hear at some places like it has the conference of G7?
Than some guys like it has Prime minister of UK try from prominent lieder at the City to make info about real status at the economy and than some from US going to make pressure against open and independent media, when they ask,demand from the media to fabricate lies about situation with the most projects in energetic and transport industry.
Most of info which comes in the open air, have many lies about situation even in the budgets of most prominent member states of G7 group, where some of them have problem to pay month salaries, and pension incomes to self citizens.
In this time Canada have real problem with pension system, with health care, and what is no known they have problem with energetic industry.
They have vision to be main supplier with oil and maybe gas to EU. But in this time they haven't money to make even big gain at the neighbor petrol market.
Maybe the States have power to be the first energy supplier to the World, but it has only the big imagination.
For it they must have resource to punch most deeply than they have can now.
On other way the punch in the soil terrain is much more expensive than it has price at the open see, and what is real problem, they have no money to push it for two decades.
The technology of rinse shale now is most dangerous technology at the Planet, more dangerous than it has production in a nuclear plant.
Mr. Obama and the advisors   take have these info and because that they have plan to make incursion at the Russian sphere of influence. Even that mean the WWIII!
But, main promoter of this policy and the hard worker in the tactic "crash the door" is UK prime minister David Cameron.
The plans with oil and gas exploitation in the South Atlantic rush down in clashes against Argentina and Brasil. But even because, the technology which exist now at energetic industry isn't sophisticate so naff to make protect the environmental and to give not so expensive energy at the market.  
The lies stay even in situation,where Sweden try to cover the difficulties in the industry, where with no investment from the east, "the dirty money", they have grove problem with an insecurity and social catastrophe.
Most industries in north of the country goes down, and now they have a jobs only if it have main industry at the south, specially Volvo.
Out of supple  with nickel and wolfram they have real problem in electron  industry, but in the defense industry,too.
Why we say it?
For the reason, whose stay at the way. Today is impossible to make gains against somebody. The Global economy mean, global measure, and if someone going to break interest of other, than info at the markets stay only like the big lies.
The East have resource, the West need it, but money is in the pocket of the several mostly non West countries.
And there is problem! The some guys believe how they have a mission to change situation at the field.
For this guy these dictators like it have in Saudi Araby or some other the Gulf country or Egypt is better than it they see in the other so call partners.
For therm of poverty they have no emotion. They have no intention to react in favor for a person, but to "protect" what they see a profit, even they must have deal with Nazi and nationalist so call lieder. Even if it mean a ethnic cleansing and destroying  of national surrender.      

Saturday 22 March 2014

Moody, Fitch, Standard and Poor-the government assistants?

The big market agencies like it has Moody, Fitch and SandP  have no credibility to say something after they are changes results for US economic perspectives after the administration of President Obama step up in call to this agencies "be prosecute for falls info about economic stance at the States".
After the treat, the Agencies step back and pull out true info about US economical situation.
How is possible that this so call independent economic judges turn down the self view on the situation in US? And only at the States?
Is possible that they are not what they promote for self?! It is possible that they are only the government's assistant in dirt job of international blackmail!?
But, the same things we saw in relation with some others countries like it has Germany, where the state influence in economy, specially at the local market, into support at the exports have make a crucial potential to Germans make businesses at abroad. And on that way the local government try to control a social turmoil at the home. But if they want to see deeply than they have to see how situation with the local market and social situation is not so well. Did they do it?
But we have the several examples which did not rated properly in last years,too.
And this examples who are presenting here is only the voice how this agencies work. Bad!

Wednesday 19 March 2014

The abandon US dollar

After new escalation at the field over control in Kiev, the US  Finance Department have urgent message to the President, "how situation over US dollar is not so good."
The status of US money after clashes against several country in the World stay insecurity.
Trade with the dollars drop in few weeks for more than seven percent and it have continues in situation where is totally clear how the White House promises to the so call government in Kiev stay out of the mind. Because, the Federal Reserves stay have no support in cash to do nothing more than to pay daily needs of US treasure.
It mean secure the salaries from the federal level and support fond for the not well economic stay federal states. It have make impossible to US Vice President make have so much than hard speeches at the tour in the ally countries which now is not in control of the local governments and whose now have knowledge how if they stay more than several weeks in the same position whose they have now, they can try to be the next candidate to East Market Union.
They, first Poland than other countries living at the export of the agricultural goods and some of them in the trade cooperation in export the Russian goods at aboard, mostly at the West.
In trade, they mostly take in posses the dollar, much more than Euro, because the Russians  prefer it before.
But if they take to change, the local markets in the several east European states stay in the "mirror".
With no jobs, no support from ECB, and what is most possible without support from the main ally,US.
The situation with the dollar is not so clear even in conversation against some ME supporter of the White House policies, because they have to see how they and US lost the battle at Syria and how is possible to some of  so call supporters going to have a war in the Gulf.    
The treat which the teeny emirate get from Moscow, now stay in  a position to  change most what the administration have to believe.
For  the same reason the teeny emirate make deal and push away the dollar, what in the markets have disaster effect against the administration plans.
Now in this moment the dollar is at the path to be removed from the number one post in the energy markets and to be replaces with something else.
Ukraine's crisis have no so much intense at it, but try to the big players at these markets to change situation in which one private institutions like it had Federal Reserve, can not be no more controller of the World.
After all, the situation stay in the way that US policies has no more financial support at the market. The currencies and stock exchanges stay in the path to be make against the dollar.
First, because the administration had missed calculation over several crisis in the world. Second, they have made aggressive acts against the several countries at the World. Third, they lost the support of the local ally, because they have no direct actions against example Syria, and they in the contrary play against Muslim Brotherhood. Fourth, they have no gains in the Ukraine, where they support the Nazi and aggressive nationalistic rhetoric against mainly Russians and those Ukrainians whose stay out of that, or opposite of that.
But, the least is crucial to everything. With broken money the administration take measure to export the self crisis in what they have to see like not friendly nation, most of them whose have the US bonds, and whose are the main US creditors.
In the retaliations, "the not friendly nations governments" have actions to sold to much it at the market, for gold. To Arab supporters in the Gulf.
It has in the finish two points, first the flood dollars at the west markets and second high price of gold, less price of oil and high price to food.
Both of it create inflation in the West and crisis at the States market's.