Monday 15 September 2014

Scotland must be independent

When they dismantled several federation at Europe, boomerang of secession come to knock at the door.
The same door whose impose  the destruction, bloodshed and wars in several federation in Europe.
UK give more and more falls statements in the past at Scotland, than have no time to say more than - Scotland must be free, independent and without London "support" state. Where have to be more liberty and democracy than it now exist in UK.

When we had gave the advertisement about Kosovo independence in 2008, and how after that at the path of it start to drive Scotland, two day still stay to the time when in Europe start to live independent and sovereign Scotland.

Even now more and more so call Unionist and Premier of UK make threats against Scots and democracy that if they step up in independent state, they have make harsh time for self.
For them it has democratic process, but it hadn't in time when they dismantled other countries. In this ways the person whose stay against "national right to self determination called so bad names". It they do now and at the same way named Scots who are for self country free from London.

London have interest to prolong control over Scottish propriety at the land and sea, and to over Scotland build illusion that they still listed like third world power.

And it had paid Scots. They know how it so been hard?!

Long live independent Scotland!               

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