Monday 22 September 2014

Islamic State is EU, and others whose drop at the hole

Have you some interest to see a truth in a policy?
Have you care how live an people near you? Or have you care to be involve at the battle against someone, like it has IS?

No?! Or Yes?!

But in the both way you have not power to changes something at the better, or to make some decision in a political elite to do what you have to see is correct.

Nothing had been different many time in the history, when your predecessors pushed in an battles against mostly whose you have not known that even exist. Nothing has been changed after this battles when the same lieder calling at the victory, but then nothing told about a price of it.

Now, when they created ISIL or IS, you are again called to going to join in a battle for secure and better world, but nobody in the World, from the political elite have told nothing that they have good connections with same whose you most to help to kick in as somewhere at the ME.

The politicians have good, just to say hundred millions of dollars payment in dirt money, to move the actions against somebody, but to do nothing to change the situation in the main so call ally like it has Saudi Araby, and Qatar or UAE. The main sponsors of terrorist at the Planet.

The US president take no measure to going at the battlefield by self army, because they have no control over them, and he and him advisers have total scare what have to be after IS start to produce in the dozens number full metal jackets, on a board to the home.

No body take the true, how the sophistical  arms come in the posses of IS and what they have in the back of the front line.

IS is the child of same politicians which now have to push public at war path, like they have do mask over total crisis in the domestic areas.

War whose the West created for it, and after that lost for self stupidity, isn't same what it had been against Saddam  in Iraq. Now, they have war against population whose so desperate, and brutal even to self life, in believe how they now have possibilities to conquer the north, and decadent politicians whose want to make a history with them.

All of it known the main intelligence at the Planet, and they have info how the opp in the field mostly stay in the way to make a fog for main targets.
EU and others lost the wars in the history, they lost wars after they wined at them, and in most places these opp make have to stop post colonial way in the Word. Something about that we was seen in Scotland.
In targeting to close the markets for others, mostly former colonies they do everything, even that they produces more crisis than it have been ever in the past. 

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