Monday 8 September 2014

The Polish fate of EU

The markets today have indexes which has not so good, but it has excellent support to the theory how crisis in the World step up in situation where the former colonial states, say "good by " for a supremacy in the same place, like it has the Planet now.

A capital and a money have in the big motion, ever seen  in the history at these markets, after move at the political arena, where the players step up in the condition to be first at a move against interest of others in it.

Even EU make decision and voted to some person from Poland and Italy to step up in the condition to be supreme person at the EU's hierarchy, it has nothing to others in the World. 
The both of them haven't self charisma, and both are in the hypocrisy of policy made in the early 1940', when some people changed self places from the Nazi losers to Allies winners.

These has not same people, but they are coming from the same groups whose had involved at the big crimes at the period of WWII.

Maybe some believe how the Putin is like Hitler, with "same" moves whose the last had. But in the 1930' of 20th century, no one going to change the Peace Treaty from Paris, whose had finished WWI.

No England, nor France have intention to change it, but some new power at the historical plate, come to move influence at the place, and start to supported A.Hitler in them rose to position of German Chancellor. United States of America!

Over German-American associates, and over investment the money of big US trusts, German with A.Hitler gone to prepared the changes in the World.

In the States in this days the Nazi party had been second political force, with most bigger support in the industrial areas of the country. What had price to the State,when they upset of the war, when in favor of some US companies and money, Nazi Germany goes to destroyed Poland in believed how was possible to Nazi   made a job and crash Soviet Union, what make the gains for these companies whose have money involved at German war machine.

 Today, the States support same movements in the World like it had been with Hitler Nazi Germany.
From Ukraine's Nazi groups to IS, in believe how with them they have possibilities to change the history, whose have nothing good to US.

But, like it has been in that time, even England stay in the lime with Hitler, at the war at North Europe, against Stalin aggression against Finland.

Today situation is still same, aggression goes on the minorities at the Baltic States, Ukraine. and other  east EU states,where the SS Waffen movement marched each year like winners to scare mostly Russian minority, whose have no most personal, human right which conclude from European Chart of Human Rights, and no body have to say something in favor to it have be protect  in the Baltic States. 
Nobody say something against moves monuments and acts against Red Army veterans of WWII. 

We have to say how the policy whose some have to present like policy of Russia president maybe has not come from these direction,but from the same persons whose nominated at the high places at EU. 
The same persons whose have fingers in assassinates of former Polish President. 

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