Wednesday 27 August 2014

What Obama must to do, to help itself!?

Time is to say how Mr. Obama must stop to make miscalculation and then he must to start to make new US policy in the World.

Mr. Obama must step out from Syria and he and his advisers must to have new obligation with Russia and China. Because, world have right to live at the peace. The peace for all, and out of the neocolonialist schemes.

No body have right to have make violating UN constitution and the chapter 7 of it, out of the SC UN permission. Out of that, even US stay to be aggressor.

The madness in the east Europe have to be changes after Mr. Obama and advisers start to changes policy against the rest of World.
Kiev's junta is in position that they haven't legitimate, and they do most worst things whose have the poison effect  at NATO, and the relations with others in the World, too.

Because that, Mr. Obama must to going to say C. Rice how she must live the post of the top adviser.
But even for not so correct advised in Gaza case,too.

Now is clear how the real policy in the World has been changes and how the uni-polar Word does not exist, any more.

Most of US ally have no more power to support actions abroad to US, and much of so call enemies has in the potent to broke spine of more of them. What we have to saw in Gaza case.

After all, before some put finger at the red button, Mr. Obama must call Mr. Putin to discus about wrong advise and miscalculated economical proposals at these markets after sanctions going on the power.

On the another part of the Planet Putin must step up in the action against some guys whose in the WWIII  have to see possibilities for self promotion.
Like it had some admirals in US Navy,IDF,Australia Royal Navy after they made help to created IS, in worst knowledge history and geography, and in after all, in miscalculated that they have be a weapon in the hand against BRICS  interest.     

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