Monday 11 August 2014

ISIL has at Turkey

After several years, what they had prepared and only few weeks in the actions, ISIL make opposite what they have to do in originally construction-to destabilized Syria and Iraq, and after all to make goals in SA importance at political map in the region of ME.

Now, the ISIL has the imperial army which have money, support, logistic and of course cover from the so call important places in the World.
They did everything what they have to make in order from the support places, and nothing can come to stop them in it.
The army equipment have mostly military cods number from the east part of Europe. It had payed from the reach supporters, mostly from the SA, but not only. In some contacts with the regular forces at the terrain, mostly special forces of the West countries, they buy info by gold, and after all they have advance for one more step at the field.

The actions at the East Europe going at the act to disaster and it had known at the some places like it has upper command of a several big player in the game.

But what they have no intention to say in the public, it has that ISIL whose created for something else know is coming deeply in the NATO member state, Turkey.

ISIL what is tragedy for the creators going to be the great treat for most prominent the Alliance bases in Turkey,what mean that they in position to take in the possession most sophisticate arms.

The agents of ISIL step up in the actions over most places at the European east, and what has so sad, the information about aggressive manners of them, is message for the old lady-Europe, whose make help to created them.
Not more than two months, they have going to be in position to treating even Paris.
The high command of US strategic forces is in possession of clear info about that.
Russia is not priority,the priority now stay the so call friendly puppets, these guys from "our prisons", whose now make the retaliation plans.
Sorry, but the believe in the God has not same in believe at the selfish lucre grime.               

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