Friday 18 July 2014

In fall down to Malaysian Airlines.........

The plane, the man, the order, the war, and the lie....

The pane was crash in the attack to prevent WHO to come in the fool info about AIDS.

The two man was targeted from the same man in Washington, out of the President room.

First was Putin, and second the high scientist from the UN WHO. The third  has second in the Administration.

Order to shot down come in over Warsaw to Dnepropetrovsk.

The second, control from Odessa made had info how is the wrong position of the plane.

The Rostov control in this moment lost contact with the plane.
Several moment after something hit the plane.

The order come in 14.26 GMT.

Is impossible that so many NATO war ships have stay blind over this fly down. Specially it had not possible from the French electronic intercept cruise ship stationed at Black sea.

In moment of act, three attacker  going in the action.
First, from the Dnepropetrovsk fly up the SU-24 i an pair, to intercept the fly from the Warsaw and do what is order.
Second, the robotic fly drone, who had used from the sea, to watch and done the order if something go wrong.
Third, the anti aircraft missile battery from Novorussia army, which get info over a radar about two war plane in the area.  
A visual contact between the panes had been pass without act. An pilots had not find similarly with the Russian plane.
After it they made the withdrawal. Sharply down to a field. In this maneuver one of then had shot down by the Novorosian Army missile.
Altitude was 4200 meters, so less than it had been the MN 17.
Not so long from the first shot, next shot take it in the passenger plane, at above 8800 meters, much higher than it has possibility Novorussian to do.
Who had made finished the job? The drone or some missile from the land, whose come in the air to protect the war plane, attacked from the Novorosian Army.
First is open to conclude.
Second, the missile of land battery fail the other missile, gone up in the space, and than had made catch the passenger plane.

We have to say how is so sad when less than century some going to copy NAZI policy for a war start.

Yes, if this is not the fool war than what it has?
How is possible that the Palestinian life cost less than it has life from the such westerner?
Why the Israel have right, and other have not right to self determination and self defense?

Ugly is situation that some sacrificed own people to make deal with the devil.
The actions what we had to saw after all tell to us, how is possible that some guys believe that they over the law. But it has not true.
And evidence would present real manner of looser.

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