Tuesday 29 July 2014

US, EU and Russia, who is winner in these sanctions?

When you stay to be like fortress than you have no long time to going to be a prison.
The EU with several acts in the last two months make it.
But they do something worst, they try to make a true in several cases in the World. Most time they have the wrong point the view at the matter.
In actions in Libya they came to sold a democracy against "worst dictator in the history", and after all they make crime against intel law, with murder to Qaddafi.
Now the same men coming to make revenge against so call democrats from the north, the same who are have the colonial aspiration at the oil and gas in this country.
The situation with escalation in Libya going to be come in the worst time for the EU economy.
They impose the new sanction to Russia, but in believe how they have reserve in North Africa. Algeria and Libya, too.
But, with not so secures in the both of the countries and with war in Gaza Strip they have big whole in the economical analytic on the economic perspectives.

Fuel who maybe can be import from the Arab states is not so secure, for the same reason who they have in the previous point.

In actives against Russia, India, and other states in BRICS group EU stand to be flush from the money and commodity markets. And after all stay alone like the big  concentration camp, with borders in high voltage. But now to prevent people to leave the Union.

In only few moments after EU came with the statement at these sanctions, the most investors coming to try sell so much corporate obligation, action, and off course the risk states bonds from the Union states members.

Second, the most investors coming to going to make transactions in the crude materials, out of US bonds, and UK treasure auctions.
The position in the east stay so well, because, these markets came to stay in stability, with more cash and gold at the table, what in the other parts, especial in the Union have no to be chance.
Markets in the most Arab states stay at the bring of the revolution, what pump the governmental silence and inactivity in Gaza case. Then more investors from these states coming to leave with money in London and nearest area.
Sanctions against Russia, relevantly quickly make hit to east EU member states, than they now have no chance to make recover in the self economy.
But if we look at history,than we had to saw how it finished at the Serbia and Montenegro case, where the neighborhood, Romania, Bulgaria, and specially Greece have been heat with sanctions against Serbia and Montenegro. But even Albania,too.

These countries now have broken economy, and fail society, with more and more people who are in the path to leave countries where they borne.

They follow to make be worst in the Russian case, if they have make conclusion, how they have no money to buy the Western goods.

In only several months the EU job rate going to be broke in the several countries 45% of employ ability , and the more of 65% unemployment rate.
It make the Union dysfunctional. With more instability and more pressure at the ECB to print more Euros. It push to rise the inflation. After all it built the situation same like it had been in 1930-th.
Russia have to stay with some casualties, but in the more analysis they have to make all gains what they have to predict before sanctions.
US have no more money to make a big actions in the World. Even they have help to Israel in Gaza Strip, they have bring the economic collapse so close to NYMEX, and  after all, to make a heat  at the market in the all World.               

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