Sunday 13 July 2014

Israel have drive to be lost

If someone mean how he have right to make destroy homes and lives of some other than he have no right to try for mercy!

Israel's Prime-minister took the info from the agencies  how they have no a force to make gains at the terrain, and from the IDF comando they took the info how situation in the Army is. So bad.

From 40000 reservist called to come at the service, they have no more than 25%. Because that they take more professional soldiers, many of them from the some ally nation.

After this, where the HAMAS make more precious attacks at the IDF bases, the Prime-minster do what he done in the past. He is pushing Israel to over brink in the deep.

Why IDF make actions against Gaza?

It has need to help the ally forces in Iraq and East Europe.
US and the satellite states want to make blind smoke against the World.

What is result?

Israel is oblate, and after new humiliation, the existence of State Israel have no more purpose.

Iron dome is the worst thing what Israelis payed. For this money most of Israelis had take the better social and education system. with more right for peoples out of socialite. Specially to non Jewish citizens.

The end of actions have result to more of hundred deaths soldiers, the army facilities lost, and after all more Jews who going to suffer in the World.

Is it necessary?           

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