Sunday 11 May 2014

Referendum is the universal right, recognized from UN

Who has right to say others that they haven't right to be different, to be liberate to make self choice on how they have vision to live?
Is something illegal if some have different opinion, or they have intention to make something like it is a referendum??
Is possible that for someone international law is valid one time, and in other time it isn't?
Who have right to tell from the Union that self determination for somebody is illegal, and for others is OK?
Is possible that Kosovo has right to make what they made, and when others try to do it again, it has not legal onto international law?
Who had broken the law first, who had believed that it was exclusivity for only one side?

The law is it, only if it is valid universally!
If it is not reason, than we have an anarchy, and after all insecurity.
Insecurity have create tensions and after all a war.
But, when a side take actions against other side only because they have believe how they have exclusivity, than we have injustice. Injustice make actions, actions reactions, and after all it going to be evolution in hate.
After that normal life is impossible.
The referendum is universal right, and it has no reserved for a states only, but an nations, and people has it right.
In chapters of UN constituency it had documented, and it had made to prevent what we had to saw in WWII.
The human right is over right a state to motion law and increase influence over a human bean.
Who tells against it, say same what say A. Hitler in the "My life", obscure book,the testimony about how is impossible make a relations in a states which regulated personal happy and liberty.
The US motion to make new order in the some parts of EU on the self picture, is wrong. The life, side along side is not the same system of life, like exist in the European former Imperial territories.

Referendum is valid even it has no support from the local state, if it has not intention to discriminate others.
But, when we look at the referendums in Swiss, than we had to saw how it has possible to be make in the state arrangement. In a democratic state.

Referendum isn't valid when it has make in situation where some part of an society is under pressure to leave a living posts.
In opposite of that, abandoning a referendum is a big crime.               

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