Monday 24 March 2014

True lies of G7 at these exchanges markets

Hello, who is so stupid to say what we can hear at some places like it has the conference of G7?
Than some guys like it has Prime minister of UK try from prominent lieder at the City to make info about real status at the economy and than some from US going to make pressure against open and independent media, when they ask,demand from the media to fabricate lies about situation with the most projects in energetic and transport industry.
Most of info which comes in the open air, have many lies about situation even in the budgets of most prominent member states of G7 group, where some of them have problem to pay month salaries, and pension incomes to self citizens.
In this time Canada have real problem with pension system, with health care, and what is no known they have problem with energetic industry.
They have vision to be main supplier with oil and maybe gas to EU. But in this time they haven't money to make even big gain at the neighbor petrol market.
Maybe the States have power to be the first energy supplier to the World, but it has only the big imagination.
For it they must have resource to punch most deeply than they have can now.
On other way the punch in the soil terrain is much more expensive than it has price at the open see, and what is real problem, they have no money to push it for two decades.
The technology of rinse shale now is most dangerous technology at the Planet, more dangerous than it has production in a nuclear plant.
Mr. Obama and the advisors   take have these info and because that they have plan to make incursion at the Russian sphere of influence. Even that mean the WWIII!
But, main promoter of this policy and the hard worker in the tactic "crash the door" is UK prime minister David Cameron.
The plans with oil and gas exploitation in the South Atlantic rush down in clashes against Argentina and Brasil. But even because, the technology which exist now at energetic industry isn't sophisticate so naff to make protect the environmental and to give not so expensive energy at the market.  
The lies stay even in situation,where Sweden try to cover the difficulties in the industry, where with no investment from the east, "the dirty money", they have grove problem with an insecurity and social catastrophe.
Most industries in north of the country goes down, and now they have a jobs only if it have main industry at the south, specially Volvo.
Out of supple  with nickel and wolfram they have real problem in electron  industry, but in the defense industry,too.
Why we say it?
For the reason, whose stay at the way. Today is impossible to make gains against somebody. The Global economy mean, global measure, and if someone going to break interest of other, than info at the markets stay only like the big lies.
The East have resource, the West need it, but money is in the pocket of the several mostly non West countries.
And there is problem! The some guys believe how they have a mission to change situation at the field.
For this guy these dictators like it have in Saudi Araby or some other the Gulf country or Egypt is better than it they see in the other so call partners.
For therm of poverty they have no emotion. They have no intention to react in favor for a person, but to "protect" what they see a profit, even they must have deal with Nazi and nationalist so call lieder. Even if it mean a ethnic cleansing and destroying  of national surrender.      

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