Saturday 28 June 2014

"The fail European dreams"

Yesterday the Union had lost self dignity, and had clearly presented how it has not the organisation to promote the Democracy and liberty, but something what had been in the head of Napoleon and Hitler.
Mind "straight to the east" has the logo of the Commission and whole Union yesterday, and more than yesterday.

But what the Union did? They did suicide when they put in a hands of EU skeptic a gift in promoted to taken the new states in so call free trade zone association.
These states has no more income BDP than have it some states in the Africa.
Economy of this states looks like "Swiss cheese", and all of them have export make have at Russian side.
Out of it, this countries has not so much money for build self domestic budget, but only to have try the credits from the foreign banks and credit clubs. In close history from yesterday this countries have only to expect more and more social dramas, more people would going to leave this states, and after all, they still stand the domestic problem of 28 member states of the Union.

In the selfish believe how the Union has money to amortize it, most of the Union's leader still don't have permit for a local newspapers and news agencies to present real situation at the field in the potential new member states.
Open censorship against the truth and democratic view onto situation in the east, make clear how the claims from the top of this article have be heard the true.
The union have not potential to bring in the membership states like it has Norway, Swiss,Island. This Union have not power to make such gains against more introduction of the States in domestic policy, and what is clear, the Union have not power to react against sectarian war in Iraq.
The Union, now have the destabilization move against whole world, and the policy of the Union does not exist.
Economy of the Union have only positive way at the several member states. Notorious it has Germany, Finland, Slovakia, and Holland.
Other member states, specially at the south have not positive motion in a economy, but they do only what it have to say the Commission or what is open to see for everybody, Mrs Merkel.
The German Chancellor now have problem to make so less debits in German economy, on other side she need to make transparent and unification policy at the Union.
But after she decided to promote the former Luxembourg's prime minister to be the President of EU Commission, all conception of the Union was fall down.
The conception would be smashed if Catalonia and Scottie,when they make have step out from Spin and UK.
Unification on the base whose promote some people around Pope,and what was policy of the some part of liberal-democrats politicians, has not historical and human justification.

Whose have right to tell how the states had not been possibly, and how some must stay unite?
This EU have not right, no more to say something about legitimacy and democracy, because they have only motion to make a money for few. To destroy welfare state, and make colonial position to many who have now believe how they would be free.
Economy without export on the East, make have the biggest loses in the history, what with so strong Euro, create situation that after hundred years after WWI, for few year going to be witness of the last WW.                  

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