Monday, 16 December 2013

What is EU?

What is EU?
Does it some club of not responsible people whose going to make history on the same way like it made some not so well people in the history?
Today we are in the position to say how is not so different today from the same time before two great wars.
Economy is fall, the some countries is in decline and situation with the aggression of far right movement at European soil is continuous.
Social crisis step up so far,and today is not so far a day when some not so different "democrat" from a populist, stay over action against "no democratic" situation in Moscow. In declamation that it must be make to prevent Russia to going to make squeeze over energy supply onto "democratic" states in EU block, and to take less price of gas and oil to EU member states citizens,too.
The last but not least in the former conclusion have be made to prevent some dissonant tone in the local elites. And to make clear posts for advances over not only Russian natural goods at the World for some part of not profit industry. Desperate needs to the EU to prevent growing unemployment rates over the block.
Is not so interest that some of this states whose some circles at the EU going to treating has the nuclear arsenal, some of them naff to destroy the Planet several time.
But if we are looking at these alternatives which produces EU offices than we have that a "democratic way of rule" in some country is not necessary to be make a business between EU and a country.
What is real interest for most insolvent countries has possibility to make fake against self countryside to  make an illusion how is crisis fixed by bypassed over the big east monopolist, like it Gasprom or other same system oil company, which is not in control from the EU rules.
In that time is not necessary to make flashlights on real situation whose have in EU east member states, where high corruption, insecurity, growing fascism and total economic instability make position for energy routes much interest than it have in "command" somebody like it has Gasprome.
The path to the East, what is like coin made in the Vienna two centuries ago, today is like it had been in the past, the plan out of mine, too.
EU, the fortress of liberty, unity, and security, now is only mask for growing gap of all civilization points and place where plans out of time for use suppose to prevent modern routes of post capitalist era. The place where young Nazi in support of some pro fascist support economic institution march to destroy a future in the time where some of the so call big EU officers and local government upon in the rise to present how they do something, even we see it different.                       

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Nelson Mandela

He died and they come to see is ti true! They come not to say sorry but to see how is not possible that he is stay alive.
He is the tall big chief, the big mbwane, old thinker who stay out from prison in time when the West step down with reason what the world exist?
In time where socialism "going to step down from history scene",and time when in the South stay something what the West support half century, even in the moment when South Africa step up in aggression against neighborhood.
They have nothing against what some cirques in UK and US,but in the other part of Earth ,too,calling the "excellent system for strangling in the civilization"- apartheid.

Today the lieder of the most countries gave the last salute to you big mbvane, they said so much, but nothing what you said to President Bush junior, when he started aggression against Iraq, or what you said Blair, when he start to say something against Africa's rights to be free, out of EU colonization's treatment against Africa produces, economy and of course right to some Africa states be better place for live.
You call several time President Obama to be brave in fight against "dark side" at US soil. But, you had stay in front against liberal capitalism in time where multinational companies in collaboration with national governments gone against South Africa with escape from mines and factories. In believe that  they have potential power that on this way stay in rule over black majority.

Did Lady Thatcher have a true minds when she asked some companies to lived South Africa, and stay in the way to pressure on that way against you, mbwane? Is she had democracy in mind when she looked at Africa?

Now, you are architect of BRICO. Does the President and Premier stay  over your coffin to say thank you, or they stay there to be secure how nobody, after you can say the true about "democracy"?!

Mbavame, you have not good relations even with the East, because you had said the true, that history is process, and how is not possible to lies and a force give a free and prosperity nations.
Even China have different way of your view, but you stay on the Path.
"The selfish interests, not meter from they have come is not  ally in fight for better world, you say Chinese Communist lieder".
From India you try to be more independent from the others. And for you "the World like the Planet must have two pole, what is reason why you say that "that no time to Russia stay out of the World".
But, only democratic and free.
You, say that no one have more right to be developer, and that is reason to Iran have nuclear power in the hands.
Yes, the tall men, you say much more than we say here, but we see how is possible that some people try to do what they did against justice, against you.
Your tragedy, is what you say "payment for success", because "without it nobody can say how he is in right".
The people who are not in daily confrontation against injustice and lie, they have no right to say how they lost something.
And, "democracy isn't something, it is way of life". Way where you mbvane step up with the word.
Be free at the  upper  highlands, when you had not had freedom in the life, Nelson Mandela.  

Sunday, 8 December 2013

EU have more problem in the Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria than it has in Ukraine

If someone try to be democrat than they must stay out from non democratic stance like we have to see in the Kiev, Ukraine. In no one situation where several hundred people demonstrates against democratic elected government, we can not say that it full democratic movement, because, specially in the state which is deeply divide on the east and west.
In the west part of Ukraine live most nationalistic orientate population, which have more problem to understand other parts of the country, where a people live in favor to the Russia, and most of than actively speak in common a communication Russian speech.

Yes, the problem in the Ukraine is still stay on the table from the WWII, where most part of the Ukrainians going to been support to Germans invasion force, in battle against soviet armies.

Now, same stance still stay in the most mind of the local population divide over the past.
For most population the EU is nothing much better than Hitler Germany.
Because that initiative which came from the several address in the Union isn't so clever and we try to say how is necessary to make distance in the relation with Ukraine majority and opposition, whose in the first term present only the west part around Lvov.
The push activity against Ukraine government make situation similar like we had saw in Syria.
Or some part of the Union try to after lost battles in this Arab country, going to make new war zone in the war between the Union and Russia over energy consumption.

Ukraine opposition is not  in position to make something against democratic elected President, but only to do with support of someone overboard.
Is it democracy which EU call for self?
Why EU did not something against growing nationalist movement in the new country member, where live of minority is in danger, and them presenters still live in the threaten for life?
But in this things the EU has not "interest" to intervene. Because, minorities is not oil and gas!            

Sunday, 24 November 2013

The storms changes the war practice

Nothing like weather can have detect social changes in the world.
The wars which in the past, big countries goes to win, and which came like fuel to economy of a big countries, now are the past.
In this moment climatic changes in the most part of Earth push up most power countries to make changes at a foreign policy.
Climatic changes going in position that for most activity in a foreign policy they must have calculation which goes with high costs.
The several wars in the ME take position in active analyse of an most prominent analytic states agencies, because they try to find how is possible that an arms have not full efficiency at a battlefield.
The so call "smart arms" like it we saw in the propaganda is not like producers of it think that it has, but even more it was not and it is not something what in action make total success. In some analyse, an rates of  a collateral victims are incorporates in success have so high. The actions in some part of not friendly areas at the Planet, for the States and some of Arab allies, in several terms going to be total disaster.
High air temperature, air with most instability and free air electricity, lots of dust elements, and not so much humidity make situation even with communication systems, and a radar control less efficient.
In this situation only man and woman at a field make a success or disaster.
And when some going to be soldier at a place where weather condition goes much different than the condition they have in a homeland, price going to be rocketing. The price for a war success.
A equipment for this soldiers make have much things whose has not standard equipment at a domestic field.
Today, when you have changes in the clime, and where is possible that in the dry dessert coming weather with showers with floods, some countries like it we can see at the Arab peninsula have arsenal of an arms whose not utility for it situation, and where they have no well educated forces to make something in this new conditions.
It means that more things going to change not only price of a war but it has change positions at a battlefield.
With lots storms, where gales blowing up more then several hundred miles per hour, with sea conditions where the big aircraft look like a small  boat in storms whose more and more looks like super storms in the State's strategic region in Asia, Africa, but even in Europe, push strategic action to have make at a different places, like it has e-mail box.
 With changes at Arctic, where blister weather make situation impossible to Russia  goes to make gains over oil and gas and start to produce more it from the sea.
Not have nice situation with weather, strategic action have not even China which have not place for more agriculture produce. On the east great storms, and floods, and on the west dry, and most dessert areas , with narrow food supply, what make troubles in Chinese society, when price of food goes seven time up in several decades.
Yes, most power states have same tactic in situation where economy slash down, but in this moment, without stability, changes in industry, and of course in ethics, push all of us at the end.
Storms, weather conditions, temperatures in the oceans, and of course ice cap at the Poles, it  has something without calculate it in policy, no one state can make have success in the action over board, specially in a war.
The France presidents in last decade goes in these wars, and after all they have no successes, because they have no knowledge about weather conditions at the field and how it can make change power of arms.
In this knowledge, and in some else Iran now have not can expect action against itself.     

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

European Union and US must protect "Erudut Treaty" and peace

US and EU with other member of UNSC must step up in  a action against open violation of peace in former so called territory of Kraina in Republic of Croatia.
In part of this territory at east of Croatia in town name Vukovar, an members of far right Croatian military veteran units try to crush "Erdut Treaty", what was signed in the 1996-1997 and who had made war ended in Republic of Croatia.
This treaty gave big guaranties to the minorities at this region, and in Croatia,too. On other path,Croatia in arrangement with UN, US and Russia, take control over this region, with most rebellion Serbian population.
The act of "unity", whose signed between UN protector US retied general Klain and President Franjo Tudzman,Croatian President and Serbs minority President Goran Hadzic,make that minorities going to take most relevant international minority support and protection against majority domination, segregation and nationalism.

Today, Republic of Croatia doing everything to broke the Treaty and do it with so call independent groups of  the war veterans organisation, with them paramilitary units.
The government doesn't to help Croats to understand what they must respect in the East Slavonia,Barania  and West Srem, how is official name of region which Croatia reintegrated with "Erdut Treaty" implementation.
Because that, the majority goes at the streets to try to shut down the minority rights. They goes against cultural identity of the local minorities and they try how to push out more Serbs and other minorities from the region and Croatia.
This is not only problem in the local area of town Vukovar, but it have intention on situation in the neighborhood, over Dunau river in Vojvodina. Where Serbian nationalist goes against mostly against Croats minority, but not only.
The big mess is on the way and now is so necessary to the Protectors of "Erdut Treaty" must going in action, to prevent Croatian government and the nationalist to have broke rights of the minorities, but much of that, to prevent aggression against personal identity, propriety and cultural autonomy of these minority members.
Time is to act against voluntarily at the place in Vukovar , to "help" stop act of aggression at peace.
Time is to US with EU,UN, Russia,China push Republic of Croatia to take seriously international agreements, what "Erdut Treaty" is, to say truth to Croats, and to take serious steps in protection all national minorities, sexual,too.
But even this Croats whose haven't same waive at the situation in the country, and who are in the pressure in fight against nationalism, nepotism, plutocracy, law insecurity, and fascistic rhetoric from most high rank priests of Catholic Church in Croatia. Whose in most time celebrate Croatian fascist Ustase.
In this time, we have in the Union something worst than it has Syria.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Did governmental pressure against meteorologist make the worst weather?

In this moment some try to have interest to detect how would be clime in the next period.
They try to say how is possible to say that in the winter on the north and summer at the south nothing would not be different than it had been in the past.
But, if it is true, what we can say to the situation on North Polar sea, where weather is so long difficult that it can must be in autumn. Snow is not in action, and ice cover is melt on the half than it had been.
It came to change temperatures in the Oceans,what make changes in the atmosphere where is possible that storms with great gales, scares in the West Europe, and drove over most part of this continent in thousands miles long path.
But now is full known how is real problem with clime changes "worked from some not responsible factors at the Planet".
True stay in fact how is possible that changes in the salt water comes deeply at the south oceans and make that temperatures in the water changes situation on the weather circles? Specially if "not true that changes at the ice cover at the Greenland and North Pole, like at south,too, make have dramatic changes in the areas".
On stay theory which we can see at the regular observers at the meteorological, that "nothing is unusually", they have no advice how is possible that temperatures in only several minutes in part of UK goes down, and wind blowing with speeds like it have do at the some part of USA or South Asia?
Because that we can not have interest to say nothing but to official policy with unofficial organisations going to do everything to stop real fears questions about what it happened in the some minds when they try to say lies in the changes which they made against the Planet.
Furious dry season at the South, much early than it had have in the past, with tornadoes over Europe, floods in Siberia, strong winds in the South Ocean, and temperatures changes in these most places  so far from the ends of the Planet, calling us to say how is time to say that is not usually what meteorological agencies say, but this what has happens over us.
Tornadoes is not usually in the so far of north or south, like it what we have with temperature great amplitudes,too.     

Thursday, 24 October 2013

The new economy in the era of clime change

From most part on the north we can see how is bad situation with clime.
The situation still stand much worst if we have look at political conditions at Arctic area where more and more positions of see and land stay without snow and ice cover.
Oil and metals like other goods stay open for exploitation, and now stay to be big problem in the international issues.
The west nations try to open "independent" explore and produce in the region, in reason that they have plane to isolate so much real concurrent in the  World arena- Russia.
In this moment , exist several models how is possible to produce oil or gas, but what is with other goods? It has ask most prominent western diplomats. They believe how is not so good for prosperity if somebody out of his club control instruments of industrial grow.
Yes, if look in the Canada's Arctic we have to see how the pollution on the large territory not so much less than it have to see in the Siberia, where in the region of Nikel and up on the north situation is criminal.
The situation with regions in the some parts of north Canada in region of the north Alberta or Saskatchewan look like it has in Siberia.
Pollution which was created in metal industry or in gold mines after "separation" in the area, step up in the clods and after that going with wind come in large populate places where come in the drink water and in some vegetables at a land.
What we have to see is that situation stay worst, when pollute waters come in the lakes or sea, where it make difficulties in the local wild habitats.
What over a table a people take in the food.
Have we say something for it, for situation that so little number of people coming to take something to make money on a health and prosperity others?
In situation when it has support with arms and dirty money.
If this madness don't stop eminently all of us can expect huge extreme temperatures with lots of falls in the winters and less at summers.
Yes, we have expect that others part of clime year no exist no more.  
The World not want to see how some guys make the processing of cracking in oil produce. But the World want to see something better in the green technology, where in produce to make green tech pollution isn't less. We see it in Chine.
But, when we going to say something like that is not possible to say how is it same, we try to tell how isn't possible that man can produce energy, goods or other things up then it has need.  

Monday, 7 October 2013

Economy in the Nature

When we going to make plan for nearest future, in society  and economy than we must have something what we known like Nature.
The mother Nature has more and more answers for the human population all over the Planet.

Without knowledge about mother Nature, we are not going to have expect so much ease recover economic situation at the Planet.

In the moment where situation with weather conditions is changes so quickly than it had expected the theoretical of worst clime changes in the World.
Now we have to see how is difficult to make and transport energy in several post at the planet.
The weather condition on so call moderate climate area, now is in position that we have to see how is bad to make agricultural production and how is produce of some goods change the place at distance of several hundred kilometers,up at north, or down at south.

The rains which have seasonal structure in  a fall  at the paces of south east Asia ,and some other areas i change position to falling , take the tropical heavy rain showers in the area of east Asia. And in east Siberia, where we had to saw great floats in the summer.

So the same situation with a float we had to saw in Europe,America. But on other side we have how more and more water rise in the heavy clods, whose in consolidation with solar changes make super storms at the places who had never have stormy weather.

With clime changes, which going so fast in several years, the problem with economic crisis can make be worst. Because, problem with food and energy stay in position of "traditional" way of mind.
It have mean that is impossible to the "rich nation" with support for agricultural production save situation in the economy.
With fuel made from so call new method of technology,"cracking the stone", and what we have most pollute alternative technology, mean at the wind turbine electric plants, we have to  say how is possible to going to have worst ecological and economical situation in less than five years.

The real production to energy stay in micro energetic plant, because, totally same is when you have high voltage electric cables in a area, or when you have highway. Pollution which we can make to registration at the places present that clime change is drastic.    
If you have dry conditions in the place, after you have build highway or high electric facility, situation have be change.
Only new policy over an energetic and food policy can make solve problem.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Germany can going to lost with "full employ" policy

In EU something going to be different after elections in the Germany.
Yes, Mrs Merkel  stay at the position, but it is not so clear how it would be.
If we look at the results than we have to see how Germany is split over most posts. People was voted different between north and south, and west to east.
Even they gone to voted in more than it had done in the elections in 2009, we have to see how is so much people voted in the favor to the continues of the governing, because they have so much fear at the nearest future.
The so call employ rate has some not so clear points.
People work, but most of them hardly and at the several jobs to live proprietorially. No even the former Chancellor  have dooms over situation at the field, and the ex-ruled parties have no choose to said anything against situation in which is Germany.
Yes, most people work, but what, and where? Yes, most people have money to buy food and shoes. But what is with other things?
These situation over clime changes in Europe, make more problems to a common people. They have in this time so much damage in a propriety than they have no chance to expect how they have to take support or help from the local government and state.
It we have to detect over not increase the travel over abroad so much Germans. On the other side, the holiday is slice on the only a week, and in much of them, an employers try to be out of payment in time spent on the it.
True is that, the Churches cannot say that prosperity stay in Germany. Difference in ten year grow rocketing than from the former 1:4,now we can detect it on 1:20.
And on the other side, German grow was built on perspective that the government did not going with much spent, but even they hadn't coming with real taxes against a big players, in reason to bring them from an abroad to stay at the home.
Now, a work price in German economy stay at the level in the East, but if we going to tell how is true that Germans have GDP with several thousand per person, we must tell how is it possible if only we look at in total. But if we look at microscope economy, than it is not clear how it is possible, when we remove "the big players", and the automobile industry.
Only one income in the so call democratic intervention somewhere in the World can make from the economy big mess.
Yes, the economy was made over credits from the East, and with high spent on this side, Germans goods. But what is happen  when some economies in the Union, but not only in the it , dump in the deep?
After all, in Germany we cannot expect not so much. Changes is it not possible, because the real economy situation give no place for big moves.
But if a next Chancellor going to make same policy like we have to see now, than we can in 2015 have to look at big mess in Germany.
The common German citizen must be in the center of the policy.
With people without perspective, helpfully and not so satisfy, not even German economy stay stable so long.
Then is vote 2013 has only detection how is situation in the Union bad.        

Thursday, 12 September 2013

After attack coming counterattack

If we going to look at situation on the US military than we have to see how is situation real.
The situation stay much worst than it want to speak up American elite.
In so call test missals before several days in Mediterranean Sea, the US military try to find possibility to act against  to target at the ME. Both of them had been in the war area.

After so call tests in the area around Malta's islands and after in the sea dropped fighter yet of the Nimitz war group, the administration step up on the negotiation table to say how he "have strong message for the other side".

Now is clear how in the past, several areal attack was came against Lebanon and Syria from US fleet.
Only they have equipment to make long distance fight fly over enemy territory, if we look at on the West side.
But, even in this action we had to saw how is so bad logistic at the field. And how is so call Free Syrian Army recruited from not perspective soldiers and officers.

In both incidents the reaction against US weapons come from Syria friendly side, and cause big confusion on the Army strategic tables.

In this reason, stay position of the some media in the States, and political elite,too.
They are in-proof that so call act against chemical installation in Syria without UN mandate,mean total comedown for all on the Planet.

In act against act some other, not only Russians, but other part from non US position going to change some regimes in the region, and after all, the position of the administration stay much worst.  

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Bombs in the aggression against Syria and the climate changes

What is results of wars in Mediterranean area, like it was Libya, Turkey, and before in Afghanistan and Iraq?Balkan,too.

Climate changes at European and African soil.

What can be result of so call no war action of US against Syria?

Mix between situation at Balkan peninsula and Libya.

What West Europe can expect in the next winter?

 Lot of  the snow falls with mass gales, deep freezing land and in the next summer long dry and extremely hot weather.

What it mean?
Much more inflation and the price in production of all, and of course, high price for a goods to the population.

Is possible that US stay to going to be place with drastic changes in an agricultural produces?

Yes, than it mean that shortages of water with much more days with strong winds could change some industries and of course push up people to live some places, much faster than it the Administration expect.

After all, if BRICS don't going to dismiss the aggression against Christianity and the Churches it mean more destruction at the field.
In this solution we expect how is possible that all what we have to said here can be much worst.
Against war, come with strong messages.



Wednesday, 4 September 2013

They make escape in a war, to say nothing about clime disaster

The real problem for some guys in the State Department isn't Syria,and chemical weapon, but situation on the so lonely places like it has be these deserts and polar caps.

In this moment situation with weather on this places create most worries about future.
In some part of planet we found that even the oceans start to be like mineral water, with the bubbles of carbon-dioxide in the structure.

On the polar places and the glacial area is so evident how the temperature going on and how is not so long the day when we can have problem with elementary poses of fresh water.

How is possible so "quickly" to it done, when everybody on the top priority places at the Department going to go said nothing in the last several years?
It has possible, because so call "God machine" of US "Space Army" stay to work, and in some cases to made situation much worst than it some of "experts" make in the reports to US government and other potential users of this reports from abroad.

Now, situation with Syria coming in the right time to the President and some parts of the Staff, because no body going to ask "why in the some areas of the States they have no rain for several months"? And "how is possible that in the some parts of the World temperature is same even they have different geographical position"? It mean that some places at around North Pole have temperature same like it has Spain or the East Coast.
On the other side the temperatures in the some deserts come in the position to be equal like temperature in the places with continental clime, with much rain than it have parts of normal climate areas.
In this reason, the losses in the agriculture rise and most of the so call experts come to give help with GMO crops.
In final we have to say how is for US economy so negative to have problem between  the government  and agricultural possessors. Because, the government has no money to subsidiary heavy losses of the possessors.
Same problems have Francois Holland in France,too.               

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

The Nobel Price Committee to remove Barack H. Obama from the Nobel list of the Price winer

After all, if somebody try to be in line with Hitler, then we have medicine to make it possible.
If black President try to be like predecessor Bush, than we claim Nobel Price Committee to withdraw status of Nobel Price winner from name of Barack H. Obama.

No one have right to be over law, and UN constitutional act. Action against full member state of UN step down at the chapter 7 of UN constitutional act. And each aggression going to be punish at other member states of UN, and courts over the Planet.
Person who make have order for an aggression to be made against independent states goes to be treat like criminals. And in finish they can be treat on the International Criminal Court of Justice.

The Prime Minster of UK now is same position like it has Holland and several other politicians and generals,too.

War can be start, but full winner we could saw in several places at the East is not be US President, nor Prime Minister, neither Holland.

Hitler and Mussolini never had been Nobel Price decorated dictators, now is time that Obama be removed from Nobel Price list, and put with Bush at the list of two dictators.


Thursday, 22 August 2013

The East is so big for the West

The rockets come from the south, and made disaster.
After that many in the World have going to look at attack over the regular Syrian army, like something really secure.
But, no body find the security cameras, and radars, which made real info about the rocket attack founder.
Is the oil so important that everything is positive, even if someone try to with lies goes to make goals for control over distribution and produce of it?
In this moment is not so much interest for personal dignity,not in Egypt, nor in Syria.
In first plan is how to built up the by-pass over north stream ways which control old enemy of the West- Russia.
In this total war, some guy mean that is everything possible and justification. In condition of the total war, first was going off the true. And human dignity,too.

In this moment over the most situation, from Tunisia to Pakistan, over Yemen, we can make an conclusion, how the big move in the war over small heads, where it has been only number in the news.

And second, how some mean that they are Napoleons, and that they have the knowledge and power to change with Al-Qaeda relations at the Planet.

But, in the history we had find how had been Napoleon destiny.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Egypt, who care for it?

After no "Al Qaeda" war contact with infrastructures of the US, and without positive initiative at the field in Syria, what is next?
Egypt it is not!
This country has turbulent history and all who learn about it known how is so difficult be Egyptian.
Formed from the Ottoman court,from the man who came from Europe, with only a person who had been real Egyptian, modern Egyptian know how is country divide more than Lebanon had been in 20th century.
Divide and put in the collapse, this conglomerate of the nations and religions, had been ruled with the army whose made and make had indoctrination from former lieder of the country, colonel A.G. Nasser.
In self promotion to been pan Arab lieder, he get position where only Army have right to tell a true.
Today, the same Army have no problem to make what they have to learn from the supporters from the west military academies. Because, they believe how they are only true Egyptians, and patriots.
In front of that is going to find solutions for elimination not Hezbollah, but their lieder Sheikh Hassan Nasraallah.
The eminence has most problem not inside of Lebanon,nor Syria, neither with Israel, but with some guys into divides Saudi's dynasty.
They have make everything to remove them from the scene, in believe how with it they have chance to stop strong movement against the dynasty onto Saudi's east provinces.
And it has the path for big introduce over several Arab countries,they believe,too.
On other way stay no more friendly new Turk, R.T.Erdogan  who have the "courage and honest" to going to call somebody to do against what he had made in the nearest conflict at the most places into Turkey.
By the way, the civil war in the New Ottoman State still stand and with situation in the nearest Kurdish area around Turkey make the new Sultan more and more nervous. And in this situation he has more open for an actions of Saudi's secret police.
In this story you cannot reed about Doha's regime.
Now they have more problems at the homeland, and with no actions from the States against Iran.
The Shia population at the tiny emirate now look like a big fist. And in situation which we have to see on the Manama's streets, where the local dynasty try to find exile for day after, where US marines going to be the force for step back the "unpopular king and government".
The new emir try to find calm and to buy self popularity with more money invests in the social programs over poor Shia population.
For this reason, Egypt is not so important for many, but only for sponsors of so call democracy in the ME, specially at Syrian minefields.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

The President need Al Qaeda for inter policy

When everything goes wrong, and people stay away of destiny,out of money and future for self families, than the rulers going to come to make some things like it has problem with so call terrorism, and "Al Qaeda".
What is it?
The organisation or what is reality, the spin of some political structures at the west side of the Planet?
In this moment, we have to see how is some so call activity in terrorism actions against US and ally is in relations with not so good situation at the markets and with situation that incomes into specially US step down in several months.
The unemployed rate is grow, and in real estates we have to see how the market make business on the mantra- sell for nothing.
In relation against the World more countries from G8, even Canada have same problems like it has US. England and France is in big recession and no time has to change it, only to put state propriety onto table.
The markets detect how even action against Iran is not so expecting, and how is big problem in the several big oil ME states.
The Boomerang of "Arab Revolution" come back at the places from where it put on these routes.
Many things, even the problem with no finished wars in ME countries, the lost battle against Russia and China on several plans, and of course, wrong and miss actions in the NATO and EU, with "not good Pope", going to make the White House extremely nervous and so much paranoid in these moments.
Because that they "calling dear friend Al Zavahery to do something to make discipline in the not more democratic states at the West".
The fortifies Europa is declaration of Nazi, and now we are secure like this movement with other anti democratic movements in EU, try to make what they have not chance to made in the nearest past.
"Al Qaeda is myth of the west supporters and political movements in struggle to remove control against political functions, how a political elite come to make self rules in the spent of common money". 

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Who is change the Planet's meteorologic conditions

In time where we are now, we can see how is real problem something what is putting in a corner, and no one from policy or intellectual elite have courage to come to say what we have like real problem in this moment on the Planet.
In time where is possible to someone come to buy weather at the market. Where is possible that most part of the Planet stay away from the rain. On other places if somebody need, someone going to make changes in the meteorologic situation at a field to do it. For money? Or for political goals at the ground?
Nothing is worst than somebody going to play roles like they are Gods. With weather like toys in the hands of big babies. 
After all, we now have see that on the Planet the most places have big climate destabilization, and that on the unusually places we have to see a specific meteorologic conditions and things.
In moment where is totally known how is so call climate changes in the Planet, come from the mass destructive cooperation in the implementation of the arms for mass destruction, over wrong use Tesla's patent describe from the most sides,too.
But real problem for the Planet population was came from the North, and so call super power arrogance. What was cause several mistakes and incidents from sixties 20th century to today in the experiments over clime control, and of course to how  is possible to use the clime in the not classical war.
In several situation, specially in the few last year, we have to made describes over hundred so call climate change anomaly, which in real was human made destruction against somewhat or somebody.
Today, after the projects of the most famous actor in the World's political arena going to be removed for reason of mistakes in the action, we have to take position to say how real situation at the Planet is.
With polar ice cover who are melt so quickly to real problem of the CO2 gas or what somebody say like "glasshouse effect", and with not only problem in the it, we must say how now we have some problems in the sea with currents changes.
Now is open know how the currents take place in the so call "post call war" and now in only few mounts change situation on the several places at the Planet. 
The warm weather comes much more time in the places so far on the corner of the Planet. Temperature on the some part of the Sahara desert is unexpected low and what we have now that weather only in some part of Araby desert stay so high.
But in this moment we are in investigation to find what stay real opposite of the "normal weather conditions"?!
Human, or something what human does not control, no more? 
The ocean temperature changes, and changes in the weather in the nearest areas of the ocean coats make have conclusion in the first hand that in a some place somebody lost the magnetic mine.
It can going to change the position of all of us on the mother Earth.            

Saturday, 13 July 2013

The Sheremetievo have made to mask is fall

Is ready someone to say how is no crisis over the relation between two big in the World.
If we properly look at on the situation in so call Snowden's case we are in position that see like this situation look like how two in the market try to find good price for these goods.
The money in this case is prestige in at the Planet, and now is so clear how US going to leading mistake moves against self interest, when they going to push down the Big Bear's interests at the World.
In courage instrumentation over action in the ME, and in situation where the market expect some type of the clashes in some part of the Planet, we are in position to take footage over so call Israeli's aggression on the neighborhoods, where cover the ally planes attacked on Syrian soil.
Rely they have no knowledge how to make pressure onto Kremlin, and they now have made mistake move.
In real condition, the Big Bear now have most of info from the several stores on the US machines, and they in the position to move up more then the NATO expect army against trite on the self interest.
The decoy in the relations between Lord Drake and the King is out of function, and it now is inter relation questions, in fight who was make the Secretary of Domestic Security to fall down. And to Company make advance over some guys in the close the King's circle who would gone to create insecurity over the World. And to questions over one dispute in the person,they try to have make a action.
In this reason dollar is in rise, and investors expect the State recover, but they are in wrong.
The Lord Drake is not foolish man, and he knows how is important to stay away from the Court White whole plots.       

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Without knowledge, Egypt could not had an Faraons

If some want to have a revolution, than they must have scenario for a war.
If some want to have a liberation, than they must have a power to be strength to move up personal security.
If some want to have a freedom, than they must have a courage to stay up in the action to say how  had been in a wrong mission.
If we want to say something about somebody, than we are in the right to tell nothing about some situation at the field.
And if we have to say to so call "Arab springs" than we are in the position to say nothing about that,because same people live in the both side of actions.
In this moment it have mean that same people try to going to have right to say everybody how they are in the right, and other is in a wrong.
But in this time, everybody who are going to make decision about something must thinking how word can be lethal.
In moment when actions of some guys going to be the wrong action on the wrong place, right to live in peace have this part of an nations whose have not fatal and fundamental mean onto  these religions.
Man and woman who are in believe how they have right to change some regimes and nation to make an self better position in the global policy going to be in wrong. And this, after all with no knowledge over history, an human relation, and of course local antagonism, an good ideas going to make in the disaster.
The Egypt, Tunis, Libya, specially Syria is only one part of it.f   

Thursday, 27 June 2013

London City detect the EU crisis?!

Several days before in EU membership, coming the new European state, this Union stay at the brink of sword.
The money fond are empty, and so call solidarity is at the low level at all time than EU exist.
In this moment actual gap in the relations between the member state of the Union not going to be make on the historical relations south-north, but even in the axis Paris-Berlin-London.
Money laundry City stay in the position where they stay and wait,what would be with UK?!
The RSB now is problem of the "Union Jack", and they are believing how it going to be problem of some other. Mean Scottish state on the north of  Britain islands.

Of course, the problem still stand in position that most investors in this bank come from the south, and abroad, and than they are in more dangerous to be in so call "Cyprian gap" when scenario of independence of Scottie come in the power next year.

In this moment it have great impulse for Germany and what they had no such idea, that is possible to -Putin's Russia,too.
With no energy power control, no against Scottish. nor Norwegians, England and other dominions in the GB, have only to be like colony of the States with market  for  non valid papers and depend industry, what not going to be naff to change situation at which they would been power in the World.
Because that Mr. Cameron took actions in the  some circles to they have credits for UK "actions" for a "liberation"  actions over the Planet.

"If we did not know what we have must to do against crisis at the home, than we must create crisis abroad"-this mined come from US's  doctrinal policy.

Now, crisis in UK come in what we can see like crisis of the identity, and in this moment it make troubles for investors at the City.
Because that the Planet is in the war. These situations  we had in the twenty century.
And of course it make EU,the  place where not braves come with the true, but an demagogue politician with calls to leave the Union, because "that is the Great Germany".

In this moment this politician want'n  to say the truth that UK have status of bankrupt state, with social insecurity, the race intolerance, no job for all, and of course, no power to be what they had been.
For reason that some states whant to be what they do not have to be,a power, EU  is on the brink of sword. And incoming of Croatia, state which formed on the crime of self citizens against self citizens, and which have no intense to make changes in the policy today or tomorrow, the crisis for the Union is way to live.           

Monday, 17 June 2013

Before going to start G8 summit, the WWlll is on the way!

Few days before start of the G8 conference in North Ireland, the new World War was start.
After one century after Great War had been started, the new war is in the field.
Now, the former colonial power plus the former economic world chief US against rest the world.
This war going to be in one moment war, because only switch at the table can make to the World fall down in the Stone age.
After that, no a rocket or other things can be use to attack on somebody.
The believes in the administration, how they now have a lots info about the "enemies" is falls, and on the other side must take position how they have no real info about situation at the field.
No one group or persons have power today to going to fighting somebody like it we could saw in the past.
Climate changes, and system fall in the NA, and Chinese meteorological power in new war straggling, made low level war action at the Planet impossible.
An actions against Syria, with the civil war in the Turkey make only the detonator for the big implosion.
Good long night! 

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

The war in Turkey try to R.T.E. step down in Africa asylum,for democracy

In the recent situation in Turkey, some so call liberal and to liberation make news channels, the  most of them from the ME must  have going to step down from the throne of self promotion pictures like it has democratic media.

Al Jazeera is one of them. This media house is in big dip of the seance.
From two years ago this media house was doing many mistakes, and promote in many time not democratic movement, but mostly Islamist movements and Arab autocratic regimes, whose coming to be even regime of Qatar's Emir and his family member.

He and his wife did so many things to promoted something what is not exist in the tiny emirate in the Gulf.

After they are lost battle against the West Europa, they start to serve them and now we can see ,what  is the point place to so call "Arab Spring".
They made  export money and ideology in the most secular regimes at the Middle East. Specially against Turkey, where they have lots money in the ruling structures of  Party to work and progress, and in manages of the Prime minister,too.

After all is known how the plan to remove first Assad, not going to be stop in Damascus, but it make big  anti Ataturk changes in the neighbor Turkey, too.

So for liberation and freedom and in name of Ataturk, now is time to be somebody move from the power, and policy most be back at the typically Turkish way of Islam. Open for all, even for the non Muslim citizens of this big nation.

R.T. E. have only one day to move in self proclamation to he will has resignation on the political posts in Turkey.
The NATO and EU has no real support and power to push Turkey to step down against him.
They, if they want to be secure must going to push R.T.E. to step down at the political power, or they have chance to look at how the demolition  much worst than they now to exist coming in the middle of the his towns.
The war in Turkey coming to flood in the most European suburbs. And so call democratic ME media most leave self promotion in what they are not.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Erdogan play the game, Turkey try to step away

Like the" Boomerang" in Turkey is coming back so call "Arab spring" what they have to made in supported invasion onto Libya.
Now, we have the information how is so bad situation to the Prime minister Erdogan  have at all territory of Turkey.
And because that is so clear how it have not the real present at the West media.
The Prime minister has no so strong position in the Turkey what they have to believe.And situation on the local  market is not clear and fluent what some so call experts coming to say.
Only Erdogan have knowledge how is support of neighbor  Russia in economy and US support in policy something what make Turkey the modern state.
If he coming to strong support the insurgents in Syria and Iran, it can going to be predict like treason against Moscow and after all it should punishing from Moscow, in the money retreat from the market.
Only two days is necessary to make situation at Turkey's market same like it they had exist in the 90-th of twenty century.
If Iranian's oil pipe coming to stop to export it to Turkey it going to rocketing the price of goods and inflation.After all the crash of the project called "democratic Turkey" stay in position to be make from the neighbors.

Episode with Libya is not so satisfied for Erdogan. He was not came back like good investor from this episode. Turkey has not real involve at the occupation forces in Libya now,than Turkey have no good position for exploiting the best crude oil on the Earth, and to pay it with so poor price what it  have to pay the occupation players.too.

The real position of modern Turkey now stay in relation with situation in neighbor Syria like it have Libya to Tunis, and now we can see what is happened.
It is the true whose know Erdogan, and in this moment he going to make a dance with NATO to say how is impossible to Turkey to going in the war for the freedom and democracy again.Now in Syria.
Specially after "Nabboco" project fall into Russian hands. 

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Crisis in the Union is so strong,they need war against it

If you have a crisis at an state or like they have it in the Union,than you going to make crisis in an other country.
If you have a crisis at an public affairs at the Union progresses than you have only real move at now, against Syria.
But, if you have real problem with a weather,and if you have winter in a summer than you have a war in the streets of yours towns.
A prices going to be rocketing over every peak and you have going to make some unpopular measures.
After that, you start with a so call secret conversation with a some other to make better social condition at a streets.
First, after all you going to sell arms some who are your's contractors to sell it what you have to say "democratic fighters" against President Assad government.  
But after they have lost a life in the some parts of deserts around the field, you going to support the "fighters" with open actions, like we had to saw in last two month, several time.
When, you step up in an aggression, than you going to push an others powers to stop support regular Syrian army.
If they do not done we are in real trouble. Only what you can come to make against them is to stop buy them      oil or to recall money investors at the place to comeback at the home.
If you have to make strong arguments for it?! If you had knowledge than you have to see how at your streets is not so warm, you have a lot of  rain, and temperature in some part of the Union is below positive degrees.
For it, and for more power in a industry and public you after all try to make the "positive" negotiation with others to prevent a  your disaster.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

The West policy in these wars against religions at Middle East

If some going to have peace at the field, than they have no reason, and rights to say how some have or haven't right to be present at the conference about Syria crisis.
Specially the guys like it has take to had right Mr. Hollande, the French President.
Iran is at the way to be regional power, whose has most democratic process than we can see it at the other places in the Gulf.
Iran is multi-ethnic state, where live more than 56 national groups, and where in some differences live more christian that we have to see at not Saudi Araby, but in some place like it has Abu Dhabi,too.
For reasons which is not published in the regular time, we don't see nothing what is real situation over Christians group and Churches have really in these time at Middle East region.
Because, some states from the old west going to have trade commercial lucrative deals with plutocratic, feudal regimes from most states in the region. To buy only what now the west can sell at the local market, a arms.
Of course, the local regimes comes at trade negotiations in believe how they make it to going in the war against Iran. But, first they had bout to make a security shield against local population, whose going to try to make some revolutionary changes against self rulers on the tops of the Arab Gulf states.
The Syrian syndrome we expel so much time in the past, and now we have time to say how only " the peace-kipper should be named the child of God-Gods".
But what we can say to some guy from the West and Arab world?
They had gone to actions against Iraq, against Tunis and Libya, and after all against Syria.
No time have to dismissed situation which some created against Aphasia and South Osethia, Iran, and Mali.
In this time we only have to say how some top politicians and money makers from the West try everything to make place named the Earth, a worst place for live.
In the most conflicts at the Planet, they have no success, and this disaster policy comeback like public boomerang, in worst  vision at the price of the markets and social situation over the West nation.
Now, in this time the French President and others from former colonial power list most change policy or they  going to have look at revolution moving at the homeland.
And the question is:why they have make support to Islamic fundamentalism in states where live or lived big minority of Christians, where they have such rights and self ruled churches? In ally combination with orthodox Islamic clerics and regimes. In favor support against Shia and other moderate clerics. Then like Hollande made it open support to determinate some clerics from Syria and Libya, but Mali, too.  

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Bibi is the mule? And Israel is gone...

Hi, Mrs Netaniahu! Are you real meaning what you said yesterday, about Israel security?
Even if we know how you have to deal with some guys out of Israel, to put Israeli name on the foreign actions over Syrian soil?!

In this moment no one brigade of IDF has capacity to going in action against Syrian army forces. It is true, and you have excellent knowledge how you are the mule of some others, who are in charges to make a war in Syria, but they haven't to much courage to make it open. Because, it mean the World nuclear holocaust.

If you said what you said, then you are lair, and of course the wrong men in the wrong position at Israel government. The men who going to push Israel over the brink of sword in total disaster.

The wrong act or acts at Syria, coming to be potent blowing up bomb in your arms.

Maybe Syrian army has not so much equipment to come back the attacks? But only one act with some dirty bomb can have big involve on lives of your citizens, and you have knowledge at it.

The many times in the history, Israel coming to been the "wrong state". The state with so less friends then everybody in the World has.
Today and yesterday you and your miss-mind contributors from a abroad come to make the mistake.

We are so much time said how is only good position of Israel is to coming to be Republic of Israel, the state of all common people which live at Israel territory, with full citizenship rights.

Bibi Netaniahu  in the few next days going to come to be marked in the history like the men of Israel dissolution  and mist.
The more and more tears and cries we have to expect, like you made it in the war from Gaza, specially after Lebanon war in the 2006.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Balkan states most come at the monitoring looking at from EU, Croatia, too!

EU states have position that they haven't idea what to do with EU.
Why? Because, only two months before to Croatia coming in the Union we can see how this state have big problems in the politic functionality and in the justice system.

But in economy they have problem. The state government have problem in budget dept. Bank system have not money to make credit line on an investors,too.
Banks in Croatia have make credit to common people to make to come to buy so much unnecessary things and goods. But not for a business.

The local government stay and wait to come at EU to some other come to pay Croatian bills.

In most situation if you come to make money at this county, you have to see how so many people try from you to give them such stimulation,over law.

Croatia now have problem with people which try to get money from budget on name of public deb. A most of them stay and wait several years to come to get money. Some of them goes to pass of, and no one take action to change this situation.

In  an towns, several weeks before local election, we can see how more than 75% of municipalities and towns live over economic self power. 

They have at most places the situations that towns make some criminal acts against  a investors, because they have no acts to make promising for final implementation in the business.

And finally, what Europeans can make file to the Union, when the politicians come to bring state lake it has Croatia? When is clear that only reason why they are going to be member states of EU is to not come in open disaster.
After all, EU must come to make monitoring over states like it is Croatia. Because, the economic problem isn't only one problem. These problems with minorities,an  job seekers, the refugees, the invalids, woman, with a propriety, and poses security, too, come to be the naff to the Union Commission make have propose to other member states going to try to in first Croatia, and after, the other Balkan states come in monitoring process after they have make coming in membership of EU,too.          

Friday, 19 April 2013

Revolutionary against domestic sponsor

In many time of the history, the most dictatorship come from democracy, but no one dictator start to going to be democrat.
Situation at the streets of the north east was created at some political panels which came from inside of US.
US is most bigger sponsor of so call democratic groups whose step up with arms against, for the States acknowledge, a not democratic regimes.
When this groups going to loose support of local supporters at an territory or an state than they coming to make troubles at the territory of an supporter.
In Syria, and other places at the Planet the States has loose more wars than anybody in the history. Even the States is not classical colonial power they have same system like it have the "old" colonial powers.
More and more fighters for so call democratic standards in the World, after reaction and success crash from a local regime, make have this movement to refuse and come at the States.
Now we can see how much than hundred groups and more than it individuals stay in the States so angry, because they have believe how is US make treason against them, and how they had lost a fight against some of "non-democratic" regimes,because US not give naff support to them,too.
This persons have in most personal data the local documents and US citizenship. In this moment they are potently, the inside slippers which have  no time to step down from the revolution.
They are believing how situation in the new homeland is worst then it can be expected when they start a fights in a former homelands.

Or after all, when you in this case the States, going to be the Big Boss of the Planet,  you must have expect to take have "boomerang effect" in policy.
Today is clear how policy in US came in same way like it had came policy in Wiemar Republic between two WW.
The common people is insecure, the economy is at bad way.
The big economic players have not money to invest much in the market. But only what they have to do is to "save" money for bad times.

Friday, 12 April 2013

WMD is only stick for the peace

Now is totally clear how the power come from the nuclear weapon.
South Korea have clear protection of the States, but in this moment we have to see how even it have no chance against the nuke in the North Korean hands.
Same things have in the Iranian case, where only the clear power of Islamic Republic of Iran make the State and them ally very neurosis and make clear how in this moment we can hear only the lies.
US, UK and France going at aggression against someone in a name of liberty and democracy. But in the battle they going to come in cooperation  with notorious undemocratic states, and criminal regimes like it has states in the some Arab states.
US have now big problems with self ally from EU in Syria, where is totally clear how some so call democratic fighters for liberty against Mr. Asad regime was imported and paying with support of them.
And that, even Turkish Army have not power at open aggression to support this falls elements to make some change at the field.
Some Turkish prisoners have say so much to the Russians about some activity of the Alliance in region of Diarbakir in East Turkey.
The situation at the Gulf,where is Iranian forces make full control over see, and air with control of territory in some part of the Arab states, give more pressure on the Administration to going do something. But what?  They have knowledge how Iran have technology for the war on the high level and full distance. And something what are coming from the demography - in Iran living one political nation.
In this moment with this problems, problems in printing money, and with no clear economic situation at the markets, the States with the allies must going to make more and more war zones.
And when in UNGA more than half state member coming to call for justice for all, same states like it has so call democratic US and other westerners make have everything, even censorship in mass media over this to blocking true how they have use the modern wallies for the self interests.
Because that ICC had only made against poorest and smallest states and regimes, to make re-forces former colonial power to over this court going to make the control over rest the World.
In first step aggression, a second step change a regime, and after that calls for justification of a former ruler.
But what is with crimes of the so call democratic aggressors?
And who's player is Mr. general secretary of UN- Ban Ki Mun? Americans or to all world?
After all only possesses of WMD is grant for peace living and liberty?!

Friday, 5 April 2013

Mrs. Obama against comrade Un

Hm, some guys at some places at the Planet believe how is possible that North Korean government has not money and knowledge to rose up nuclear technology.
They want to prevent everybody who try to say how North Korean National Army has rocket system with the rocket which some not so much educated engineer can rebuild in some more than aggressive treat.
With several steps in one rocket, the Army can make range to the San Francisco, and with some changes in the navy they it has to use on the submarine, and ships,too.
They have supersonic torpedo, who has possibility to be use like rocket.
In only one moment, with not more than several rockets, the Army is in possibility to remove electric power from south, and to burn some Japan's town,too.
Before they going to be destroy from the US fleet, they is in possibility to make attack at the States soil, and to contaminate more than several thousand sq. mil..
In both situation, who will be a winner going to be total incompetent.
If the guys don't now so much about geography they must ask others who are best in it.
Korean peninsula is not so far from America, and if we look at situation in facts, we can see how some woman from the President house must be remove from policy.   

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

US and North Korea in the "game"

In time to time, we are in expecting to US going to make the new war.
But, after more and more disasters at the past several wars, the ask is who will been scribe in the history like big looser?
We know that "Great Successor" it will never been.
The states, wish to make point over two big rivals in the their backyard,quickly and with superior power, to going to change strategic influences at the field.
But, if North Korea make only one big shot with several missals on the States soil, with few big "blowing" in the area, than after that US can stay no more the superpower.
A future of the States in this moment, and after that stay on brink of sword of existence. An in this moment is not sure that US will be stay in the one,after that.
South Korea is in economic problems. Or how many people starve from hungry in north, same number live south over board. Each month.
For Koreans on both sides of demilitarization zone is total same, who will be winner for the war,because after that no life can be possible at the Korean peninsula.

And finally, we are in position to stay and look at Mr. Obama, and some circuits over him, how going to the war, lost it, and after that, lost the title of "superpower".

The game can going on.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Some from the West going to help Nazism

Now is totally known that situation in Cypriot crisis look like it we can saw at nearest history in Balkan wars at last decades of 20th century.
But now is clear how some east powers has not same weight like it they had in the nearest history. 
The States and UK isn't so strong what they try to have present in the public.
With France is clear how it is so deeply in troubles, and how French President live only at Mrs. Merkel's money. Or if we make it in the words, over 170 percent of BDP in France come from dept. 

For this reason, the Fuehrer orders in plan "Barbarossa" - "We had made the moving at the East for the our new living places"- still is operating. 
But now it have making some grandsons and their friends, from what is most shame for these bravest  US, UK and France heroes at WWII.
 In the time where is clear how few US Presidential administration had going to make big mistakes, when they did not listened CIA information contribution.
CIA has in the several time information how had been so danger to going in the actions. But in all this time they stay only like the guilty side. Guilty to wrong points, first in Afghan war, than in war against Sadam Hussein and now in new ground actions against Syria.

If we are looked at nearest action of some so call economical power at the bank crisis, than it we have clear views on what we was said here.

This moves, is similar like it we had saw in the Balkan crisis, and other crisis at the Planet. And now it look like Nazi reveille. Something what some expect to had been happened in nearest time after WWII.

With breaking economy,and the lost sense after the plots against former WWII allies like it had been Russia, China, the North Africa, and former Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia,  make have situation in the some places of power at the West in the great troubles. Displaced from the reality in the new plot named Cypriot bank crisis, whose really not exist.       

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Cypriot banks and Syrian war

In situation where the war over Syria goes so long, and without happy news for the West states, action over Cypriot bank system is only an measure or action in this war.
Action over Cypriot bank system have goal in vision that on this way the promoters of so call democratic revolution try on this way to push out main Syrian ally out of the position in the war actions.
Crisis not exist, this is true,and it was maked only to push panic over money savings into local banks, to on this way it going to make more disaster point over Russia, and other east countries, who are use Cypriot bank system like it make use the west investors into Austrian bank system.
With try to make have the more casualties into Russian portfolio some EU states goes in action name "Bank sirens" to make have finale push out Russian state, and companies from ME, especially in Syria.
The action have two top hill. First it was a something like nationalization of safer money, and in second to going to involve Russia in the local bankrupt with such safety loan to protect the local bank system, after that the Western "democrats" going to make more to push Cypriots over the brink of sword of bankrupt. And than to make over it, crisis in Kremlin.
But in this moment, they have crisis of Euro, and position that European currency stay in the zero point to be push down at the trade markets. What in finally can cause total dissolution of the Union. Maybe in some scenarios even a war.
Now, in moment when the Mr. President stay at the position one, where he stay and wait how will situation in Nicosia come, with a finger over red bottom,to the authorization action against Syria, the Mr. President advisers try to make step off, to windrow from the disaster.

In real production of crisis, which, now it is totally clear, it is only crisis of  the several West economy. It going to be make for the reason to take have a protection over shine history of colonialism.
Situation at the fields from the East to West, and South to North, open the question: Who is real troublemaker at the Planet?

The crisis now stay only at position that US and UK lost the several wars  at past two decades, and now they try to mist fortune what they had lost in these wars, pick up in the some next actions, this time against Russia, and the East. On simple dirty way.  

Saturday, 16 March 2013

New Pope?

Who is the new Pope?
Is it really,a man who are step up on the Holly Seat thorn?
Small man come at the place,and first what he was told  to us,how he has wish to going to be a common  men.
But after all, like many in the past he had some thing what is not so clear. The new Pope role into military regime rule in Argentina is some of the not clear things which come in the first place after roman conclaves.
Because that is so necessary to Pope tell to us what is real happened in these times. With simple minds and words to everybody can have understand real meter of happenings.
In other place is to come and tell to Urbi et Orbi how situation in the Catholic Churches is?
What is with Pope relation on the Theology of liberation,and many of priests and bishops who are involving in preach of it?
Is he really a reformist?
How he had mean to reform something what have the real problem in the function, and in the hierarchy?
Without questions on this asks he is only man who are there to prevent the open war between several sects which each of them try to have domination in the Curia.

Real situation is that  some try to have make domination over the World in presentation the new Pope like super-star in the media, to come in start position to make the more new troubles at the planet Earth.

We take a place to made asks, not to make some troubles for the Pope, but to make real position from where is clear, is the Pope Francisco independent from incursions from aside.Strong men on the top of the hill, alone and glorious, with a pure mind, the open dialogue with many others, believers and other peoples good will.    

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Chavez,rest in peace!

Today is most happy day for millions at Latin America soil. Hugo Chavez was died.
The rich people now have a chance to retake positions before so call revolution at Venezuela. They can going to call to be removing all socialistic elements from the policy and economy at the country and region of Latin America.
In most centuries before, a pour people stay pour and rich going to be so richest. And this situation some small officer made had change with attack at it with socialistic revolution. For whom?
Did they done it for a common man and woman, or this had been made to create a new oligarchy?
So many questions and no more answers came to been stay at the public?
Now we are staying and watching to you, to look at all who are preparing to make action against Bolivar's revolution in Caracas.
We are ready to make actions against all who have come to make actions, first against Roman Pope and now against the Revolution.
Revolution Bolivar's now is most power then ever. The people have something what they have no time in    the history.
This Revolution was came with these priests and they had made the name for it -Theology of Freedom.
In the moment when some make have to going to prepare the celebration over the funeral of the lieder of Venezuela, they must to make the notice how they are in the war against the God.
They was made attack against the first priest, only in reason they have believe  how they must make new "Monroe doctrine" at south, after what is reality come that no power have to change Iran and other so call non democratic regimes.
Stay away from the Revolution, and make no more the mistakes what you had in nearest history.
Rest in peace El Comadante,thank you for most changes in the World in last decade and half.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

What have to be new in Vatican City?!

After all we had to hear how is possible that a some states and organisations had the courage to make pressure on the Holy Site and at Pope, we have no scares if these guys believe how is possible that in the next several weeks they can have make a goal to going to have a doll Pope.
In next conclave we are going to make big change in the throne of Catholic church. At the position of the Pontifex  Maximus we see some not so much young man, but the man who is ready to make the big changes at the liturgy and of course in the relations between a common pilgrims and a priests.
In this time is so necessary that from the church top  sit the men who is really in fool conditions, to be able to have remove some prelates who is in suspicion that have involve in some not honor cases. Money and mist treat of the pilgrims, attack at Christians at the Middle East, is only few cases whose try from the new Pontiff to come at the Site like lone lion.
In the conflict between different fighting groups against much fractions at the Church, to protect the Institution the new pope about fifties and sixties must have going to make the radical moves, or we are at the shrink of sword, to  going to have lost in fate, and on the souls.
If the same structures in the Church stay at position that they have right to protect the fate in manage to make destroy order, than now is time to say Urbi et Orbi how situation over the Pope throne is.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Croatia isn't ready for EU membership

Today, some days after Roman Catholic lost the Pope, EU start run to make new mistake.
Is time still come the time to the Union to bring in the membership new state,some like it has Croatia.
It state have the real problems with the law. With history, and of course with self citizens,too. The citizens who aren't ethnic Croat have not real perspective in country where the law order of presentation the local ethnic minority in the government offices did not sanctioned  from Republic Croatia.
But it is the one of more injustice at this country, where people have problem even with a private propriety against state, and where somebody have more right if they build object without papers,than if someone do it regularly. And if they have political influence person in state offices on aside,too.
Croatia is like Kosovo not finished state, and now is time to be in the monitoring process even if she come in full membership to EU.
But, really isn't time to  Croatia come in the position to be 28 member state of the Union. Not to time, when the local government going to can keep right for all in the real stance.
In other hand we will have see some big problem for the Union in nearest future, at fist step minority tries for justice, and on other majority  Croats to try to find out from EU,with large blames against the Union for mistakes of the local governmental.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Time for the new history of Earth

How many secrets have at the places which common people have not have posses and visit?
In many places at the Planet we have so many asks than we can make have a real answers. From far north to the far south, over some highest places at the World, no more than 40% of land and not more than 10% of sea is habit for the man and woman.
In the most places at the far east in Siberia, we can see and we have hear how is possible that somewhere exist a mist people and spices.
In the several places of tropic Asia, we have to see how mach is difficult to find some thing, and how is possible that in some areas live even today a mist nations, spices, and of course ruins of a former civilization.
On Latin America, the most places are so call investigated, but in this moment people have the knowledge how is possible that some places have double "history".
In some cases we are in doubt, how is possible that one continent had not colorization at the field?
Now we are in proof that the history has not, had not possibility to had a some big wholes. Is possible that some places in the north of North America has not habitats, several century after first colons come at these areas?
In some cases we had to saw how is may be possible that in some places have something.
Even in the West, where exist predict that no other than modern man have the living space.
From the wolf peoples to the invisible civilization at the south Pole, modern people live only in believe how they are only possessors or owners of this blue and green rock in the Space.
Did they are have courage to pick up the real true?
And what can be done if something gone over secret fails in the some agencies?
Now is time to going with open mind to find what is real history of this world.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

With baseball stick against the real true

For the reasons of true and liberty we try to find who is real democrat from the politicians in the World policy?
In many time at the past we saw how some politicians who had called like democratic politicians, now after several period of time, stay in opposite of that.
And what to say on the positions of some of them, when they are coming to calling others on democracy but they going to do everything opposite.
In several countries at the West, nothing less at the East we can see how practice life stay in an different way than it theory try to make it.
From Mr Obama, to Mr Holland only one situation is true, and it is lie.
In the economy, where Mr Obama going to suing some bad guys from some commercial  agencies to Mr Holland who step down with intervention in Mali, only reason for make actions is lies.
They lie self, and than others how they have Messianic role in the history and how only them have right to do what they are doing. Against other they have right to make drone activity, no meter on a results at a field. chief
But, is it result for US really economic power? Or is France really democratic state?
US had made power from 1947 international contract  when the member states of UN, made contract for financial order in favor to US dollar, to "prevent" a big wars in a future. And to give support US after war economy to made help others at the Planet.
France, have the real problems with minorities and of course with Wishy's  past.
Some orders form former France President N. S. stay in the way to be sue at the ICJ, because he made the decisions against one global minority what is Romans.And now both the former and actual France president made the several acts against civilians in the war zone.
In the moment when a some others going to doing same, they going to make predict about the democracy and law.
On other hand US economy has not same position what they had in the past, specially, the foreign dept growing, bankrupt domino effects inside of US, and growing bank instability inside of economic scene with growing poverty at the local slams, made the decision of SandP to downgrade fisk standard of US the real and true.
For this reason, Mr Obama must try to say true to the Union, and going to say how "US has not a real and true power to be real Super Power".
Opposite of that mean not much then implosion of US. Same what we can have see at France.
Where they try to make better condition to life with the wars in the third states.
With new tries over high command in the army actions, Mr Obama step up on the French way against the economic crisis.

Thursday, 31 January 2013

One action, and the several mistakes

After all, the position where president Obama no idea how to going to change situation at the field, give
Israel position to make what they have the idea to do.
Of course, they have only the moment for die, because, they have no idea how to push down a situation in which they have no friends, and where Israel main industry have no more money at the pocket. It has bank industry.
Money in the pocket of some guy in the other part of this planet, only make Israels elite, specially the LIKUD party high officers so nervous.
In this moment they have only the idea, how with oil make a biggest flame over Middle East.
Syria is the nice portion to present a muscles to others. But in moment when is totally known how Israel
have try to make info from Qatar Emir over situation in Syria and specially over situation in Shia community over the region, the only moment is had been necessary to over look in the information system of IDF make the good move in the war in Syria.
No one time in the nearly past, from the many wars in Africa, Qatar forces was make a falls information to prevent MOSAD in some actions whose they had lead against Islamist movements.
In some time, specially now, when Israel economy and social moment isn't so nice, they come with info "how Qatar Emir agents at the fields have knowledge how Hezbollah come at the some military equipment to make a worst situation at Israel north".
They have the knowledge how "Hezbollah have in possession the arm of fourth generation, a military planes".
In other other way, some West agencies try to say how they have info about the chemical  weapons, form a Syrian military depots.
But, true is that Israel most going to react against actions which was coordinated several agencies at the field against Israel secret presents in the war.
The last action was only one in the many, but this time something goes wrong in moment when some make a mistake at the field.
The food and medicine isn't the chemical weapons. And the cooperation between enemies, against Syria isn't good path for the peace.
And former Israel premier now can going to recording in the history like the men who are make help to Iran or others to make the final move over Israel. And blow up one US President.               

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

What is different in the brown?

In the Presidential speech at inauguration to the next mandate, Mr Obama did say nothing.
We can saw how he and his advisers don't know what to do with empire which had no more power to make order, but only with open force.
Who are need liberty and democracy like it have Iraq or Libya, when situation after interventions stay worst in many fields.
From sectarian fights, over drugs trafficking to the epidemic illness in the small child.
With a war and expansion in the area, at the power come and stay in some years at least century one "brown man", A. Hitler. We don't have more this lunatics in politic area. We no more want to have a visionary man or woman  whose have same vision like it had some guy who had took opened gas chambers.

Democracy is process and it must going to come from the bottom, from a small person to fight for better live even it has mean fight against some like it is Mr Obama.
Who can say that US have democracy? Who have right to make demand  that US have exclusive right to "export and protect"  a democracy at the planet?

We are not so sure that some who has make the wrong policy, what we can saw at the many place, can going to make the predict to others. First, Mr Obama must take contact with reality and step back from the policy which made and make crisis at the Word.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Hollande's lies, open the energy true

Hm, this time had been somewhere predict, from people who had "contact" with new era.
Like many mystics, today even we can tell how situation for the common North stay worst from minute by minute.
In several mounts before we called how situation in the field isn't like it had in present the some actors from several agencies, and NATO. That situation on the places like Libya made have generating the hate and wish to smash the North power. In moment when some guys come at the info like EU has shortly for fuel supply, and when some like it has Mr. Paneta going to vote for something known, that NATO not exist, "NATO has problem with the new member states, which come from opposite side in post "cold war" era". "This states has not money and power to run in the full charges at NATO alliance treaty try to they make when they come in the full membership".
"Now, we have a lots not fight costs to prevent some ally armies to stop smuggles army equipment to so call not ally countries." " Because,we now are coming in positions to maybe lost the wars".

The first lost come in actions in Syrian soil, other come in the actions at North Africa where had  first fake action in Libya, than in West Sahara, and now in Mali, where, Mr. Holland said: "We had no interest to intervene, but only reason for it we had to prevent a democracy in this our former colony".
Few days after actions of "Islamic militants ", the former France ally in war against Libya, coming at the role and open the book of lies.
The economic interest exist, but not only for France, than more for the NATO. In this time, the Alliance is out of charges, and EU stay in the open doors against Russia, who are only real "energy protector" of European stile of life.
NATO is defeated  in only one action, and it open the proficiency from the world mystics who said how this had coming to be "the last battle of  a white man at Africa sand". 
The so call democrats  in the many places comes with democracy in the bullets and rockets with fascist like ally in a battles against so call dictator regimens. After that, the westerns going to coming a bombing the former ally to fix a lies.
Everything to support domination against all. It has not democracy but something worst!  

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Situation in time of colaps

Today, when we are see how a economic policy can make worst situation a the world, and how is bad when a economy goes at wrong path, we going to tell something about Japanese economy, and policy which so call stability make at investment over board.

Japan goes the macroeconomic super power in the middle of 60-th in the 20 century, what was made at the stolen of technology which goes on from mainly the States, with money whose gone from the treasure in the deal between the occupation Governor and US administrations, in measures to remove Japan people from the militarist emotion from the nearest past.

In this moments no one have the vision of Japan like economic predator and US close ally at the far east, and the one most power economic nation in the World in next half century.
It have only vision of MacArthur,maybe.

Today, economic system made in the middle of the 20 century goes at wrong path in situation which is different than it had been in the moment of had born the "Japan miracle". The economic like it had Japan in the 60-es of the 20 century now have several country at the plane, and most of them goes like rockets in the economic relations with other parts of the World, but this countries like Japan in the 90-ties of 20 century come at the wall.

This wall mean that a production coming in position which they have not possibility to sell all what they produces in one year, and it goes to the pressure at an markets like inflation, what we can see in Taiwan, China, Malaysia, and some other countries from BRIC formation.
But on the other side Japan policy goes in the path of risks investments at the Middle East in the so call moderate Arab regime of Persian gulf.
In most situation, these money is on the path to be use as like money for war invest into position like it has Chechnya, Afghanistan, Syria, North Africa.
The money from Japan government goes to "protect" domestic companies in the foreign markets, to goes out with hipper productivity at aboard to protect domestic market from high inflation.
The game in which Japan buy a lots oil products from the same position is only way to with game with local currency to remove situation where hipper dept from Japan can be remove at the other sides.
But in situation where most incomes going in from the dollar, and in positions that former good markets going into China position, pressure at Japan goes from the first ally, to Japan make pressure on China to going to make wrong move in the field, what can make easy to US for some "soft intervention".
Japan in this moment goes at the brink of the sword and economy is in position that money intervention at the market to prevent protectionism at the some part of them or to make open some markets for Japan goods now is in time of history.
Most money in this investments goes in the wind and no body knows what  can Japan going to do with domestic dept, mostly in US currency, in moment when budget crisis in the States does not change.
It does not mean like Japan goes in the bankruptcy, but position where Japan can make something against BRIC is the suicidal mind. Because, the position of the first Japan cooperation partner in Asia stay away from position of "Big Bang" economy evolution in 20 century, with social revolution inside of Thailand, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, Indonesia  Malaysia, and some others. And in time where US make new deals with Myanmar at time too "remove" China influence so long from Asia.
Japan now is not Japan from the past, but Japan who is in the wrong means like they have power to change position with intellectual innovations out of changes in the society and policy in relation with some others, specially the States.
With money saves in Arab pocket, Japan now going to be part of a war between Arab and Iran, or a revolution in the Kingdom can make Japan savings out of position, what in both mean bankruptcy and quick come back in the history.