Tuesday 5 November 2013

Did governmental pressure against meteorologist make the worst weather?

In this moment some try to have interest to detect how would be clime in the next period.
They try to say how is possible to say that in the winter on the north and summer at the south nothing would not be different than it had been in the past.
But, if it is true, what we can say to the situation on North Polar sea, where weather is so long difficult that it can must be in autumn. Snow is not in action, and ice cover is melt on the half than it had been.
It came to change temperatures in the Oceans,what make changes in the atmosphere where is possible that storms with great gales, scares in the West Europe, and drove over most part of this continent in thousands miles long path.
But now is full known how is real problem with clime changes "worked from some not responsible factors at the Planet".
True stay in fact how is possible that changes in the salt water comes deeply at the south oceans and make that temperatures in the water changes situation on the weather circles? Specially if "not true that changes at the ice cover at the Greenland and North Pole, like at south,too, make have dramatic changes in the areas".
On stay theory which we can see at the regular observers at the meteorological, that "nothing is unusually", they have no advice how is possible that temperatures in only several minutes in part of UK goes down, and wind blowing with speeds like it have do at the some part of USA or South Asia?
Because that we can not have interest to say nothing but to official policy with unofficial organisations going to do everything to stop real fears questions about what it happened in the some minds when they try to say lies in the changes which they made against the Planet.
Furious dry season at the South, much early than it had have in the past, with tornadoes over Europe, floods in Siberia, strong winds in the South Ocean, and temperatures changes in these most places  so far from the ends of the Planet, calling us to say how is time to say that is not usually what meteorological agencies say, but this what has happens over us.
Tornadoes is not usually in the so far of north or south, like it what we have with temperature great amplitudes,too.     

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