Wednesday 4 September 2013

They make escape in a war, to say nothing about clime disaster

The real problem for some guys in the State Department isn't Syria,and chemical weapon, but situation on the so lonely places like it has be these deserts and polar caps.

In this moment situation with weather on this places create most worries about future.
In some part of planet we found that even the oceans start to be like mineral water, with the bubbles of carbon-dioxide in the structure.

On the polar places and the glacial area is so evident how the temperature going on and how is not so long the day when we can have problem with elementary poses of fresh water.

How is possible so "quickly" to it done, when everybody on the top priority places at the Department going to go said nothing in the last several years?
It has possible, because so call "God machine" of US "Space Army" stay to work, and in some cases to made situation much worst than it some of "experts" make in the reports to US government and other potential users of this reports from abroad.

Now, situation with Syria coming in the right time to the President and some parts of the Staff, because no body going to ask "why in the some areas of the States they have no rain for several months"? And "how is possible that in the some parts of the World temperature is same even they have different geographical position"? It mean that some places at around North Pole have temperature same like it has Spain or the East Coast.
On the other side the temperatures in the some deserts come in the position to be equal like temperature in the places with continental clime, with much rain than it have parts of normal climate areas.
In this reason, the losses in the agriculture rise and most of the so call experts come to give help with GMO crops.
In final we have to say how is for US economy so negative to have problem between  the government  and agricultural possessors. Because, the government has no money to subsidiary heavy losses of the possessors.
Same problems have Francois Holland in France,too.               

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