Friday 16 August 2013

Egypt, who care for it?

After no "Al Qaeda" war contact with infrastructures of the US, and without positive initiative at the field in Syria, what is next?
Egypt it is not!
This country has turbulent history and all who learn about it known how is so difficult be Egyptian.
Formed from the Ottoman court,from the man who came from Europe, with only a person who had been real Egyptian, modern Egyptian know how is country divide more than Lebanon had been in 20th century.
Divide and put in the collapse, this conglomerate of the nations and religions, had been ruled with the army whose made and make had indoctrination from former lieder of the country, colonel A.G. Nasser.
In self promotion to been pan Arab lieder, he get position where only Army have right to tell a true.
Today, the same Army have no problem to make what they have to learn from the supporters from the west military academies. Because, they believe how they are only true Egyptians, and patriots.
In front of that is going to find solutions for elimination not Hezbollah, but their lieder Sheikh Hassan Nasraallah.
The eminence has most problem not inside of Lebanon,nor Syria, neither with Israel, but with some guys into divides Saudi's dynasty.
They have make everything to remove them from the scene, in believe how with it they have chance to stop strong movement against the dynasty onto Saudi's east provinces.
And it has the path for big introduce over several Arab countries,they believe,too.
On other way stay no more friendly new Turk, R.T.Erdogan  who have the "courage and honest" to going to call somebody to do against what he had made in the nearest conflict at the most places into Turkey.
By the way, the civil war in the New Ottoman State still stand and with situation in the nearest Kurdish area around Turkey make the new Sultan more and more nervous. And in this situation he has more open for an actions of Saudi's secret police.
In this story you cannot reed about Doha's regime.
Now they have more problems at the homeland, and with no actions from the States against Iran.
The Shia population at the tiny emirate now look like a big fist. And in situation which we have to see on the Manama's streets, where the local dynasty try to find exile for day after, where US marines going to be the force for step back the "unpopular king and government".
The new emir try to find calm and to buy self popularity with more money invests in the social programs over poor Shia population.
For this reason, Egypt is not so important for many, but only for sponsors of so call democracy in the ME, specially at Syrian minefields.

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