Saturday 1 June 2013

Erdogan play the game, Turkey try to step away

Like the" Boomerang" in Turkey is coming back so call "Arab spring" what they have to made in supported invasion onto Libya.
Now, we have the information how is so bad situation to the Prime minister Erdogan  have at all territory of Turkey.
And because that is so clear how it have not the real present at the West media.
The Prime minister has no so strong position in the Turkey what they have to believe.And situation on the local  market is not clear and fluent what some so call experts coming to say.
Only Erdogan have knowledge how is support of neighbor  Russia in economy and US support in policy something what make Turkey the modern state.
If he coming to strong support the insurgents in Syria and Iran, it can going to be predict like treason against Moscow and after all it should punishing from Moscow, in the money retreat from the market.
Only two days is necessary to make situation at Turkey's market same like it they had exist in the 90-th of twenty century.
If Iranian's oil pipe coming to stop to export it to Turkey it going to rocketing the price of goods and inflation.After all the crash of the project called "democratic Turkey" stay in position to be make from the neighbors.

Episode with Libya is not so satisfied for Erdogan. He was not came back like good investor from this episode. Turkey has not real involve at the occupation forces in Libya now,than Turkey have no good position for exploiting the best crude oil on the Earth, and to pay it with so poor price what it  have to pay the occupation players.too.

The real position of modern Turkey now stay in relation with situation in neighbor Syria like it have Libya to Tunis, and now we can see what is happened.
It is the true whose know Erdogan, and in this moment he going to make a dance with NATO to say how is impossible to Turkey to going in the war for the freedom and democracy again.Now in Syria.
Specially after "Nabboco" project fall into Russian hands. 

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