Tuesday 4 June 2013

The war in Turkey try to R.T.E. step down in Africa asylum,for democracy

In the recent situation in Turkey, some so call liberal and to liberation make news channels, the  most of them from the ME must  have going to step down from the throne of self promotion pictures like it has democratic media.

Al Jazeera is one of them. This media house is in big dip of the seance.
From two years ago this media house was doing many mistakes, and promote in many time not democratic movement, but mostly Islamist movements and Arab autocratic regimes, whose coming to be even regime of Qatar's Emir and his family member.

He and his wife did so many things to promoted something what is not exist in the tiny emirate in the Gulf.

After they are lost battle against the West Europa, they start to serve them and now we can see ,what  is the point place to so call "Arab Spring".
They made  export money and ideology in the most secular regimes at the Middle East. Specially against Turkey, where they have lots money in the ruling structures of  Party to work and progress, and in manages of the Prime minister,too.

After all is known how the plan to remove first Assad, not going to be stop in Damascus, but it make big  anti Ataturk changes in the neighbor Turkey, too.

So for liberation and freedom and in name of Ataturk, now is time to be somebody move from the power, and policy most be back at the typically Turkish way of Islam. Open for all, even for the non Muslim citizens of this big nation.

R.T. E. have only one day to move in self proclamation to he will has resignation on the political posts in Turkey.
The NATO and EU has no real support and power to push Turkey to step down against him.
They, if they want to be secure must going to push R.T.E. to step down at the political power, or they have chance to look at how the demolition  much worst than they now to exist coming in the middle of the his towns.
The war in Turkey coming to flood in the most European suburbs. And so call democratic ME media most leave self promotion in what they are not.

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