Sunday 24 February 2013

What have to be new in Vatican City?!

After all we had to hear how is possible that a some states and organisations had the courage to make pressure on the Holy Site and at Pope, we have no scares if these guys believe how is possible that in the next several weeks they can have make a goal to going to have a doll Pope.
In next conclave we are going to make big change in the throne of Catholic church. At the position of the Pontifex  Maximus we see some not so much young man, but the man who is ready to make the big changes at the liturgy and of course in the relations between a common pilgrims and a priests.
In this time is so necessary that from the church top  sit the men who is really in fool conditions, to be able to have remove some prelates who is in suspicion that have involve in some not honor cases. Money and mist treat of the pilgrims, attack at Christians at the Middle East, is only few cases whose try from the new Pontiff to come at the Site like lone lion.
In the conflict between different fighting groups against much fractions at the Church, to protect the Institution the new pope about fifties and sixties must have going to make the radical moves, or we are at the shrink of sword, to  going to have lost in fate, and on the souls.
If the same structures in the Church stay at position that they have right to protect the fate in manage to make destroy order, than now is time to say Urbi et Orbi how situation over the Pope throne is.

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