Sunday 10 February 2013

Time for the new history of Earth

How many secrets have at the places which common people have not have posses and visit?
In many places at the Planet we have so many asks than we can make have a real answers. From far north to the far south, over some highest places at the World, no more than 40% of land and not more than 10% of sea is habit for the man and woman.
In the most places at the far east in Siberia, we can see and we have hear how is possible that somewhere exist a mist people and spices.
In the several places of tropic Asia, we have to see how mach is difficult to find some thing, and how is possible that in some areas live even today a mist nations, spices, and of course ruins of a former civilization.
On Latin America, the most places are so call investigated, but in this moment people have the knowledge how is possible that some places have double "history".
In some cases we are in doubt, how is possible that one continent had not colorization at the field?
Now we are in proof that the history has not, had not possibility to had a some big wholes. Is possible that some places in the north of North America has not habitats, several century after first colons come at these areas?
In some cases we had to saw how is may be possible that in some places have something.
Even in the West, where exist predict that no other than modern man have the living space.
From the wolf peoples to the invisible civilization at the south Pole, modern people live only in believe how they are only possessors or owners of this blue and green rock in the Space.
Did they are have courage to pick up the real true?
And what can be done if something gone over secret fails in the some agencies?
Now is time to going with open mind to find what is real history of this world.

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