Sunday 24 March 2013

Some from the West going to help Nazism

Now is totally known that situation in Cypriot crisis look like it we can saw at nearest history in Balkan wars at last decades of 20th century.
But now is clear how some east powers has not same weight like it they had in the nearest history. 
The States and UK isn't so strong what they try to have present in the public.
With France is clear how it is so deeply in troubles, and how French President live only at Mrs. Merkel's money. Or if we make it in the words, over 170 percent of BDP in France come from dept. 

For this reason, the Fuehrer orders in plan "Barbarossa" - "We had made the moving at the East for the our new living places"- still is operating. 
But now it have making some grandsons and their friends, from what is most shame for these bravest  US, UK and France heroes at WWII.
 In the time where is clear how few US Presidential administration had going to make big mistakes, when they did not listened CIA information contribution.
CIA has in the several time information how had been so danger to going in the actions. But in all this time they stay only like the guilty side. Guilty to wrong points, first in Afghan war, than in war against Sadam Hussein and now in new ground actions against Syria.

If we are looked at nearest action of some so call economical power at the bank crisis, than it we have clear views on what we was said here.

This moves, is similar like it we had saw in the Balkan crisis, and other crisis at the Planet. And now it look like Nazi reveille. Something what some expect to had been happened in nearest time after WWII.

With breaking economy,and the lost sense after the plots against former WWII allies like it had been Russia, China, the North Africa, and former Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia,  make have situation in the some places of power at the West in the great troubles. Displaced from the reality in the new plot named Cypriot bank crisis, whose really not exist.       

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