Sunday 8 December 2013

EU have more problem in the Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria than it has in Ukraine

If someone try to be democrat than they must stay out from non democratic stance like we have to see in the Kiev, Ukraine. In no one situation where several hundred people demonstrates against democratic elected government, we can not say that it full democratic movement, because, specially in the state which is deeply divide on the east and west.
In the west part of Ukraine live most nationalistic orientate population, which have more problem to understand other parts of the country, where a people live in favor to the Russia, and most of than actively speak in common a communication Russian speech.

Yes, the problem in the Ukraine is still stay on the table from the WWII, where most part of the Ukrainians going to been support to Germans invasion force, in battle against soviet armies.

Now, same stance still stay in the most mind of the local population divide over the past.
For most population the EU is nothing much better than Hitler Germany.
Because that initiative which came from the several address in the Union isn't so clever and we try to say how is necessary to make distance in the relation with Ukraine majority and opposition, whose in the first term present only the west part around Lvov.
The push activity against Ukraine government make situation similar like we had saw in Syria.
Or some part of the Union try to after lost battles in this Arab country, going to make new war zone in the war between the Union and Russia over energy consumption.

Ukraine opposition is not  in position to make something against democratic elected President, but only to do with support of someone overboard.
Is it democracy which EU call for self?
Why EU did not something against growing nationalist movement in the new country member, where live of minority is in danger, and them presenters still live in the threaten for life?
But in this things the EU has not "interest" to intervene. Because, minorities is not oil and gas!            

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