Monday 16 December 2013

What is EU?

What is EU?
Does it some club of not responsible people whose going to make history on the same way like it made some not so well people in the history?
Today we are in the position to say how is not so different today from the same time before two great wars.
Economy is fall, the some countries is in decline and situation with the aggression of far right movement at European soil is continuous.
Social crisis step up so far,and today is not so far a day when some not so different "democrat" from a populist, stay over action against "no democratic" situation in Moscow. In declamation that it must be make to prevent Russia to going to make squeeze over energy supply onto "democratic" states in EU block, and to take less price of gas and oil to EU member states citizens,too.
The last but not least in the former conclusion have be made to prevent some dissonant tone in the local elites. And to make clear posts for advances over not only Russian natural goods at the World for some part of not profit industry. Desperate needs to the EU to prevent growing unemployment rates over the block.
Is not so interest that some of this states whose some circles at the EU going to treating has the nuclear arsenal, some of them naff to destroy the Planet several time.
But if we are looking at these alternatives which produces EU offices than we have that a "democratic way of rule" in some country is not necessary to be make a business between EU and a country.
What is real interest for most insolvent countries has possibility to make fake against self countryside to  make an illusion how is crisis fixed by bypassed over the big east monopolist, like it Gasprom or other same system oil company, which is not in control from the EU rules.
In that time is not necessary to make flashlights on real situation whose have in EU east member states, where high corruption, insecurity, growing fascism and total economic instability make position for energy routes much interest than it have in "command" somebody like it has Gasprome.
The path to the East, what is like coin made in the Vienna two centuries ago, today is like it had been in the past, the plan out of mine, too.
EU, the fortress of liberty, unity, and security, now is only mask for growing gap of all civilization points and place where plans out of time for use suppose to prevent modern routes of post capitalist era. The place where young Nazi in support of some pro fascist support economic institution march to destroy a future in the time where some of the so call big EU officers and local government upon in the rise to present how they do something, even we see it different.                       

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