Monday 6 January 2014

Balkan is a picture,how politic of big states has be wrong

In new economic and political constellation at the politic arena in the World after Cold War some things going to go like it had been in the past.
Nothing is different in a politics against some region at the Planet, against some nations or against the mother nature.
Things like democracy or liberty stay away in collision with a capital or particular interest of a some groups or several big nation.
The collision big nations stay at the path when a policy going to be something like we had to saw in the history books. In some case, but not only for them,  nations like US or the former colonial powers, but not only them try to make a new history on the same way what it did some predecessors.
US in some time take same tactics like it did Kaiser's Germany or after that Mussolini's Italy in tactics named "The way at east".
In this tactic lay the path for latent aggressive policy against interest of a other countries, primary it has Russia and China, but even against interest of some ally whose has a natural resources in energetic.
In some case for reason to control energetic industry US going to make deal with total undemocratic regimes like it is regime in SA or in some places at the middle Asia.
For a common public this tactic is not so nice and reasonable, and look so much like some former enemies of the States make policy in the Capitol Hill or Whit House.
On the other side of the Planet, the West, but even so call the East do not so much to protect democratic values in a practice life. Specially in some part of Africa or south Europe.
But what to say at the policy at Ukraine or at southeast Europe.
In Ukraine we see like some agents of some former US politicians try to remove democracy over streets. And try to involve a civil war in divided Ukraine on pro Russian East and pro Western West part of country. The reason for that lie in thinking that it is only way for Russian gas to leak to EU.
But what is with Balkan states, where the States and EU make policy whose mostly look like it same made Adolf Germany.
Dived over ethnic border, where is no places for so call others in a reason of real policy, democracy stay out and wait some things. But what?
Is possible to have secure the southeast NATO front line if they have regimes which the Union and Sates drill with Austrian forin minister, what for much of population at the region look like not so good.
On the other way, Russian incorporation in some part of the same region look lake way to protect self interest but not interest of local people. It have same wave like it have on the policy with Austrian moderation.
People lay in chaos of the extremism, where local elites do not so much to protect the common people from a history, and slavery.
Now they are slaves of the politic elites whose come form the former Communist party members or them child.
Economy there is not so important thing for thinking. History of World War II is much important.
Much important  is which father or grandfather stay on the side.
Politic parties look so much like it have sponsor states Austria. And what is so important, the sponsor states try not to changes situation on the field but try to make big gains for self economic and politic plans.
In this relation, situation on the field in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but in other Balkan states.too, is full not secure.
It has exist because the some parts of world policies does not no so well specific situation on a specific terrain. And for this reason we have latent crisis in the World.
To changes it, in policies against Balkan, the Union, States,China, Russia must remove sponsor states from the field, and going to install High Council for Reconciliation.  

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