Tuesday 10 December 2013

Nelson Mandela

He died and they come to see is ti true! They come not to say sorry but to see how is not possible that he is stay alive.
He is the tall big chief, the big mbwane, old thinker who stay out from prison in time when the West step down with reason what the world exist?
In time where socialism "going to step down from history scene",and time when in the South stay something what the West support half century, even in the moment when South Africa step up in aggression against neighborhood.
They have nothing against what some cirques in UK and US,but in the other part of Earth ,too,calling the "excellent system for strangling in the civilization"- apartheid.

Today the lieder of the most countries gave the last salute to you big mbvane, they said so much, but nothing what you said to President Bush junior, when he started aggression against Iraq, or what you said Blair, when he start to say something against Africa's rights to be free, out of EU colonization's treatment against Africa produces, economy and of course right to some Africa states be better place for live.
You call several time President Obama to be brave in fight against "dark side" at US soil. But, you had stay in front against liberal capitalism in time where multinational companies in collaboration with national governments gone against South Africa with escape from mines and factories. In believe that  they have potential power that on this way stay in rule over black majority.

Did Lady Thatcher have a true minds when she asked some companies to lived South Africa, and stay in the way to pressure on that way against you, mbwane? Is she had democracy in mind when she looked at Africa?

Now, you are architect of BRICO. Does the President and Premier stay  over your coffin to say thank you, or they stay there to be secure how nobody, after you can say the true about "democracy"?!

Mbavame, you have not good relations even with the East, because you had said the true, that history is process, and how is not possible to lies and a force give a free and prosperity nations.
Even China have different way of your view, but you stay on the Path.
"The selfish interests, not meter from they have come is not  ally in fight for better world, you say Chinese Communist lieder".
From India you try to be more independent from the others. And for you "the World like the Planet must have two pole, what is reason why you say that "that no time to Russia stay out of the World".
But, only democratic and free.
You, say that no one have more right to be developer, and that is reason to Iran have nuclear power in the hands.
Yes, the tall men, you say much more than we say here, but we see how is possible that some people try to do what they did against justice, against you.
Your tragedy, is what you say "payment for success", because "without it nobody can say how he is in right".
The people who are not in daily confrontation against injustice and lie, they have no right to say how they lost something.
And, "democracy isn't something, it is way of life". Way where you mbvane step up with the word.
Be free at the  upper  highlands, when you had not had freedom in the life, Nelson Mandela.  

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