Thursday 21 December 2023

Economy of the falen states and "Poseidon"

 Heavy loses and miss calculation in the operation "Poseidon", cause that NATO members try to push new war at several post into middle Asia, and specially into Red Sea. 

In this panic they going to activity what cause much pressure at the some countries to change position in intel policy. Like Angola did. But after find that it was cause by bribery and pressure the move have only way against local government. 

The government have no possibilities to sell what they want to sell frilly, because they had control any ship company, capability to make more supplies to the western oil markets. 

Continual way to switch side, Angola would be pay with high price, and no one is in the west going to make support out to locals changes. 

Now, we are in the posses info that EU, even they try to take money from the assets of the non friendly countries, they have problem what after it. 

What if other come at same idea and make actions at same way? What with 482 billion Euro, what the Union have posted into difficult countries?

After stay open that implosion of EU economy is not so far, but only in the first days of new year, in reason of more than 1,32 trillion Euro float money who are not in contact by industry, and specially have only connection with so call support to Ukraine. Or what we saw like EU support to Nazism. 

The ECB is posses of non valid papers from the several biggest economy in EU zone. Italy has problem with liquidity and with sharp damage into social sphere. Country has only fiat money,and no money exist out of the monthly support from Frankfurt. 

German economy is out of all, no money. No jobs. And actually crisis in the social demographic, with more than 12 million immigrants who are not involve in the local society, who are not employ, who are not even interest to find what they do in Germany. Plus, with more than 27 per cent of population out of social rights, without state and federal support, after new year going to implode in biggest mess, after 1927. 

Poland is change regime, but it is same way, who push the country in the same direct, and what cause that population of Poland stay less in years. Nothing have in it of creation Europe's battlefield, and high present of NATO armies. Not even they have money to spent in the local market. Who was badly bunch into the face, after export slash more than 47 per cent, and have heavy losses in the last quarter  of 2023. More of that is huge dead rate what they had at Ukraine and Russia front. More than 32 thousand, and same number wounded. 

Even Switzerland has huge problem in the liquidity, after more than 523 billion Swiss Francs left bank system of the country in only three mounts. 

And now accelerate to more of 1,02 trillion Swiss Franks. 

Even money who came over Fed have no big deal in the activity which going to cause more brake into local economy. 

When this economy is at the margin to be lost for next 2024. What than say to the countries like Finland and Sweden? 

First stay out of market who had traditionally was occupant from these local companies. And second have problem that they now is only base to exploitation of minerals and energy to UK. 

There is not problem if they do something against native nation? Against EU charts, of some other local or international law. 

Both of this economy is at the brink of fall, and nothing in the support exist in the Fed to them. 

For this reason, broke the rules and suppression at the neighborhood and local population stay only way to stop public ask what is wrong?!

In this reason new NAZI in EU is so necessary to local politicians now dressed up in the green an red,not much different Nazi-Facsism  brown and black .             

Saturday 16 December 2023

Nazi is live in the Union

Nothing going to be normal to the EU, or the Union going to be normally Nazi organization, where is clear that supremacy and apartheid stay like main pillar in the policy what was stay out of the Shuman declaration. 

Now in the top of the EU seat persons who are deeply incorporate by the main Nazi organization in the World, and most of them have family heritage. 

Even some of them, have now leftist ideas, they are use it only like clod to have mask reality against public opinion. 

They have real collaboration with some western politics and rulers, but even support of the main secret services, all posted at the main deal from the autumn 1947, countersigned with SS Gruppenfurer and US Genaral. 

Agreement had been build by intense from far right, at the both side of Atlantic, to destroy Communism. 

After fall of the Wall in 1989, and Communist "left" the power, but really changed side, and like new nationalistic "democrats" put at the same project,what had been created in Manchester 1936, about interest of UK to blow up east policy, and to use for it new regime in the Nazi Germany.

Today same roles, with new players, but from mostly same families, what try to control everything, much more common people. 

But for it, they came in the crash over economical situation after 2008/09, where most of them stud out of money, and only money they had stay at the east. Predominantly into China. What they expected to dismantled very soon after they did it with Russia, and Arabs. 

We say that it is not possible, and now they use everything to eliminated every person who are oppose to their old fathers idea.  

From Ursula to Berboch, and from the London to the Riga, everybody is incorporate in the old idea "drach nacht osten", idea had been created by Canceller of First Riech Bissmark.  

The idea had been reopened into England after big economical crisis in 1930-th, and idea to empire stay at the top, even than had been find how it was not possible, and how they had bankruptcy.

In new, the idea reestablish after find how money into City stay very bad, and how no way to UK stay at position after She pass away. 

For this reason was created close contacts with Nazi organization around world, specially into Latin America, and chemical laboratory there, mostly in posses of Nazi organization. About it we told two years ago. 

Now, in this moment, with king who are not it, and after down democracy implemented by Sunak "elected" in post of Prime Minister.

In all, they have interest to have close act into old plan to destabilize European east, and with open support to the Nazi organization all around EU.

But after, they had "contact" at the east with Russian's scissor, they try to move actions from the east to the far east, and specially into ME. 

What cause that more than 168 agents, and 364 officers lost life into battles. But more than 3000 soldiers lost everything after they catch from the "bears".

For this reason, and in posses to make some activities at the difficult positions into ME, they had made operation "Poseidon". Operation who had plan to recaptured Damask, and change regime in shadow of war into Palestine. They have plan to remove not only Alavites, but even Russians from Syria, and take post for new civil war into it. 

Of course, some into Manchester was fun of James Bond, and he did not know, how they are open for counter attack, from other side, what was happen, and now we presented numbers of losses for them. 

How it was happen, and why it was necessary would be clear after, but now, the situation at  the battlefield come ease to be read and analytic.

In this moment, fall of the operation, went empty post to the UK into Aman, and now is open for Iran to make deal with fractions into Jordan, about what is necessary to reconstruction of the relations by new Palestine. 

The local King is in the difficult post, after they had real trouble into house, and after find how even the mostly monolith army is not so monolith in support to him. And after present that some of the local servants deeply involve in act against situation into West Bank. 

Operation "Poseidon" was created previously than was happen into 7th October. And have cooperation with several US, Israel, and Hamas organization and top persons. 

The operation had been act what had been intense to switch public opinion from the Nazi rise into Europe,  to some what they believe had more interest to them, export "democracy".

Now, it has problem what no one in the Europe and NATO have an idea to solve. Only  what they have is panic after find how they are not much than a paper at scribe the operation.        



Monday 4 December 2023

The case "Philippine"

 After more than decade of toxic influence into Ind-Pacific region, and after mandate of former Filipinos President Dutherte who made more stability and more peace to the Islas dos Filipinos, in direct coordination and support at the post of President of Philippines came some notorious not so nice man. With so difficult surname and with open way to the States. 

Marcos how he has name, stay in the post after brutal and violent involved in the presidential election at the islands from White House- what they did was fool money protection,and bribery to the most power force into country, local Army forces. 

Some ridicules plan what they had come in the operation, after US State Department find how close tide between Philippine and China, going to move out USA so far from the region of South China sea. 

It can result that potent to suppress China might, stay so long time very low. 

After so call democratic elections, where force, money and other "democratic" methods used to made sure election win to the their favorite, ended, and new "elected " President stay into the post, US try to built country like elite base where they have more posts to "protect" what they saw, interest of free market. 

Yes, they made several new military bases, and they had plan to made more, specially into islands trouble south parts of country, where has great power local Islamic movements. 

Reason to it stay in the believe how is not necessary  believe so much countries like Indonesia or Malaysia.Both big "democratic Islamist state" in the south east Asia. Both spotted at the strategic Malloc sea. And both with not so pleasant view at the Western hypocrisy.

Even US and NATO have so-so relations with both countries, they want to have open gates to intervene into both if they  going to coming in situation to fix some energetic needs. 

In this case, they are into position that now seat at the two chairs, and fight Muslim from south against China, they try to rule over the economy and seas. 

But, after China find new way for economic prosperity, and stay at the path to involve more people into upper class, and after China open north traffic post into Russia, far far from the US plans and bases, US try to find new dimension of all, and created AUKUS, such bastard which try to find such reason for exist of so call big historical names. 

After Australia bankrupt and stay off from the most economical market ways, the new block try to pick up into it, India. But, after serious discuses with Moscow and open several shock plans into local elite, the local Army find how they would have nothing from these acquisition. 

Specially, after war in the ME find how the local army is nothing more than parade orchestra, where the status of rang have only way of connection with castes position. And where exactly find how Marenda Mody have real problem to stay the Union out from the civil war.      

And, now the Philippine. It is country with so big slave production in the World. So much poor and not much educated domestic people find at the global workforce market, to work into so bad condition, where they are less payed, and where they used to be "cattle" for money laundry both, Philippians "agents" for connection at the global workforce market, and so call these who need this workers.

Mostly of so call workers live, and work into disgusting places and conditions, and most of them have nothing from just payment and conditions at work place. They have obligations, and this situation with this modern slavery, ordinary protect and buy, the main owner of Philippines, US.

This country in condition of cooperation try from the many ally into NATO, to had have open border for the new work class from the south east Asia. It was and, is way how US "protect" regime of Marcos.

What they have not it is to make the islands secure and cohabitant, specially after situation with open  involve of them into war at ME. What open a door to the Islamic movements at the islands to actively stay up against what they see, Quisling regime and their malicious miss treat to the south of country, and specially after stay common that local army have the role into "freewill recruiting" people to work or die into Europe, ME, or Africa. 

On that way, so big plan made into Admiralty of UK Navy, stay more incompetent, and so much cost with no more function what they try to have. Specially after more episodes where "confrontation" against enemies find tragedy into ranks. First, several days ago, China activity 160 nautical miles from the Philistines shores, when the local Navy panicky asked protection from the US Fleet from the Guam.   

And after all, when USS Aircraft group, had ask to Iran for secure and free pass of Hormuz, and after movie made from the Iranian side about it, and claims from the US navy how they spot down Iranian drone,after all, only like pardon for this move, stay sadly open how so call magnificent plan of AUKUS and Filipino islas have nothing real but only fake which only way is to control southeast Muslim countries into Ind-Pacific region. How so far?!           


Thursday 16 November 2023

The true about Gaza's war

 After 25 days intensive incursion in the Strip, so call IDF come from an tragedy to the shame. Even they use more than hundred thousand mercenaries in the war, and even they have support of more than five thousand US special forces into Israel territory. They going to add up over several thousand dead, hundred missed into action, and lots of soldiers wounded and ill in their ranks.

In most rides to the Strip they had the  part of the forces which they used before in Ukraine, and who now stay like "extendible  coins" in war whose not even start properly and whose even have nothing with this what they try to present to others. 

In moves whose is so grotesques than local Zionists into Israel have not so much reliability. And where is openly saw how these materials which they presented over camera is pick up from some post in the east Europe, specially from Moldavia, and some part of Bulgaria. 

Arms which PF use against the occupation forces is not then whose so call IDF try to presented like arms catch from the so call Hamas. 

 If we know how this organization has nothing with PF, and how this party was formed from the Israel secret services, than all of this so call discovered equipment was pull into these places with some before made scheme, ordinary built and make on B.B. predicts how on these way they may have control over the Strip, and situation into it. 

But, because PF isn't so call Hamas, and because, so call IDF is fully blind and deaf, and have nothing knowledge what and where, than we are in posses info how they did this miracle,named Israel disaster.

After huge clashes between PF and US Marine Corps, involved into army support to Israel, so call IDF, and heavy losses after it, from full number of 56 thousand soldiers and officers they stay in the ship and some location into east Israel,less for 6 thousand personal, who was removed and pull out. In first time they was planed to move it much to the Iran, but after war is rumpling. They move them on several post into Europe.

From hundred thousand mercenaries came into Israel, most of them was put at the northern borders, and now they are in huge battle against Al Nagba Coalition. They have huge losses, and each day several dozens helicopters transport made activity over north part of Israel. 

Activation of the war into Iraq and Syria, with much instability in other parts of region, cause that they both, Israelis and Americans push up activity of so call DAESH, which is trained and pumped by mercenaries before use into Ukraine war. 

IDF reservist is not in the  function. These boys and girls used only like some leafs over truth what like situation into the war is terrible to NATO, and how new way in confrontation with them is success.

Then stories like hospitals into Gaza is only final nail into Zionist coffin  named Israel. And this nail there wasn't put from some other, but from themself, in moment where they believe how they are so might and how US have power to stuck everybody. 

After all we say that into history going to be studies this was, especially battle in the Gaza city. 

We have say how this battle wasn't prepared well, from the so call IDF command, and how war isn't only into Gaza, but at whole territory of Palestine, where each day dead and wounded rocketing in the number, on the each side.

Israel only in the first month of the war have 46 billion army costs, and after all full material losses over 101 billion. With population reduce for one fifth.  

To Nato costs is much worst, because they must move out dead and wounded mercenaries, and they did it to the Spain and some part of Italy. 

To today, these fridges who so call IDF import into the Strip at began of incursion, has 2/3 full in capacity. It mean so much dead bodies. The rates of dead and wounded stay in proportion 1:25 to US forces, and 1: 140. In PF it is 1:4. And Coalition 1:1,15. And this hardware was removed from the Strip at the base near Dead Sea cost.  



Tuesday 7 November 2023

Gaza's war today is the mood for US tomorow

 Several days after US started offensive against PF into Gaza and over all Palestine, situation at the front going to be so narrow and for main player great disaster. 

This was not changed even many contacts between Blinkin and their counterparts from ME had last days. The main Zionist in US government he could not take real promise from the other part how they have stay neutral into this moves. In opposite of it, unusually the so call King of Jordan take "dramatic" operation against them with military airborne shipment of necessaries to PF in Gaza. Other like Turkiye gone to much for USA standard closely to an aggressive act against not only USA, but against NATO,too.

What was so desperate to Israel and specially to BB, the H.E. Nassrallah took the speech where he said to much what the official media in the West did not commented, or even they take in first news. 

If you want to know what he said, than you have it on the internet, and take few moment to find what was so embarrassing for NATO he said. 

After this speech narrative in main MSM media on the west stay same, even in the open area is possible to find real situation at the battlefield. 

Today several days of so call IDF offensive at the Gaza and Palestine, in MSM media is not possible to find clear and fool picture what and where. We find how so call democratic values missed to find right  words for this what USAF do in the front line, against civilians. 

Israel has not forces to battle anybody, specially the PF who has tens of thousand well trained soldiers. 

So, the information which came from the BB is to much lie then he is weight. 

Specificity of this war stay in the numbers, where 1:17 is rate how much IDF soldiers was involved in the acts against PF. 

If you know how into preparation to actions against Palestine, from Ukraine- NATO rewrite 100 thousand soldiers, much of them the mercenaries, than you have real full number of IDF at the foot. 

In these activities to today loses only in the Strip have disaster number against Blinkin. Above more of 2000 mercenaries was dead in first time of operation. Then, loses into US troops at the field grove more than 824 soldiers,not counted numbers dead in 8. October. In this moment if you have a wish you would have find why is so little Israelis reported dead!? 

Or, how dead rate grow in hundreds each day. But, because most of them is mercenaries then they have not right to be morn.

Acts from the south to the north of Palestine, each day from the first November, stay night mare for high Commandant of IDF. Even if the western MSM try to block wive at the Strip only, the war game is much bigger. 

Now, after this heavy numbers, US and NATO try to blowing up bigger war. With nukes near Tehran. 

But the main ships of this actors was and is so far from the west Asia coasts.

For today, other side have 1800 dead and 2830 wounded,320 missed, and 29 captured. 

No one of the commando staff is in this number. 

Israel like state does not exist, divide on these several parts and levels. Where the number of deserters each hour have two-digit number. And where each day from them to the western military hospitals fly wounded foreigners. And dead bodies. 

The game in the desert is blast for US Central CoMM, after  27 days of active attacks from the enemies. In the moment, several hundred personal was miss and same number is out of duty. 

At all, in the war what we have to see at the ME, NATO and US take main part, and now after great defect at the battlefield they take so heavy and heaviest arms to stop ruin of the power.

In the Strip, the US army(mercenaries) was find nothing and captured nothing, but several hundred destroyed tanks and armored vehicles. And now they have into Gaza two or four big fridge to dead, maxi capacity 80 tons. With heavy explosives to break massive concrete construction. 

We now expect more numbers. but not on the only one side.                       

Thursday 26 October 2023

Balkan and NATO in ME dissaster

 Adolf Hitler, Reich Chancellor and Fuhrer of German Reich in 1939 at began of WWII said to the Reich Marshall of Luftwaffe-"we must be simply secure that Balkan stay in our control, and we must do everything to situation at the peninsula stay stable. This what we must be seriously careful for Kingdom of Yugoslavia."

"For this reason we must have negotiation with t them to they stay or on our side, or neutral, but not at the other position". Abwer the Nazi military intelligence service from 1936, some said much earlier take activity in different Balkan states, to make secure for German Nazi plans.

In this activity they found so much "interested indication" what said how situation in the area, can going to be so strange and difficult. 

They find how only presence at Balkan have nothing to make sure, if they have no stable and quite situation between different national and ethnic group. And they had saw how ethnicity at Balkan have really strong animosity. So far, that only find how "one the spark" have to cause long big fire. Who possible to do burn even fireman. 

In 1991, near forty years after this messages NATO and US make great mistake. They made unstable Balkan with prolong war, who are even now have some relatives at the peninsula. Specially in former Yugoslavia. 

Even they did everything to extinguish these fires, by bombed Serbs, and support and made several big crimes and ethnic cleansing, in believe how only clear divide ethnics are guaranty for peace and prosperity, now at the brink of the WWIII, they have acknowledge why Nazi leader tried to have a peace and unity in Balkan, specially in Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

Now NATO and EU looked at this region at same way like it was in 1941 after Nazi smashed Kingdom of Yugoslavia, and they did everything to deeply divide and  separate former Yugoslavia at the smallest shellfishes countries, where they have installed some forces who was mix between former Communists and Fascist in name of some so call democracy which going to be guaranty for them superior rule in them. 

The only what they have now in Balkan is opposite. Fundamental crisis, Nazi feelings, nationalistic ideology, and economical crash with demographic disaster. 

 In this moment when US need more support in the war area. They have open south-east, with armies which have only force to parade at an holiday. For this reason US come to buy a former warriors from lattes wars, and pay them with money who have no value. Even then they have no potent to bring more than 2000 from all Yugoslavs. On the other side they must bring in the former Yugoslavia more than 12000 soldiers of NATO plus some neutral states. To be secure how everything do not going to be worst. 

The point of all is in the small. Here from Slovenia, who are destroyed in latest floods and where no more exist normal economic situation, but only fear how they have be attack from someone at ME, and where army have shorties at all, specially after they left armor vehicles to Ukraine, across Croatia, where they have only big words but nothing else, especially at the open border with eastern neighborhood. And where army lost approx 500 specialist in several NATO operation, and have no possibility to give any support for US Navy and Army, but with 2/3 open and empty state territory, can be nice place for some to make something,somewhere in Europe. Two NATO member states is out of control. NATO know how much what they lost in them and they do not know for what exist local security forces. But only to demount local political opponents or for NATO orders some suspicion groups. Mostly them who try to ask not nice questions. 

Albania, is country where NATO have camps for Iranian Mudiahedin Hulk and where they trained some groups for activities into former Soviet Union, or Turkiye. 

Local army have only way to present some police force in the Otrant passage and nothing else. The local army bases isn't ability to give some support for the NATO, because from them so much time missed so many.

Macedonia, have nothing but such brigades which only stay in the country to be peace kipper in fluent war between Macedonians and Albanians. Powerless to be use out of Skopje. But only to be used to support the war at the east Europe with  gave away all offensive arms. 

Serbia is far from NATO, like BiH, but this entities have two sides, and from this countries NATO even they had forces in both, have possibility to give some gifts like it have stay in ME. 

Monte Negro, in NATO, but deeply divide have only potential to sell everything what they bring from the Alliance.

At the end, NATO and US haven't control over hearts and minds in the Balkan people, and all of it made the Command so neuralgic than they have activities whose are in the strategy mainly disaster. 

Balkan is open for everybody to make everything against EU, and other Western formation. 

In this open gates of Europe, stay several hundred thousand young soldiers of Jihad and they only wait at command. For them is necessary not much then several hours to bring arms and march in the middle European cities. 

At Balkan no forces to prevent it, and no government which is ready to stuck Islamic forces, for reason to not be remove in some clashes at domestic forces.                                         


Wednesday 18 October 2023

The Hospital

 Everything what we said yesterday, we have to say today. After massacre which case act of USAF which have active role in bombardment these both fronts at Palestine.  Fear, and not much care what they did, cause more tragedy. 

After situation over hospital in Gaza we have said how it was nervous maneuver of US, to stop situation where they lost much support from the group, where they have influence. And to make some other point immediately actual.

Attcams rockets has only way to make more care to main players,about  what is real power to US, and to cause more disaster to Russia, which after this attack, struck the position of US Army in the ME, what cause most dead and wounded into USAF and army stuff. Even US Command said different. After Sullivan prediction how" attack at main post of Hamas going to making some gains to Israel at the front, and change very quickly situation over the crisis." The war was accelerated and now have point that US attack into Ukraine by Attacams against Russia and in the hospital against common Palestinians only take point where, US make new Vietnam for himself.

Israel no more forces to fight anybody, and only support from US and NATO, have power to protect something what existed.

But, after all, even US Sullivan mean how Hezbollah would come into war with full engage, it was no plan at the Organization. 

Now, US must going to coming by foot into war, and they have no power to fight anybody, but only to take 482 bodies of US Marine special corps servants. Dead in began of this war in Palestine, and to 320 others killed after all into several points at the ME.

Attacams rocket now have way to be use against them, after have knowledge how bigger war is at theater of the World's stage. 

No one have plane to attack US ships, but to sunk them, now everything is open. 

You have see how we told anything about EU. Reason stay in the first moment after mass-murder in Gaza. They are in deep fear. And they did same what did occupation Canceller Sholc.

For all, the war is there, and if some mean how he can control acts against all then he is in deep dementia. 

Real number of IDF causalities rise and now have number about 10000. The fear, angry, and incompetence to battle them enemies, cause more crimes at them hands.                  

Tuesday 10 October 2023

Israel is gone

 Situation in Israel and Palestine is so known than is so disgusting how IDF spoke person lie. 

After four days and several thousand dead at the both side. With massive attack from Palestine to Israel, in which regular Palestinian Army was captured five main military basis of IDF, said how "Israel control situation and border with Gaza" is idiotic blasphemy.

IDF do not exist! Gaza is bombing from British and US forces. IDF air forces is in full control of Palestinians. 

For reason that basis in Cyprus and island Creta cannot make full support to Israel, US made decide to push at the distance USS "Gerald Ford" with full battle group. Same group whose had brave escape in Adriatic sea after they find how in the Mediterranean at this group five months ago wait Russian submarine. In support with several "Bears" in the air. 

For this reason they had in June/July sensitive withdrawal  from Adriatic to the north Atlantic ocean. 

Where they in so far from Europe try to escaped contact with Russian and Iranian fleet.

Said that that they are at the way is lie. 520 special Marine Corps was infiltrated in Gaza two days ago. Result was disaster. Number of them never have way to home. Even the chef of them. 

Lies come in MSM and supported from the State Department where Blinkin try to control damage. With total censorship.

From 8000 Palestinian trooper who was involved in the first moment of action "Al Aqsa float", killed 620, wounded 420, and no one was captured.

IDF lost 1/4 of Israeli territory, whose now is in control of PF. IDF lost two main air base. With all in these bases.   PF now have main part of IDF equipment in posses. 

It cause that IDF reserve forces haven't munitions, arms, regular equipment, even food and water is out of full support. 

Loses in the Israeli forces, mean all, going to more than 4125 dead and missing. 2250 wounded heavy, and 1250 captured.  With more than 10000 disappear from a duty. 

From 25 High command staff, half of them is eliminated, or captured. In the hands of PF is even several high US officers. Some of support units of US in Israel was attacked and this units no more have exist. 

PF in control have two "Merkava 4" tank brigade, with other armored vehicles. Much of them was destroyed at these posts. Like 24 thanks and 60 armored vehicles in the sector of center and south Israel. 

Hezbollah was involve at the field very little, and only they had contact against some units of IDF which have no control. 

For this reason, they only eliminated several IDF brigade's commander and some staff. They lost around 24 personnel. And now they are recruiting around 600 thousand man to war. 

In previous opinion we told why EU, specially UK have not power to take part in this conflict.And what have cause to US if they coming in the arena. 

The aircraft carrier can be only losses, or start to much worst scenario. 

After all, Bi Bi would be put in the history books like Jew's leader who was made that Israel spit at the Holocaust, and make abolition to Hitler for all what he done against humanity. After IDF did same what SS Waffen had been made in Warsaw Ghetto with thousand Jews.

Only way to this war stop and Israel stay where they are now is capitulation of IDF. Each hour, each day, or month going to prepared place to new Jew exodus. Specially after mounting losses in only 96 hours of battle. 

We see that no US, no even buying of a mercenaries have make change in the situation.   

Wednesday 27 September 2023

Queen's Elisabeth have been eliminated

 Tell to self a story that this story has nothing by MSM,and that you have to say tomorrow morning how you are positive, and how you have real mind into head.

If you try to make some conclusion on the matter which come from your TV, radio, or the net than you are person who are really poisoned by "Zombie Ciklon B virus", made and distributed from the college of Royal Navy in Sussex, where these personal make active poises who has point to determinate history of some or mostly someone. 

This story about fabric of "democratic poise" came several years ago, after stay clear that the UK have nothing to prevent or to change self-destruction path. In six years ago, the Admiralty has alert to political elite in London that "they start to be annihilate form from these other power, and how they have no more  power what they had several years ago." On the table stay info from the chief Inspector of Navy that situation into units, into Trident units are so terrible, and how relations into units have some dose of bulling on the every level and every side. What cause that so much personal stay out of duty and how no too naff of new personal was incorporated into it." 

Some story about situation with army depots and subs, had place in these MSM over UK. But most things never come in the public, for reason that had said former UK high commander, that "we than start to be ease place to rule by others."

You see, he did not say how it would be Russia,because he never have real information from this side.

He started to treated it after UK had have loses into several point around word in direct confrotation by Russian forces. Where previous named difficulties have to much role into these  disasters.

Without navy, UK stay like duck,much depend from the main "ally" US. Who by 6th Fleet and now after reconstitution 2th Fleet coming to be first battle line in US war doctrine. 

And, after all this losses caused some changed into real policy into the Court. Where come on the Throne, no man, and no King.

His mother, Queen was clear that she never have order to the Army and Navy to push battle over some disputes with Russia. She several years before has act where she made counter coup after, some part of the family, BJ, and Superintendent of Royal Forces, try to remove her from the post. 

In this acts against conspiratorial moves she made some clear order, who is her successor.

And how she have nothing to stop demolition of UK, what she had have promised to Scots, after they "lost" referendum. 

She has knowledge that UK Government sell to a private persons several billions of national interest, and that they had made some operations what had never have promises or approves from her, and Parliament. 

Now, after UK lost more than 2400 agents around former Soviet Union zone, and after they have lost half of High Staff, they all "secret  operation" delegated to the Australia. Loses against China and India is not to less than this against Russia.

From them they try to have contact with reality, but in several months this reality for them stay very unpleasant. They only played minor role into this global war. 

France is in the decline from the Balkan wars. And now in this moment they  have only way to stay on the places what they are claimed like official France's territories.

But, if some come to make trouble for France in Reunion, than they have only several hundred legioners, and several dozen police troops, but main Army support stay in the hand of USAF from the middle of the Indy Ocean. 

On other side,  the situation into Russian forces have nothing with normality. There stay struggle between old and new, and in this moment, the situation at the front have nothing with Ukraine military success, or new military doctrine from them. It is only reason in the position, where no created man  into high staff, the real connection with common soldiers try to have power over the war. 

If somebody mean how Vladimir Vladimirovic has not influence at it, than he is in the big trouble. 

Last, so call Ukraine success attacks on the High Command of Black Fleet was only decide of him to make alert against some in the Navy" that they are not into movie, or into parallel world, and how they can be part of the some of Russian Navy cemeteries." 

He made some parallel alert to the High Command that " they must do much more to prevent these enemies in their actions. Include shot down some spy planes and satellites, which action have involve into operation at the field."

No matter if it could be cause for hitting in the relations against NATO and 53 states "supporters" to Ukraine. 

He made some gains on this road after he split up Russia from Pashinian of Armenia, and after stay visible that Russia never be involved into strong plays prepared from the UK and France, supported by US.

Now, everybody in the World have a place to see what would be happen after you have betrayal Russia. All of it he and Russia was made with close cooperation by Erdogan.

In this moment many came with means how Russia is lost, or how now is "open" path to EU free divergence of energy. But, the true is so bad to ARAF spies who had place into Baku, and Erevan.

Now, Iran came like main player which was said both sides, "how they are prepared to broke new order on the south Caucasus, and how Aliev did not so good Shia believer." Even more, the envoy of Khamnei gave him the personal message that "IRI have all possibility to broke control over Azerbaijan's oil fields in Caspian sea, and how he can do nothing even he try to take support from the west, specially Turkye and Israel. 

This message have part where stay how he must be serious, open and cooperative by both Russia an IRI in the North-South way."

Pashinian, now have only one sentence from the Ayatollah , "we have watch and follow each your provocation, and be ready to come into Erevan, faster than your enemies, and your new friends,too."

After that diesel and gas going to soaring hard on these markets all over EU.

In back, UK did everything to make new era of Brit Empire, but now they have only place to find how to make what She by will ordered to the new Queen. Move out these fingers from the posts where you have no possibility to make a rule. like it is former USSR and former Yugoslavia. But, even more no more incursion in China's zones. And do not have aggression act against our "Pearl int the crown"."                      

Friday 25 August 2023

Strorry Prigozin, and these previous strories with similarity

 He's name is Prigozin, and he is the main man who had contacts with several sides in the actually world steps. He bought from some side, and sold it to other side, after all make only gains to the Russian Federation. 

Even, when he had been into business by USA, or when he made info to the British MI5. Or when he try to sell some messages to the China. 

Every time he was in brief contact after which he going to be at the place with main friend and boss. 

Situation after his miss in action, somewhere, and what was predict like some airplane catastrophe is only story for an public. 

In reality he has problem to "payback" some bills from the least half year. 

In this half year, he was eliminate the pick command of elite France troops, not only at Russia, but at several places into world. 

Last was commandant of France Legie Strangie, in Chad. Where his group eliminate whole corps of this force, and commandant of them,too.  

It was cause possibility to Wagner forces to take quick and not so hard action in Sahel region. 

In war against Russian interests France was used LF at several fronts. It has dominant effect at the force,who are now in position that have not much than 1/6 of numbered forces previous 2022.

But, after situation where France has not power to intervene in Sahel, and where they need so much, US main support, who was never came. And after all African states say what they do if some would be happen, Macron stay humiliated.

It cause hipper order to the maritime intel to" make acts against legitimate subject".

In these operations was involved several persons, some from the France side, some from the other side, but main "hand" into action was inside. 

Prigozin has problem with some opinions into the group, specially after Artiomovsk action, where he did several mistakes what was caused more not necessary dead into the group ranks.

All this things make possibility to operation going to been very success. But, what was happen is scholars example what has France intel now.

Intel whose prepared in the friend south-east country, in so call high visibility and touristic hidden. In believe how some had not increase involve in work of  the local intel agencies,which was supported all.

Missing into action, Prigosin, and staff of his group came the clear "gift"to Vladimir Vladimirovic, like it had been several time into past. From journalist madam Politkovskaya to real opposition leader Nemcov. Both of them killed "by hands of VV, because he had these interest to remove both of them, like treat against him". But like than, we always have speak the reality-and even than we had made connections between dead of them with interests and support  of these intelligence, with reason who, and why killed both.

Mess Nemcov killed after he said something what Navalny did not. And what was happen after that?

Brits and Germans maid new "opposition" icon, who had been planed to be, what in Russian Federation. Nazi gautelaither!?

Only mess made man, like many into east Europe. 

Prigozin in Russia is the icon. And how you have be powerful, you do not make shut on a icon. Specially after than you have had finish into dust. In Russia more than ever into world. 

One master of the group is miss and other was prepared to act in the favor against Paris.                   

Sunday 13 August 2023

See how tourism make clear questions about war

 Ever before the history of modern world have such interest tops like it have now. Industries is in the crisis. And it have to be clear if you try to find official results. No even results of current touristic season is believably.

In the area stay only official lies, controlled by domestic intel services. In this narrative, everything is same like previous years, or it is some better than record years in the tourism.

But if some have time and will to find the reality, then they have all what  a official try to hide from them, to find how lies is so big. 

In this moment, tourist industry have huge losses into EU market. These several prominent tourist destinations at the Mediterranean in total have 36 % less tourist income than previous time. For this have several reasons. But main reason stay into global economical situation into EU, supported by some domestically reason into dozen EU member states. 

What is this reason, we have to see at the example of Baltic and Poland. There from north to south, growing inflation, implement by domestic anti-Russian moves, and high involvement into the war, cause such terrible push back at the domestic GDP.

The combination which have  the harsh influence in domestic social situation, where at all these territory, against UN Chart do everything, and against human rights, and no one from the World said nothing about it. But did it have been right?!

NO! The main partner of this several countries now is out of these economies. And because that, Latvia, is in the technical bankruptcy. This country have no money even to local army come out from an barracks. Even action against these monuments have problem with financing.

The main part of economy is stopped. Infrastructure is abandon, after stay clear in month before how main EU contributor haven't money to ordinary support EU's institutions work. 

Situation in two other Baltic states is much worst even they not in same position like the neighbor.

Estonia, have much worst disaster in domestic production and grow of domestic/international dept, what stay main way to state income. For this reason, but not only, Estonia now have so big problem with depopulation. Another side of this trend is in so call volunteers who was pick up to be at the  war. 

After they have disaster losses into army so call volunteers, specially into high ranking officers, where somewhere missed several generals, too dozen colonels, and much more others. No much tourist stay to have trip over south EU.

Lithuania is in disaster, losses into Ukraine is so big, that depopulation of this country come into pick. For this reason they try to eliminate Slavic treat. In this moment, the minority in some part of country stay majority and only several county into west, and south have dominate majority of Lithuanians.   

Even border to Belarus, is empty from the "loyal" citizens. The local army is not much than civil protection force. The German forces deploying in the country have problem to find civil servants. Or to take some contact with domestic population. General staff of the army is no more exist. After Russian air forces stroke the military base in Lvov area, months ago. Instability cause to Pentagon made secret order to US force to leave country imitatively after that. And their fear how locals have "the best relation in the neighbor country, where know everything at the daily stage about situation into troops."

Poland have problem that more than several hundred thousand reservists left country and in the fourth circle of mobilization they had to pick up only disable people and older from 48 years. Even that was not proprietorially did. From 123 thousand asked, less than 2/3 was come at the place. 

Yes, Polish forces now have around 400 thousand serviceman. And they have problem with daily supply.

More than 1/3  of regular army is in Ukraine involved direct into fights against Russia. Loses in today, have number of half dozen generals and admirals. And more than 30 thousand serviceman. Which many stay lay at the Ukraine dead station post.

This cause that production into country goes down, export have problem, and social situation, clashes against Ukraine citizens growing. 

Only few have possibility to take post in Turkye, and other into Adriatic areas, where was came mostly military serviceman with families.

After Russia strike several military posts into Ukraine where was posted semi nuclear munition and equipment, radiation at the European east had grown and now food production is damaged. Common production is stop and export,too. 

On end we have to say that even touristic industry in EU have problems caused by Western moves. This moves have point in situation where more and more tourist stay at home, or like Americans came into safe haven. Because they have no possibility to trip without fear into more than 3/4 of world. 

Tourist season this year have be problem to several south EU country, what caused that this country try to find money at the open market. Where they buy it on the way to sell information for investors. What cause that NATO stay out of cohesion and any function. 

USA have help to Ukraine, but half of it came into countries which we numbered. And which without it have no possibility to exist.                            

Sunday 9 July 2023


All wars have same note, and this note is lie. A big war have bigger lie. Small, smallest. But both of them have same intention, to make some gains for this who have involve into it. 

The war in Libya, 2011 was last war where the predominant master had made act against the small state, in so call upper ideals. And where it was used to be clods for shadowed real reason what caused attack at Libya. 

We told in previous posts what was in EU,and what real situation in the Union. The war against Libya and Colonel Moamer Qaddafi was prelude or one step to the Western gone. 

If we back look at former, than actual US President Obama, we known how he was instructed to made some big mess in east area. In that moment, US and specially EU came into finance crisis, who was bring to the brink both. These economies had great problems, and they had no real money in these pockets. 

Idea of former France President, and criminal guy Sarcossy to did not paid back the loans took from the Colonel in real assets of 11,2 million euro. Whose he used to the  presidential campaign. This idea after all stay lucrative job to the US President's companiero, where they take act against Libya, to stolen huge account from the Libyan National Bank, some 100 billion USD, what they saw like money whose they take to make some activities not only in the world, but in the domestic public and states,too.

They had a plan, but this plan was not interest others main players. Like Russia, and China to stop this intervention. Exactly, for reason that the Colonel betrayed both in wrong prediction about cooperation with the west, specially by France and Italy.The war was not prevent that Noway lost priority in oil industry into Europe. Neither to shadowed reality into them oil industry and situation where they each year leave 8 per cent less pumped oil from the Norwegian sea bottom.And what going to dismantlement each western plan against Russia. 

Lie about reality, made the big mess and unrest, whose cause that predictions in the plan never had been introduce. 

Opposite, EU came in real clash with mountain migrant crisis, which cause collapse of all main chains in the Union cohesion. 

After decade from this war, main "actors" now is in the bottom of history, and they have existential problems, what now have not possible even war against Russia plus China to solve.

Because, these actors in war in Syria lost from this main world players, and existing war in Ukraine is only requiem for them. 

If we try to saw real situation at battlefield, we do not listen information from both side, especially from MSM, whose have same position like it was with media in the Third Reich and Dr. Goebbels.

Lie start to be way not to support battle spirit. But way to make problems in the enemies. To make them dissolve in an plans.

For this reason we are not sure like it was some in the playground how situation is at the way what they are looking at. 

No, we saw, we see that situation for USA is worst than in Vietnam war, that EU in the war have nothing but self  demolition. And how war is over, with victorious nations, united to change the world.

USA now have more than 27 thousand death and missing in actions active soldiers in war which officially did, and do not lead, but only stay like support to so call Ukraine. Which not existed from 22.August 2022. 

From this time to today in the operation against Russian forces mainly participate 18 countries, with 259 thousand soldiers and other personal. 

In approximate  year full active attacks and counterattacks these countries from NATO, and some associated countries lost more than 1/3 death, 1/4 missing, 1/4 wounded, and no much captured at the field, from full number. 

Main power in this casualties have Polish, than British, and than some Colombians. Other have some much less, but in the final number of losses significant parts. 

Russians have losses but in relation 1:13, you have capability to find numbers.

So call Ukraine Army is only mask to prevent more unrest in the western nations. But main point is situation,where Russian forces now marched to the west, and no one have power to stop them.

Associate by Iranian and China forces they now control these main communication at all levels. Even Elon Musk now is in their control.

US only play some role in the local media to prevent so much unpleasant question, who are not answered in Paris, where each day look like civilian war. 

Or situation in Poland, where they captured everybody which is possible to take active service into army of extraterritorial defense, and border guard. But about it, nothing  have in the so call democratic press in New York.

Nothing about diplomat evacuation from DC,Russians, but not only them,some leave Moscow. 

All of it documented how the war changed world, and open several areas to questioned some what they tried against humanity.And everything is the way to divorce, total divorce between 3/4 of world and 1/4, dark side of Nazi collaborators.

USA in war against the Planet, now have no place to escape, and no way to stop bankruptcy.

In EU, all of it is at the way, and only reason that they had resurrected Dr. Goebbels in these media, mass media. With summer season in package make situation not so explosive.

The so call summit in Vilnius going to be only grave ceremony whose caused global upraise at the global West.

No Blackrock, nor other so call investing founds after all have power to change something. In all of them main assets have now first economy in the world, and it is not USA.                          

Saturday 3 June 2023

EU bankrupt

 After to many times of bullshits happen into EU, today is time D where is seriously find real result of all this agony named United Europe. 

The project was in the crisis from began, but more shits came into first decade of 21sentury, where the situation in economy, and these social structures crumbling into deep recession,which have continuous from 2008, and crisis with wealth funds. Where started situation where they had no money to serviced public needs and where stay clear how situation in the workforce market had nothing by reality. 

To solve this existential crisis some "smart person in the Commission" found how would be nice to took a pensions fund, and how it no one try to investigate or block. 

But, in 2012 some was understood how it did not worked and that this money, was pull from these funds was not naff to change situation at the Union economic positions. 

For this reason in some countries like it was Hungary, where all stay worst than previous member status, at the position of the country leader came Victor Orban, named from such circles in the Union to preserve situation of mass disorder into country with every necessary methods, even use of the nationalistic rhetoric, build up of security forces, and active ops against their opponents.   

In this time situation into Poland was much worst. Nationalistic and antisemitic stance and rhetoric made place for open work, specially against main historian enemy-Russia. 

Into country in this time EU "pumped" more than 12 billion euros at annual base, and this money mostly was used into big frauds over agriculture system and so call massive infrastructure rebuilt, specially into high speed and main railway corridors into country. 

It cause that system into this country did  not worked. All instability was openly wived. Such third of population take place at an planes, trains, buses to a way on the better future overboard. 

From this time start into EU project "low fare air system", created to made possibility for unincorporated person to find place out of idealized picture of Poland.

For same reason Poland take  had organization  of European football championship,predominantly to preserve not so nice questions about reality. 

Several other countries had same position and same measure from the top of Union, Estonia like clear example.

All of it had nothing into success, and into 2014 EU made plan for destabilization of both Ukraine and Russian Federation. Simple reason stay into real an bookkeepers registers, where intervention at these markets of new member states, cause vanish of 2 trillion US dollars. Which bonds came at the paid for several months.

This was clear how EU with high speed going to crash. For this reason Operation "October"  popularly known like "Maidan", started, and caused the crash. 

After all, 15 member countries have 1,74 trillion dept, which hadn't real payment base, and now is in position of  a mullein stone who so quickly dump them. 

Into this groups of scrambled countries is Italy, where recession is more than 3 percent, and where possibility to have servicing dept is out from March 3th. It had caused that Mallony now is bigest lair at European politicians. And she has made everything what some try from her. 

It looks like, but in real economy, bankrupt state has only way to pay dept, to make sell of country propriety, like it is arms in such deals, what she does.

Fiat money gave to the previous government in Rome have nothing to prevent the situation what have they know. In opposite, it has boomerang effect at the main economy, where German and France came into dept, and now into recession highest than 2,5 percent, but in real number, 14 percent. 

Other countries like Croatia, stay into 4,5 percent recession, and with mono-culture economy, mostly based at the tourism, in situation where these main tourist markets came in the crisis, with inflation over 40 percent and administrative regulation at the markets, and 1/3 population lost from previous time of independence, only way to something stay into order, has fiat money printed and distribute from the Frankfurt and ECB. But, with 3,3 million people and constantly law insecurity, where to much businesses was maid at relation with state, and where people live in ambush of accessory work market, base at low cost workforce in accessories jobs on one side, and well payed and treated workforce in the government offices, companies and associates, only"small" touristic season break have made horrific situation. 

And this is only example what is in Greece, Portugal, and even Spain. The domino effect have been prepared and so call intervention against someone at the east have nothing to prevent it. 

The cause with Estonia, and other Baltic states, but now even with Finland,Sweden, too, is worst night mare, for this who had believed that they made good job in the Ukraine 2014. 

These laws breaks, breaks of constitutions all over EU. Break of human and citizens rights, with infrastructure and deliver chains broken going to make this year a final year in the Union life.

488 million Europeans now live in the third class, and the second class, what is clear at the German example so harry leave the history, and so much "middle" class members stay pour and out of normal life know in era of their fathers.

Luxembourg was top model to EU whose they was used to presented success economy. But know the country have not naff money to support banking system, to payback investors. 

It mean how even this money haven is prediction of EU fall and disintegration.

Everything what they try to did in the nearest past, now came over door and broke the door. All what was happen in the EU from 2014 was prelude for now. Migrants crisis, so call clime crisis, caused acting use of clime creating, and five wars in what they involve, have negative aspect of all economy and public life, too. 

And EU Commission has not plans to solve it. 

In this case a destine of Euro is definitely defined and it has not be possible support to be stable until July of 2023. 

War in Ukraine like mass media instrument for main control of mass, in all this case have nothing to do, but only make everything worse.                  


Saturday 13 May 2023

Kremlin like Washington's likey

 Nothing new was happen in the last several weeks, and now isn't time to say that anything is change. Nor we have to celebrate to some activity in the world, but only we have to say how reality is much clear than it was before. 

If someone believe  how Kremlin have activity against someone, than then must to looking at much closely. In the relation between two sides exist something what we had saw like deal to lucky control of these common people. In war which has no ideas to be remove one or other side, and where side which take preventive activity year ago, nothing have  a justification. 

Justification mean that Kremlin want to make some gain against what everybody see like collective west, and where collective west have idea what mean to prolong  the war. 

Or does China has idea what mean for them some scenarios?!

Nothing of it have to take place at the open theater of political maneuver.  At all sides they try to present some irrelevant points,a success without real success. And with no courage to make move more against them who are involve in the everything. 

How is possible that Kremlin did nothing against little army of saboteurs and spy all over structures? Is it possible that NATO have no interest for self troopers into Ukraine? 

From  28 thousand in began of the operations in the field, now they have more than 56 thousand, than it mean double, what mean how even these casualties have to be doubled. 

But, to prevent any questions about it, into both side have same music, which now escalating into another bunch between David and Goliath, where now is know how this Goliath no more stay same identity.

Nor than situation at the area stay secure for main player who to this days have monopoly to created virtual reality.

Today is clear that none is brave to take responsibility and put everything in the highest point, where only stay to this Planet be change, at the peacefully or nuclear way. 

It has not first time in the planet's history that it was happen, but never before, some try to change something out of courage to take responsibility.  

And after known that USA lashes from the all position into global policy, economy, and war strategy, extremely is rear why Russia did not take next move and pressed the button to finish all?

Ukraine is place for human desecrate, disgrace in the human history. Where so call EU, in reality Fourth Reich try to make same racial rules like them predecessor. It mean that against both some must take the harsh and global measure to remove it scars from the civilization's face and soul.

In this moves, only who is real losers have to been the people who macerated and killed into this doubled crossing deal, Kremlin- Washington. 

We looking at all and we know what we can expect in finish. But it is not what some try to present onto this deal. The history have nothing with some who killed his mother to be what he want to be. No, because she has much courage to spent time and scribe to us, what she want after she pass away.


Friday 24 March 2023

ICC and control damege of Covid 1* from Sunnak

 Really who can believe to ICC so call High Prosecutor that he did everything, out of control from the basic country, UK? And who can say that he did not known how decision from him have nothing with ICC Chart? Or, he believed how everybody at the Planet, and around haven't a brain to think about it, what is wrong in the Kanh decision.

Decision was wrong, but in some case very dangerous to the future of common international order. If you look at the Rome Chart of ICC than you have see only how this "body" have only right to make a deal with this countries, associations which have ratifier Chart, and than only them citizens or members have going to being a objects of ICC works. Others who are not into "contract" by ICC, cannot and would not be issue of the ICC interest, even it mean that this states, associations or persons have make some criminal act. 

It mean, how Kanh made not mistake but real disaster to the international law system, where only exist rule that subject in an courts have be only this who are in a jurisdiction. In case against Vladimir,ICC prosecutor made many mistakes, and worst orders. 

He did it in the imperative order from the PM Sunnak to make it or he would be supposed by some allegations from the secrets services of UK . 

We have what it was, but here it is not interest. Interest is in predominately panic in the UK Cabinet, after they find that story about role of them in "pandemic" would be exposed soon.

To block interest of these at public, and world public, they went with some unusually story over ICC and "criminal case against Vladimir".

Even some analytics try to find interest to block cooperation between the World and Russia, it was not in the point, because role of ICC was so much compromised that no one in the Third Word or other countries have so much care what this "last element of colonial era" have to say. 

And this mind about institution what at the west try to presented like "international" came to be pariah of former colonial power. Whose now have problem to solve coordination and cooperation with Nazi groups and organization in made of virus C-19, so call vaccine and multiple dead of prominent scientist and human workers around the Planet. 

Rishak Sunnak must explain what he had role in listing of killed and others who find like predominately problem for the Project C-1*-20/22.

We had been spoke about it before, and we tried to find who was guilty for it and mass murder in the World. Now, we have say how Kanh only did to stop full public opinion presentation of UK previous government and Mr Shaggy had into crime against humanity and war crimes in the several countries at the planets and killed public persons. 

The role of US here is only like a toy in the UK hands. where this experiments in the labs over human beans have nothing with  science, but with Nuremberg Codex and trials against them predecessors and now associates. 

So, after all, the role of ICC like it was in the past have nothing with law, nor with international interests, but only in the necessities of some group to prevent spread the truth about C-1*, and other inhuman treatment in the World against whole humanity, caused with them actions and corruptions, murders and miss qualification of peoples and real information about reality in controlled "pandemic".             

Monday 20 February 2023

The American Story and Turkiye earthqucke

This story has tree parts, and even you have believe that nothing has together, stay here and learn how story play same music.

Part one, said that if you have something big so big story where somebody made some worst in the history, than you have US Navy in the back of it. And story which play American investigate dominate Reporter about "North Stream" is THRU! Same information we had in the several hours after they made the criminal act. We known that they some try to made in the late summer 2021. But in this time they have nothing done. System used to blow up the tubs has only in NATO exist in the NOr spec forces(oil companies collaborators). But all operation was made in the back of the official government of the Kingdom. No one in the cabinet had have knowledge that some superintendent in the NOr Navy has had operation directed from the Washington DC and coordinated by Lise Mayn. Strory is much scary after find that some structure in so democratic and well organize state, have total impunity from the High Commander. Or to be cruel, they piss off at the institution, and constitution. These guys into NOr Navy did is same squadron who was involved in the Breivk case, when they with support of David Cameron's government try to make overthrow in Oslo. 

And if some believe how act in Baltic sea has only vectors to Russia and Germany, than they is at wrong way. To US democratic, semi socialistic state in the north Europe, and state which has several hundreds billion Dollars US dept in position, which they had change to the new obligation at the est, try to prevent what DC saw like non loyalty ally who try to switch the side. For this reason they activated in the country cell of these agents who was ready to do what the DC try from them. 

For NOr government it was embarrassment and even today, they have problem to solve previous image at the World politic arena. 

Specially, when several months before the operation in the "North Stream", general director of Hidro say how they have problem to pump same amount of oil and gas from the Norwegian shelf, and how they in this moment have only possibility to pump in the pick production 8% less than year before. In case that they take much stake at the market of EU, the situation at the fields going to be worst. Same it had predicted by electricity and said how NOr is out of power to change situation at the EU energy markets. After all, when Russia blocked tanker transport from far east over Arctic Ocean, possibility to rebrand Korean gas, stay at the zero. 

This information has nothing in the DC, they had self plans but, in all plans which they made, is to much holes. Like, when in the sea was leaked dozen millions cubic tons of methane gas. What caused that fish industry in the region has no more human friendly. And that even fish wheat cannot be use for animal food.

The chapter two said, what them had nothing have be naff, and that they have not allies but only the  servants, who must do what they try. 

Turkiye now is clear example about it. After stay clear , how new Turkiye has nothing by the previous regime, and how they try to have much independent policy then before, firs DC 2016. arranged the coup  d'etat, in plan to liquidated actual President and his family.

From than to 20.November 2022. situation in Turkiye went not so bad. This resist cause that DC made order that "Eastern Erase" must be active soon as possible. 

All operation, and so call scientist was put at the close zone at Incirlik Air Base. There, Ana Ivanovna Ulianovna, take act in the deep drill into the soil. All things made a DC dogs from Ukraine, and former Soviet Union. With cooperation to some agencies from Netherlands, Denmark,UK, Spain, and mysterious guy from Italy.

The operation has this parts: First,boring to the 3000 feet in deep, hole with 50-79 inch in diameter. In the hole in early 2023 they transported by submarines several tubes in which was deep freezes Hydrogen. It was put at the hole a month before the catastrophe in Gaziantep, and Syria. 

The Hydrogen was put at the bottom to 1500 feet deep, on this came Natrium  Hydro-peroxide Phosphate, what cause some reaction. Days before the Hydrogen at the absolute zero temperature start to leak into area, make construction with elements in the several thousand feet deep.

All operation, what to DC try to promote Ivanova and dogs, was clear, correct, controlled, and secure for use. So, there you have to see what mean education system in DC. School to idiots. 

Everything was, and earthquakes explain how they had been in wrong. Firs chemical reaction in the pressure, make some what we said "Nail" in the head. Accumulated huge electricity,Geo-static energy, what came like implosion 1000 time strongest than Hiroshima and Nagasaki bomb explosion. In all, after implosion of fluid made mainly from the Hydrogen and Phosphate, where huge temperature bored 120000 feet to the magma, where in contact came  non-controlled reaction, which three day after made 46000 dead in two country. All about process and who make order to it going to be, we have.

Third part said how situation what DC want to present to the local population have nothing with the thru. We are at the sky, but they have no technology to fight us in any way. Because that, they use us in public predominant propaganda, like excuse for real domestic civil war. Where each day in US,have blow up dozen farms, pumps, refiners, where have several fatal rail accidents.  And where they have half arms in Army and Navy depots than it they have in registrars. More than 372,5 billion USD is gone, and they have not knowledge where. On other side Austin, the Bear, have problem to say what to done by more than 27 thousand US soldiers at Ukraine soil.And how to explain direct conflict against Russia in Syria. What cause, hundreds dead US Marines and lost half position in Der er Zor.                                      

Thursday 26 January 2023


 Hi, here we have to saw something for reason which have White House to spend more money in history than any other. 

Last several months, after these war action in Mexico, and especially in Brazil, where US had huge  causalities, after their operation in this countries goes wrong, off course their place have their allies.

We saw what was happen in Mexico, when locals decide to storm "Cartel Chapo-son", and how in the action find that in the enemies stay a lot heavy army weapons, specially anti-air defense guns and lite anti-aircraft launchers. With lots guns and munitions in several places around Sineloa, but not only there. 

  In posts around Mexico- US border, they find the huge ammunition depots, where stay mostly arms from the neighborhood. Stay so interest that this arms, has US Army origin, where some came directly from the several US domestic Army and Navy Bases.  But some, specially anti aircraft arms and heavy guns, with other interest equipment had different history.

Some of that came from US Base in near Quito. Not more than 1/5, and other came from abroad with origin documents where stay clear that this came from Ukraine. Or to be clear, must be at their. 

In operation named Gladiator, after find how situation in the biggest LA country, going to be similar like it was in previous time, in mandate former President Bolsonaro, and how local elite have not interest to change the path in history, came action coordinated by several European secret services, with lead role BND, German secret service, and supported by MI5. 

The operation has plan to put Brazil in insecurity and if it can be possible in the some case of war, internal war, which have be stop in mediation of same who try to created it.

For all they try to use so call supporters of the former President, where they believe how it cause to riots in Brazilian security forces, where some part of them was involved at all. 

The operation has same finger print like in Mexico, and in this operation must gone everything by arms which has be delivered from local stockpiles.

But they have to much, what, where, and how?! Because, they haven't success.

Of course, new President Lula have some misinformation, and he goes to made some wrong acts. Specially in case against Brazilian high commandant, which was dismissed. And reason was inactivity  from the Army in riots whose destroyed Brasilia, capital of Brazil, directly main federal administrative buildings, where damage is total. 

For truth, the Army has huge positive role at all. They have initiative at all mess. So, they step back from the theater. But their military security forces was active,in the back of these rioters, where they try to locate and pick up the non domestic elements, which had be huge number in these rioters. 

Several weeks before, they picked up information from the friends abroad, what would be day after inauguration. Numbers and names had been at the table, and stay open that it have be nothing but ordinary military aggression, in which everything support give some from the Oval. With not small US naval forces nearest Brazilian coasts. 

From several LA countries to Brazil transported in several months hundred, thousand so call peace protesters, payed and trained at the same boats. 

After all the Military security forces stormed several stock in several Brazilian states, where they find originally US military equipment, totally new and conservation. Electronic equipment from the EU and some several million banknotes of different states, most from de EU and Japan. 

This money was prepared to be use to pay so call upraise in the country. 

And even there was find same synopsis like it was in Mexico. In these documents and in testimonies find how this arms, have real destination in Ukraine, from where they exported it at the points in LA.

All operation was legal, and have huge support from High Command of NATO and US high personality in Pentagon. They wash in total 42 billion dollars. And it is not at all!

This,and not reason what  theyhave at Ukraine, is real reason why Biden and crime group around him take action in delivery of tanks to East Front. 

They try, like it try German government, supported by some interest groups in England, to great phrase changed a public view from great scandals in Latin America, and so big criminal involvment these most prominent US Administration member in it. But not only them, it has place even German Canceler with Berbok,and several other EU politicians, with unhappy Stoltemberg. Secretary of money laundry Treaty.

Several hundred tanks, or planes, or elsewhere others going to have nothing in this what now is WWIII. About other stances, for the rest of World we have new info. And it try to find more place in next tag.                  

Monday 2 January 2023

The Green Tyrany and real madness

 The New Year was came and we know at thet these politicians have duty to serve them, for better to all. 

But, in New 2023, everything going to be much clearly, definite stay open who are who, and what was what. We know way it is!? Reality of the history,global history we told several time here, and no one time we had repeated, that this is not what you believe- free world, of a world,- but prison made several eons ago to bring control over invasive species whom try to destroy to much civilizations, that they had been came in the alliance against them. 

If you looked closely, than you have more questions than answers, about reality around you. You have to much some legend about some deep history times. And nothing else, but if you are looking around, you have to see not only a legends but more, the history truth. 

And, what we know in this history, we told it partly here. 

Now, we must say what some try from New York to do at the Planet is repeat from last WW, nuke war at the Planet, 12333 years ago. Then had been at  the same base like now,what the west try to conquered whole Planet, with same agenda, and same results. 

But, what we try to say here?!

We try to present to you something what some group of people, high ranking person in the several countries, with people who believe how they are making elite, try to push so call "green agenda", in which they have interest to make some places at the Planet for life impossible. 

This tyranny try to take place for excavation for Lithium, or what they babble "white gold". But, it isn't "gold", not "white", nor "green", and neither "human friendly".

Lithium is worst than Uranium, and same what Plutonium, but in some reason this element is not radial in free global place. It going to coming after, and stay in this position for thousand years. 

For this reason, after list nuke war, much of Lithium had been eliminated on several ways. Here is not place to say more. What necessary to say, is that this element know existing in several spots around the Planet surface, and how existing only 72,5 years reserve to fool production of what they now try to make autonomy car, and other vehicle,machines, and other things.

The main spot to excavation for Lithium, has Andes. Around lake Titicaca and south to Atacama desert. But problem with this mines came before. The "green colonialist" did not know how this element in there mines is fully radioactive, buried there thousand years ago. For this reason, all atmosphere, land and water burn hundred miles from excavation places.

And for what reason stay into reactivity, most places had buried by "earthen ware". For this reason to much of Lithium was buried near gold reserve posts. Spanish conquistadors find some of these "legends" in self hands and arms, after they took some ills. But even Egyptian thieves,too. 

Not at all it was clear and naff to new Green Tyranny, so close to predecessor- Nazi-Fascist. Who took organization "Ananerbe" to find what they had believed to had been began of the all civilization.   

 Now they have NASA, who try to take control over all planet with falls flag experiments, notorious misinformation and lies about real nature of Planet Earth. 

Impossibility to take other technology for energy produce, and take anything over 100 miles over the Planet, specially over Antarctica. 

Now, year after coup, leaded by British SAS who have touch with Nazi movement in Peru, and coordinated by NASA, in Peru did not find nothing but troubles. Non gram of suitable Lithium, and neither cubic meter of gas from Bolivia for producing "white gold" to have "green energy". Vice verse, in Peru they have continuously and massive riots, in Bolivia revolution in continuous, and only Chile produces some, but even there no body try to work in the hell places of excavation. 

In this matter lease down why Blinkin ordered, captured, and made bribery to African lieder. And why he try to squeeze out China from Africa. Why in the action take part France, stay clear yesterday. At same day when Britain find that they have no more buy oil and gas from Russia. 

And, situation in Peru, Colombia, Honduras, Belize, Brazil, Argentina, Chile,Uruguay, present in purity what you have after you try to make new weight at the old method way. 

Because that we are supporting Mexican President AMLO, and leading role of Mexico in Latin America. Principios das libertadores y povres peones in America Latina, esto summo summarum por  normal vivir  todos que questo nationes ven como El Dorado. 

Sin estas principios, normal vivir en paises sud della Rio Grande, sta imposible. Imposibel, primo por la todos que ellos tienes planes por excavada tierras en mass altas positiones en Andes, o con Amazonas donde miliones hectares devastado tierres usando por GMO agricultura producion. E commo ultimo Indios morir en mass,ma mass morir todos que  vive nella. Poison places kill hundred miles around. 

But so far from Berbock and Green Nazi Movement, which try to rule in lies over all,  to be seen and sanctioned. 

They need Lithium, and they need the last dead Ukrainian, because excavation place is two thousand kilometers far from Berlin and Paris.