Monday 4 December 2023

The case "Philippine"

 After more than decade of toxic influence into Ind-Pacific region, and after mandate of former Filipinos President Dutherte who made more stability and more peace to the Islas dos Filipinos, in direct coordination and support at the post of President of Philippines came some notorious not so nice man. With so difficult surname and with open way to the States. 

Marcos how he has name, stay in the post after brutal and violent involved in the presidential election at the islands from White House- what they did was fool money protection,and bribery to the most power force into country, local Army forces. 

Some ridicules plan what they had come in the operation, after US State Department find how close tide between Philippine and China, going to move out USA so far from the region of South China sea. 

It can result that potent to suppress China might, stay so long time very low. 

After so call democratic elections, where force, money and other "democratic" methods used to made sure election win to the their favorite, ended, and new "elected " President stay into the post, US try to built country like elite base where they have more posts to "protect" what they saw, interest of free market. 

Yes, they made several new military bases, and they had plan to made more, specially into islands trouble south parts of country, where has great power local Islamic movements. 

Reason to it stay in the believe how is not necessary  believe so much countries like Indonesia or Malaysia.Both big "democratic Islamist state" in the south east Asia. Both spotted at the strategic Malloc sea. And both with not so pleasant view at the Western hypocrisy.

Even US and NATO have so-so relations with both countries, they want to have open gates to intervene into both if they  going to coming in situation to fix some energetic needs. 

In this case, they are into position that now seat at the two chairs, and fight Muslim from south against China, they try to rule over the economy and seas. 

But, after China find new way for economic prosperity, and stay at the path to involve more people into upper class, and after China open north traffic post into Russia, far far from the US plans and bases, US try to find new dimension of all, and created AUKUS, such bastard which try to find such reason for exist of so call big historical names. 

After Australia bankrupt and stay off from the most economical market ways, the new block try to pick up into it, India. But, after serious discuses with Moscow and open several shock plans into local elite, the local Army find how they would have nothing from these acquisition. 

Specially, after war in the ME find how the local army is nothing more than parade orchestra, where the status of rang have only way of connection with castes position. And where exactly find how Marenda Mody have real problem to stay the Union out from the civil war.      

And, now the Philippine. It is country with so big slave production in the World. So much poor and not much educated domestic people find at the global workforce market, to work into so bad condition, where they are less payed, and where they used to be "cattle" for money laundry both, Philippians "agents" for connection at the global workforce market, and so call these who need this workers.

Mostly of so call workers live, and work into disgusting places and conditions, and most of them have nothing from just payment and conditions at work place. They have obligations, and this situation with this modern slavery, ordinary protect and buy, the main owner of Philippines, US.

This country in condition of cooperation try from the many ally into NATO, to had have open border for the new work class from the south east Asia. It was and, is way how US "protect" regime of Marcos.

What they have not it is to make the islands secure and cohabitant, specially after situation with open  involve of them into war at ME. What open a door to the Islamic movements at the islands to actively stay up against what they see, Quisling regime and their malicious miss treat to the south of country, and specially after stay common that local army have the role into "freewill recruiting" people to work or die into Europe, ME, or Africa. 

On that way, so big plan made into Admiralty of UK Navy, stay more incompetent, and so much cost with no more function what they try to have. Specially after more episodes where "confrontation" against enemies find tragedy into ranks. First, several days ago, China activity 160 nautical miles from the Philistines shores, when the local Navy panicky asked protection from the US Fleet from the Guam.   

And after all, when USS Aircraft group, had ask to Iran for secure and free pass of Hormuz, and after movie made from the Iranian side about it, and claims from the US navy how they spot down Iranian drone,after all, only like pardon for this move, stay sadly open how so call magnificent plan of AUKUS and Filipino islas have nothing real but only fake which only way is to control southeast Muslim countries into Ind-Pacific region. How so far?!           


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