Thursday 21 December 2023

Economy of the falen states and "Poseidon"

 Heavy loses and miss calculation in the operation "Poseidon", cause that NATO members try to push new war at several post into middle Asia, and specially into Red Sea. 

In this panic they going to activity what cause much pressure at the some countries to change position in intel policy. Like Angola did. But after find that it was cause by bribery and pressure the move have only way against local government. 

The government have no possibilities to sell what they want to sell frilly, because they had control any ship company, capability to make more supplies to the western oil markets. 

Continual way to switch side, Angola would be pay with high price, and no one is in the west going to make support out to locals changes. 

Now, we are in the posses info that EU, even they try to take money from the assets of the non friendly countries, they have problem what after it. 

What if other come at same idea and make actions at same way? What with 482 billion Euro, what the Union have posted into difficult countries?

After stay open that implosion of EU economy is not so far, but only in the first days of new year, in reason of more than 1,32 trillion Euro float money who are not in contact by industry, and specially have only connection with so call support to Ukraine. Or what we saw like EU support to Nazism. 

The ECB is posses of non valid papers from the several biggest economy in EU zone. Italy has problem with liquidity and with sharp damage into social sphere. Country has only fiat money,and no money exist out of the monthly support from Frankfurt. 

German economy is out of all, no money. No jobs. And actually crisis in the social demographic, with more than 12 million immigrants who are not involve in the local society, who are not employ, who are not even interest to find what they do in Germany. Plus, with more than 27 per cent of population out of social rights, without state and federal support, after new year going to implode in biggest mess, after 1927. 

Poland is change regime, but it is same way, who push the country in the same direct, and what cause that population of Poland stay less in years. Nothing have in it of creation Europe's battlefield, and high present of NATO armies. Not even they have money to spent in the local market. Who was badly bunch into the face, after export slash more than 47 per cent, and have heavy losses in the last quarter  of 2023. More of that is huge dead rate what they had at Ukraine and Russia front. More than 32 thousand, and same number wounded. 

Even Switzerland has huge problem in the liquidity, after more than 523 billion Swiss Francs left bank system of the country in only three mounts. 

And now accelerate to more of 1,02 trillion Swiss Franks. 

Even money who came over Fed have no big deal in the activity which going to cause more brake into local economy. 

When this economy is at the margin to be lost for next 2024. What than say to the countries like Finland and Sweden? 

First stay out of market who had traditionally was occupant from these local companies. And second have problem that they now is only base to exploitation of minerals and energy to UK. 

There is not problem if they do something against native nation? Against EU charts, of some other local or international law. 

Both of this economy is at the brink of fall, and nothing in the support exist in the Fed to them. 

For this reason, broke the rules and suppression at the neighborhood and local population stay only way to stop public ask what is wrong?!

In this reason new NAZI in EU is so necessary to local politicians now dressed up in the green an red,not much different Nazi-Facsism  brown and black .             

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