Monday, 1 January 2024

John Biden and his hate against conpatriots

 When NATO had been decided to made some gains after "fall of the wall", and after main actors of new "way at the east" stay believe how they have be only masters of the Planet, nobody ask does it going to happen?!

Neither even then who was involved into history matter, and who had more info what and why some did not happen in the history, or did it. 

Today after main losses into global war, the main western power try to do something what even Adolf Hitler had been not done. 

Reason for it laid into education and culture pronounce. Most generals, and politicians at the far west have no more knowledge than some student at European east, and they only have for the main part for activity some teams which mostly work with so call supporters but in the native bribery commands who have an interest to push such ideas for some groups or guys.

In this moment, war is active,they try to push more European countries to be at them side, even traditional neutral countries must be put in command of main western power, which have believe, how neutrality has something what may cause problems into an operation in the war. 

But, they have not knowledge, what is history and how it have main power to today and tomorrow.

Their teams did not read archives and this had made big mess in the their plans. They did not learn how even Adolf Hitler did not want to fight Yugoslavia, and how did Admiral Canaris scribes perspectives if Nazi Germany went to occupied Yugoslavia. In the study what is main cause of lost of war, he scribe that, heavy situation at the field, caused by ethnic,cultural, social, and economic differences between population at the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, have problem to the Nazi Germany to have more power against Soviets, and other enemies, specially, because the Wehrmacht must not be able to use dozen divisions and army groups on these other fronts. 

Believe how local nationalist like Ustasa in Croatia, or Bali Comtar  in Kosovo and west Macedonia, or Serbian nationalist groups in several part of the Kingdom, had made  power to rule actively and peacefully in new reality, caused to destroy of Kingdom of Yugoslavia, is rubbish. 

After Abwer  monitoring from 1937 to 1940 find how without 12 army group had nothing to support peace in the occupant country, Nazi try to push peacefully solution for the European historical black whole. 

Nazi Germany and them ally had not loose the war in the fight with Soviets, more neither in fight against western allies, but at the Balkan front, where they have heavy losses and where they all time of the war must had serious occupation forces to not only fight National Liberation Army, but even to stop local Nazi supporters to did more worst thing than they done. 

USA did and do same mistakes what had been Nazi regime saw, and they went more wrong steps from 1987, when they take action in support to Slobodan Milosevic, their war rhetoric, and in 1990-th support to destroy one of the main UN founder,when they learn at the wrong way UN Chart.

Even Canaris had been wrote what would  been if they stay support to the local nationalists, US in favor by Democrats and President Clinton make exactly opposite of it. 

President Clinton was supported genocide in all Yugoslavia. He and Isetbegovich had active role in mass murder in east part of BiH, the some role in Croatia against main minority and support to the communist-nationalist in rule with former JNA general, and activity over Kosovo and Macedonia, where they made assassinate act against President Kiro Gligorov, after he say no to Macedonian involve into local wars. 

Much of Serbian generals was in communication with Clinton administration,where the main role had men named John Biden. The man who try to shadowed his family story. 

Serb who had name Jovan Brajevic, and which family came from the mountains on the border between Croatia and Bosnia, all time try to make something against the peace at family former homeland. 

Even he had created Slobodan Milosevic, even he created actual Bosnian Serbs President Dodik, even he supported to former Radical Vucic stay in power and now be President of Republic Serbia, he always try to said how he is against them. And he did it in favor to the others, what they believe. 

But wrong, he did it only to make place for what team of him believe, more money to them and swamp to EU, who they had saw not like ally, but like big enemy of US interest. 

The interest of local people in the Yugoslavian countries never have matter for them. They only have position in "Final Solution".

After several decades of hostility and wars, after millions losses in population, trillions in the wealth, and after US stay lost the war against main players in the Planet's arena, same Jovan try to make solution in more unification in the south east Europe. Uneder their command. 

For this reason he try to push Serbs in Bosnia,and all people in the country at the war path. To  make final solution, mostly to the both non catholic ethnic group, Serbs and Bosniak.  In Serbia, he believed how he has possible to make new regime who should be able to push more army units against what Jovan see like enemies. 

All this thing he try to made from Croatian capitol, where he put strong women which must start to created new way in the country, for reason that this country have big problem, about we had wrote before. And because, Croatia like Slovenia have not credibility to be ally for some serious decisions. 

In new way they make some gains cultural, social and even historical to change main position of Croats, where part even now believe how is the best things what US did to them is operation "Strorm"and ethnic cleansing of Serbs from the country, and where Fascist nostalgia is so hard. 

In BiH they have pay much "intellectuals" mainly in the Bosniaks population, which they use like hammer against what Jovan see like anti-west motion. Even this guys do everything against Dayton, what former State Secretary created to "stop the war", but what now have boomerang effect.

US and Jovan need now so desperately need a strong army at the southeast, like it had been JNA. They desperately know how they are lost both, Ukraine and Israel, and how they only have last post to effective still stand in Europe is not Scandinavia but Yugoslavia. If they have not clear situation with strong and effective union like it had been Yugoslavia, no one aircraft have power to stop "Final Solution" of what Canaris wrote -"fatal lost and retreat home". 

It is real reason why they push out their strong man in Serbs, and why they have interest to rebuilt unitary republic in BiH. 

Even Kosovo for them is not priority, but now problem what they have not idea to do with them. 

Army which they try to built in the territory is only parade unit, what have nothing to stop Wagner group in full posses of Pristina, for not much than four hours. Like it scribe in these documents.   

Montenegro was main goal to Jovan, when he made some cup d'etat against what he saw Russian interest. Now he can see how Podgorica play at the Balalaika melody and how NATO member feeds Moscow with info.

Canaris had full right about what will be.     

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