Saturday 16 December 2023

Nazi is live in the Union

Nothing going to be normal to the EU, or the Union going to be normally Nazi organization, where is clear that supremacy and apartheid stay like main pillar in the policy what was stay out of the Shuman declaration. 

Now in the top of the EU seat persons who are deeply incorporate by the main Nazi organization in the World, and most of them have family heritage. 

Even some of them, have now leftist ideas, they are use it only like clod to have mask reality against public opinion. 

They have real collaboration with some western politics and rulers, but even support of the main secret services, all posted at the main deal from the autumn 1947, countersigned with SS Gruppenfurer and US Genaral. 

Agreement had been build by intense from far right, at the both side of Atlantic, to destroy Communism. 

After fall of the Wall in 1989, and Communist "left" the power, but really changed side, and like new nationalistic "democrats" put at the same project,what had been created in Manchester 1936, about interest of UK to blow up east policy, and to use for it new regime in the Nazi Germany.

Today same roles, with new players, but from mostly same families, what try to control everything, much more common people. 

But for it, they came in the crash over economical situation after 2008/09, where most of them stud out of money, and only money they had stay at the east. Predominantly into China. What they expected to dismantled very soon after they did it with Russia, and Arabs. 

We say that it is not possible, and now they use everything to eliminated every person who are oppose to their old fathers idea.  

From Ursula to Berboch, and from the London to the Riga, everybody is incorporate in the old idea "drach nacht osten", idea had been created by Canceller of First Riech Bissmark.  

The idea had been reopened into England after big economical crisis in 1930-th, and idea to empire stay at the top, even than had been find how it was not possible, and how they had bankruptcy.

In new, the idea reestablish after find how money into City stay very bad, and how no way to UK stay at position after She pass away. 

For this reason was created close contacts with Nazi organization around world, specially into Latin America, and chemical laboratory there, mostly in posses of Nazi organization. About it we told two years ago. 

Now, in this moment, with king who are not it, and after down democracy implemented by Sunak "elected" in post of Prime Minister.

In all, they have interest to have close act into old plan to destabilize European east, and with open support to the Nazi organization all around EU.

But after, they had "contact" at the east with Russian's scissor, they try to move actions from the east to the far east, and specially into ME. 

What cause that more than 168 agents, and 364 officers lost life into battles. But more than 3000 soldiers lost everything after they catch from the "bears".

For this reason, and in posses to make some activities at the difficult positions into ME, they had made operation "Poseidon". Operation who had plan to recaptured Damask, and change regime in shadow of war into Palestine. They have plan to remove not only Alavites, but even Russians from Syria, and take post for new civil war into it. 

Of course, some into Manchester was fun of James Bond, and he did not know, how they are open for counter attack, from other side, what was happen, and now we presented numbers of losses for them. 

How it was happen, and why it was necessary would be clear after, but now, the situation at  the battlefield come ease to be read and analytic.

In this moment, fall of the operation, went empty post to the UK into Aman, and now is open for Iran to make deal with fractions into Jordan, about what is necessary to reconstruction of the relations by new Palestine. 

The local King is in the difficult post, after they had real trouble into house, and after find how even the mostly monolith army is not so monolith in support to him. And after present that some of the local servants deeply involve in act against situation into West Bank. 

Operation "Poseidon" was created previously than was happen into 7th October. And have cooperation with several US, Israel, and Hamas organization and top persons. 

The operation had been act what had been intense to switch public opinion from the Nazi rise into Europe,  to some what they believe had more interest to them, export "democracy".

Now, it has problem what no one in the Europe and NATO have an idea to solve. Only  what they have is panic after find how they are not much than a paper at scribe the operation.        



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