Thursday 16 November 2023

The true about Gaza's war

 After 25 days intensive incursion in the Strip, so call IDF come from an tragedy to the shame. Even they use more than hundred thousand mercenaries in the war, and even they have support of more than five thousand US special forces into Israel territory. They going to add up over several thousand dead, hundred missed into action, and lots of soldiers wounded and ill in their ranks.

In most rides to the Strip they had the  part of the forces which they used before in Ukraine, and who now stay like "extendible  coins" in war whose not even start properly and whose even have nothing with this what they try to present to others. 

In moves whose is so grotesques than local Zionists into Israel have not so much reliability. And where is openly saw how these materials which they presented over camera is pick up from some post in the east Europe, specially from Moldavia, and some part of Bulgaria. 

Arms which PF use against the occupation forces is not then whose so call IDF try to presented like arms catch from the so call Hamas. 

 If we know how this organization has nothing with PF, and how this party was formed from the Israel secret services, than all of this so call discovered equipment was pull into these places with some before made scheme, ordinary built and make on B.B. predicts how on these way they may have control over the Strip, and situation into it. 

But, because PF isn't so call Hamas, and because, so call IDF is fully blind and deaf, and have nothing knowledge what and where, than we are in posses info how they did this miracle,named Israel disaster.

After huge clashes between PF and US Marine Corps, involved into army support to Israel, so call IDF, and heavy losses after it, from full number of 56 thousand soldiers and officers they stay in the ship and some location into east Israel,less for 6 thousand personal, who was removed and pull out. In first time they was planed to move it much to the Iran, but after war is rumpling. They move them on several post into Europe.

From hundred thousand mercenaries came into Israel, most of them was put at the northern borders, and now they are in huge battle against Al Nagba Coalition. They have huge losses, and each day several dozens helicopters transport made activity over north part of Israel. 

Activation of the war into Iraq and Syria, with much instability in other parts of region, cause that they both, Israelis and Americans push up activity of so call DAESH, which is trained and pumped by mercenaries before use into Ukraine war. 

IDF reservist is not in the  function. These boys and girls used only like some leafs over truth what like situation into the war is terrible to NATO, and how new way in confrontation with them is success.

Then stories like hospitals into Gaza is only final nail into Zionist coffin  named Israel. And this nail there wasn't put from some other, but from themself, in moment where they believe how they are so might and how US have power to stuck everybody. 

After all we say that into history going to be studies this was, especially battle in the Gaza city. 

We have say how this battle wasn't prepared well, from the so call IDF command, and how war isn't only into Gaza, but at whole territory of Palestine, where each day dead and wounded rocketing in the number, on the each side.

Israel only in the first month of the war have 46 billion army costs, and after all full material losses over 101 billion. With population reduce for one fifth.  

To Nato costs is much worst, because they must move out dead and wounded mercenaries, and they did it to the Spain and some part of Italy. 

To today, these fridges who so call IDF import into the Strip at began of incursion, has 2/3 full in capacity. It mean so much dead bodies. The rates of dead and wounded stay in proportion 1:25 to US forces, and 1: 140. In PF it is 1:4. And Coalition 1:1,15. And this hardware was removed from the Strip at the base near Dead Sea cost.  



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