Tuesday 7 November 2023

Gaza's war today is the mood for US tomorow

 Several days after US started offensive against PF into Gaza and over all Palestine, situation at the front going to be so narrow and for main player great disaster. 

This was not changed even many contacts between Blinkin and their counterparts from ME had last days. The main Zionist in US government he could not take real promise from the other part how they have stay neutral into this moves. In opposite of it, unusually the so call King of Jordan take "dramatic" operation against them with military airborne shipment of necessaries to PF in Gaza. Other like Turkiye gone to much for USA standard closely to an aggressive act against not only USA, but against NATO,too.

What was so desperate to Israel and specially to BB, the H.E. Nassrallah took the speech where he said to much what the official media in the West did not commented, or even they take in first news. 

If you want to know what he said, than you have it on the internet, and take few moment to find what was so embarrassing for NATO he said. 

After this speech narrative in main MSM media on the west stay same, even in the open area is possible to find real situation at the battlefield. 

Today several days of so call IDF offensive at the Gaza and Palestine, in MSM media is not possible to find clear and fool picture what and where. We find how so call democratic values missed to find right  words for this what USAF do in the front line, against civilians. 

Israel has not forces to battle anybody, specially the PF who has tens of thousand well trained soldiers. 

So, the information which came from the BB is to much lie then he is weight. 

Specificity of this war stay in the numbers, where 1:17 is rate how much IDF soldiers was involved in the acts against PF. 

If you know how into preparation to actions against Palestine, from Ukraine- NATO rewrite 100 thousand soldiers, much of them the mercenaries, than you have real full number of IDF at the foot. 

In these activities to today loses only in the Strip have disaster number against Blinkin. Above more of 2000 mercenaries was dead in first time of operation. Then, loses into US troops at the field grove more than 824 soldiers,not counted numbers dead in 8. October. In this moment if you have a wish you would have find why is so little Israelis reported dead!? 

Or, how dead rate grow in hundreds each day. But, because most of them is mercenaries then they have not right to be morn.

Acts from the south to the north of Palestine, each day from the first November, stay night mare for high Commandant of IDF. Even if the western MSM try to block wive at the Strip only, the war game is much bigger. 

Now, after this heavy numbers, US and NATO try to blowing up bigger war. With nukes near Tehran. 

But the main ships of this actors was and is so far from the west Asia coasts.

For today, other side have 1800 dead and 2830 wounded,320 missed, and 29 captured. 

No one of the commando staff is in this number. 

Israel like state does not exist, divide on these several parts and levels. Where the number of deserters each hour have two-digit number. And where each day from them to the western military hospitals fly wounded foreigners. And dead bodies. 

The game in the desert is blast for US Central CoMM, after  27 days of active attacks from the enemies. In the moment, several hundred personal was miss and same number is out of duty. 

At all, in the war what we have to see at the ME, NATO and US take main part, and now after great defect at the battlefield they take so heavy and heaviest arms to stop ruin of the power.

In the Strip, the US army(mercenaries) was find nothing and captured nothing, but several hundred destroyed tanks and armored vehicles. And now they have into Gaza two or four big fridge to dead, maxi capacity 80 tons. With heavy explosives to break massive concrete construction. 

We now expect more numbers. but not on the only one side.                       

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