Thursday 26 October 2023

Balkan and NATO in ME dissaster

 Adolf Hitler, Reich Chancellor and Fuhrer of German Reich in 1939 at began of WWII said to the Reich Marshall of Luftwaffe-"we must be simply secure that Balkan stay in our control, and we must do everything to situation at the peninsula stay stable. This what we must be seriously careful for Kingdom of Yugoslavia."

"For this reason we must have negotiation with t them to they stay or on our side, or neutral, but not at the other position". Abwer the Nazi military intelligence service from 1936, some said much earlier take activity in different Balkan states, to make secure for German Nazi plans.

In this activity they found so much "interested indication" what said how situation in the area, can going to be so strange and difficult. 

They find how only presence at Balkan have nothing to make sure, if they have no stable and quite situation between different national and ethnic group. And they had saw how ethnicity at Balkan have really strong animosity. So far, that only find how "one the spark" have to cause long big fire. Who possible to do burn even fireman. 

In 1991, near forty years after this messages NATO and US make great mistake. They made unstable Balkan with prolong war, who are even now have some relatives at the peninsula. Specially in former Yugoslavia. 

Even they did everything to extinguish these fires, by bombed Serbs, and support and made several big crimes and ethnic cleansing, in believe how only clear divide ethnics are guaranty for peace and prosperity, now at the brink of the WWIII, they have acknowledge why Nazi leader tried to have a peace and unity in Balkan, specially in Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

Now NATO and EU looked at this region at same way like it was in 1941 after Nazi smashed Kingdom of Yugoslavia, and they did everything to deeply divide and  separate former Yugoslavia at the smallest shellfishes countries, where they have installed some forces who was mix between former Communists and Fascist in name of some so call democracy which going to be guaranty for them superior rule in them. 

The only what they have now in Balkan is opposite. Fundamental crisis, Nazi feelings, nationalistic ideology, and economical crash with demographic disaster. 

 In this moment when US need more support in the war area. They have open south-east, with armies which have only force to parade at an holiday. For this reason US come to buy a former warriors from lattes wars, and pay them with money who have no value. Even then they have no potent to bring more than 2000 from all Yugoslavs. On the other side they must bring in the former Yugoslavia more than 12000 soldiers of NATO plus some neutral states. To be secure how everything do not going to be worst. 

The point of all is in the small. Here from Slovenia, who are destroyed in latest floods and where no more exist normal economic situation, but only fear how they have be attack from someone at ME, and where army have shorties at all, specially after they left armor vehicles to Ukraine, across Croatia, where they have only big words but nothing else, especially at the open border with eastern neighborhood. And where army lost approx 500 specialist in several NATO operation, and have no possibility to give any support for US Navy and Army, but with 2/3 open and empty state territory, can be nice place for some to make something,somewhere in Europe. Two NATO member states is out of control. NATO know how much what they lost in them and they do not know for what exist local security forces. But only to demount local political opponents or for NATO orders some suspicion groups. Mostly them who try to ask not nice questions. 

Albania, is country where NATO have camps for Iranian Mudiahedin Hulk and where they trained some groups for activities into former Soviet Union, or Turkiye. 

Local army have only way to present some police force in the Otrant passage and nothing else. The local army bases isn't ability to give some support for the NATO, because from them so much time missed so many.

Macedonia, have nothing but such brigades which only stay in the country to be peace kipper in fluent war between Macedonians and Albanians. Powerless to be use out of Skopje. But only to be used to support the war at the east Europe with  gave away all offensive arms. 

Serbia is far from NATO, like BiH, but this entities have two sides, and from this countries NATO even they had forces in both, have possibility to give some gifts like it have stay in ME. 

Monte Negro, in NATO, but deeply divide have only potential to sell everything what they bring from the Alliance.

At the end, NATO and US haven't control over hearts and minds in the Balkan people, and all of it made the Command so neuralgic than they have activities whose are in the strategy mainly disaster. 

Balkan is open for everybody to make everything against EU, and other Western formation. 

In this open gates of Europe, stay several hundred thousand young soldiers of Jihad and they only wait at command. For them is necessary not much then several hours to bring arms and march in the middle European cities. 

At Balkan no forces to prevent it, and no government which is ready to stuck Islamic forces, for reason to not be remove in some clashes at domestic forces.                                         


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