Tuesday 10 October 2023

Israel is gone

 Situation in Israel and Palestine is so known than is so disgusting how IDF spoke person lie. 

After four days and several thousand dead at the both side. With massive attack from Palestine to Israel, in which regular Palestinian Army was captured five main military basis of IDF, said how "Israel control situation and border with Gaza" is idiotic blasphemy.

IDF do not exist! Gaza is bombing from British and US forces. IDF air forces is in full control of Palestinians. 

For reason that basis in Cyprus and island Creta cannot make full support to Israel, US made decide to push at the distance USS "Gerald Ford" with full battle group. Same group whose had brave escape in Adriatic sea after they find how in the Mediterranean at this group five months ago wait Russian submarine. In support with several "Bears" in the air. 

For this reason they had in June/July sensitive withdrawal  from Adriatic to the north Atlantic ocean. 

Where they in so far from Europe try to escaped contact with Russian and Iranian fleet.

Said that that they are at the way is lie. 520 special Marine Corps was infiltrated in Gaza two days ago. Result was disaster. Number of them never have way to home. Even the chef of them. 

Lies come in MSM and supported from the State Department where Blinkin try to control damage. With total censorship.

From 8000 Palestinian trooper who was involved in the first moment of action "Al Aqsa float", killed 620, wounded 420, and no one was captured.

IDF lost 1/4 of Israeli territory, whose now is in control of PF. IDF lost two main air base. With all in these bases.   PF now have main part of IDF equipment in posses. 

It cause that IDF reserve forces haven't munitions, arms, regular equipment, even food and water is out of full support. 

Loses in the Israeli forces, mean all, going to more than 4125 dead and missing. 2250 wounded heavy, and 1250 captured.  With more than 10000 disappear from a duty. 

From 25 High command staff, half of them is eliminated, or captured. In the hands of PF is even several high US officers. Some of support units of US in Israel was attacked and this units no more have exist. 

PF in control have two "Merkava 4" tank brigade, with other armored vehicles. Much of them was destroyed at these posts. Like 24 thanks and 60 armored vehicles in the sector of center and south Israel. 

Hezbollah was involve at the field very little, and only they had contact against some units of IDF which have no control. 

For this reason, they only eliminated several IDF brigade's commander and some staff. They lost around 24 personnel. And now they are recruiting around 600 thousand man to war. 

In previous opinion we told why EU, specially UK have not power to take part in this conflict.And what have cause to US if they coming in the arena. 

The aircraft carrier can be only losses, or start to much worst scenario. 

After all, Bi Bi would be put in the history books like Jew's leader who was made that Israel spit at the Holocaust, and make abolition to Hitler for all what he done against humanity. After IDF did same what SS Waffen had been made in Warsaw Ghetto with thousand Jews.

Only way to this war stop and Israel stay where they are now is capitulation of IDF. Each hour, each day, or month going to prepared place to new Jew exodus. Specially after mounting losses in only 96 hours of battle. 

We see that no US, no even buying of a mercenaries have make change in the situation.   

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