Wednesday 27 September 2023

Queen's Elisabeth have been eliminated

 Tell to self a story that this story has nothing by MSM,and that you have to say tomorrow morning how you are positive, and how you have real mind into head.

If you try to make some conclusion on the matter which come from your TV, radio, or the net than you are person who are really poisoned by "Zombie Ciklon B virus", made and distributed from the college of Royal Navy in Sussex, where these personal make active poises who has point to determinate history of some or mostly someone. 

This story about fabric of "democratic poise" came several years ago, after stay clear that the UK have nothing to prevent or to change self-destruction path. In six years ago, the Admiralty has alert to political elite in London that "they start to be annihilate form from these other power, and how they have no more  power what they had several years ago." On the table stay info from the chief Inspector of Navy that situation into units, into Trident units are so terrible, and how relations into units have some dose of bulling on the every level and every side. What cause that so much personal stay out of duty and how no too naff of new personal was incorporated into it." 

Some story about situation with army depots and subs, had place in these MSM over UK. But most things never come in the public, for reason that had said former UK high commander, that "we than start to be ease place to rule by others."

You see, he did not say how it would be Russia,because he never have real information from this side.

He started to treated it after UK had have loses into several point around word in direct confrotation by Russian forces. Where previous named difficulties have to much role into these  disasters.

Without navy, UK stay like duck,much depend from the main "ally" US. Who by 6th Fleet and now after reconstitution 2th Fleet coming to be first battle line in US war doctrine. 

And, after all this losses caused some changed into real policy into the Court. Where come on the Throne, no man, and no King.

His mother, Queen was clear that she never have order to the Army and Navy to push battle over some disputes with Russia. She several years before has act where she made counter coup after, some part of the family, BJ, and Superintendent of Royal Forces, try to remove her from the post. 

In this acts against conspiratorial moves she made some clear order, who is her successor.

And how she have nothing to stop demolition of UK, what she had have promised to Scots, after they "lost" referendum. 

She has knowledge that UK Government sell to a private persons several billions of national interest, and that they had made some operations what had never have promises or approves from her, and Parliament. 

Now, after UK lost more than 2400 agents around former Soviet Union zone, and after they have lost half of High Staff, they all "secret  operation" delegated to the Australia. Loses against China and India is not to less than this against Russia.

From them they try to have contact with reality, but in several months this reality for them stay very unpleasant. They only played minor role into this global war. 

France is in the decline from the Balkan wars. And now in this moment they  have only way to stay on the places what they are claimed like official France's territories.

But, if some come to make trouble for France in Reunion, than they have only several hundred legioners, and several dozen police troops, but main Army support stay in the hand of USAF from the middle of the Indy Ocean. 

On other side,  the situation into Russian forces have nothing with normality. There stay struggle between old and new, and in this moment, the situation at the front have nothing with Ukraine military success, or new military doctrine from them. It is only reason in the position, where no created man  into high staff, the real connection with common soldiers try to have power over the war. 

If somebody mean how Vladimir Vladimirovic has not influence at it, than he is in the big trouble. 

Last, so call Ukraine success attacks on the High Command of Black Fleet was only decide of him to make alert against some in the Navy" that they are not into movie, or into parallel world, and how they can be part of the some of Russian Navy cemeteries." 

He made some parallel alert to the High Command that " they must do much more to prevent these enemies in their actions. Include shot down some spy planes and satellites, which action have involve into operation at the field."

No matter if it could be cause for hitting in the relations against NATO and 53 states "supporters" to Ukraine. 

He made some gains on this road after he split up Russia from Pashinian of Armenia, and after stay visible that Russia never be involved into strong plays prepared from the UK and France, supported by US.

Now, everybody in the World have a place to see what would be happen after you have betrayal Russia. All of it he and Russia was made with close cooperation by Erdogan.

In this moment many came with means how Russia is lost, or how now is "open" path to EU free divergence of energy. But, the true is so bad to ARAF spies who had place into Baku, and Erevan.

Now, Iran came like main player which was said both sides, "how they are prepared to broke new order on the south Caucasus, and how Aliev did not so good Shia believer." Even more, the envoy of Khamnei gave him the personal message that "IRI have all possibility to broke control over Azerbaijan's oil fields in Caspian sea, and how he can do nothing even he try to take support from the west, specially Turkye and Israel. 

This message have part where stay how he must be serious, open and cooperative by both Russia an IRI in the North-South way."

Pashinian, now have only one sentence from the Ayatollah , "we have watch and follow each your provocation, and be ready to come into Erevan, faster than your enemies, and your new friends,too."

After that diesel and gas going to soaring hard on these markets all over EU.

In back, UK did everything to make new era of Brit Empire, but now they have only place to find how to make what She by will ordered to the new Queen. Move out these fingers from the posts where you have no possibility to make a rule. like it is former USSR and former Yugoslavia. But, even more no more incursion in China's zones. And do not have aggression act against our "Pearl int the crown"."                      

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