Saturday 3 June 2023

EU bankrupt

 After to many times of bullshits happen into EU, today is time D where is seriously find real result of all this agony named United Europe. 

The project was in the crisis from began, but more shits came into first decade of 21sentury, where the situation in economy, and these social structures crumbling into deep recession,which have continuous from 2008, and crisis with wealth funds. Where started situation where they had no money to serviced public needs and where stay clear how situation in the workforce market had nothing by reality. 

To solve this existential crisis some "smart person in the Commission" found how would be nice to took a pensions fund, and how it no one try to investigate or block. 

But, in 2012 some was understood how it did not worked and that this money, was pull from these funds was not naff to change situation at the Union economic positions. 

For this reason in some countries like it was Hungary, where all stay worst than previous member status, at the position of the country leader came Victor Orban, named from such circles in the Union to preserve situation of mass disorder into country with every necessary methods, even use of the nationalistic rhetoric, build up of security forces, and active ops against their opponents.   

In this time situation into Poland was much worst. Nationalistic and antisemitic stance and rhetoric made place for open work, specially against main historian enemy-Russia. 

Into country in this time EU "pumped" more than 12 billion euros at annual base, and this money mostly was used into big frauds over agriculture system and so call massive infrastructure rebuilt, specially into high speed and main railway corridors into country. 

It cause that system into this country did  not worked. All instability was openly wived. Such third of population take place at an planes, trains, buses to a way on the better future overboard. 

From this time start into EU project "low fare air system", created to made possibility for unincorporated person to find place out of idealized picture of Poland.

For same reason Poland take  had organization  of European football championship,predominantly to preserve not so nice questions about reality. 

Several other countries had same position and same measure from the top of Union, Estonia like clear example.

All of it had nothing into success, and into 2014 EU made plan for destabilization of both Ukraine and Russian Federation. Simple reason stay into real an bookkeepers registers, where intervention at these markets of new member states, cause vanish of 2 trillion US dollars. Which bonds came at the paid for several months.

This was clear how EU with high speed going to crash. For this reason Operation "October"  popularly known like "Maidan", started, and caused the crash. 

After all, 15 member countries have 1,74 trillion dept, which hadn't real payment base, and now is in position of  a mullein stone who so quickly dump them. 

Into this groups of scrambled countries is Italy, where recession is more than 3 percent, and where possibility to have servicing dept is out from March 3th. It had caused that Mallony now is bigest lair at European politicians. And she has made everything what some try from her. 

It looks like, but in real economy, bankrupt state has only way to pay dept, to make sell of country propriety, like it is arms in such deals, what she does.

Fiat money gave to the previous government in Rome have nothing to prevent the situation what have they know. In opposite, it has boomerang effect at the main economy, where German and France came into dept, and now into recession highest than 2,5 percent, but in real number, 14 percent. 

Other countries like Croatia, stay into 4,5 percent recession, and with mono-culture economy, mostly based at the tourism, in situation where these main tourist markets came in the crisis, with inflation over 40 percent and administrative regulation at the markets, and 1/3 population lost from previous time of independence, only way to something stay into order, has fiat money printed and distribute from the Frankfurt and ECB. But, with 3,3 million people and constantly law insecurity, where to much businesses was maid at relation with state, and where people live in ambush of accessory work market, base at low cost workforce in accessories jobs on one side, and well payed and treated workforce in the government offices, companies and associates, only"small" touristic season break have made horrific situation. 

And this is only example what is in Greece, Portugal, and even Spain. The domino effect have been prepared and so call intervention against someone at the east have nothing to prevent it. 

The cause with Estonia, and other Baltic states, but now even with Finland,Sweden, too, is worst night mare, for this who had believed that they made good job in the Ukraine 2014. 

These laws breaks, breaks of constitutions all over EU. Break of human and citizens rights, with infrastructure and deliver chains broken going to make this year a final year in the Union life.

488 million Europeans now live in the third class, and the second class, what is clear at the German example so harry leave the history, and so much "middle" class members stay pour and out of normal life know in era of their fathers.

Luxembourg was top model to EU whose they was used to presented success economy. But know the country have not naff money to support banking system, to payback investors. 

It mean how even this money haven is prediction of EU fall and disintegration.

Everything what they try to did in the nearest past, now came over door and broke the door. All what was happen in the EU from 2014 was prelude for now. Migrants crisis, so call clime crisis, caused acting use of clime creating, and five wars in what they involve, have negative aspect of all economy and public life, too. 

And EU Commission has not plans to solve it. 

In this case a destine of Euro is definitely defined and it has not be possible support to be stable until July of 2023. 

War in Ukraine like mass media instrument for main control of mass, in all this case have nothing to do, but only make everything worse.                  


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