Monday 20 February 2023

The American Story and Turkiye earthqucke

This story has tree parts, and even you have believe that nothing has together, stay here and learn how story play same music.

Part one, said that if you have something big so big story where somebody made some worst in the history, than you have US Navy in the back of it. And story which play American investigate dominate Reporter about "North Stream" is THRU! Same information we had in the several hours after they made the criminal act. We known that they some try to made in the late summer 2021. But in this time they have nothing done. System used to blow up the tubs has only in NATO exist in the NOr spec forces(oil companies collaborators). But all operation was made in the back of the official government of the Kingdom. No one in the cabinet had have knowledge that some superintendent in the NOr Navy has had operation directed from the Washington DC and coordinated by Lise Mayn. Strory is much scary after find that some structure in so democratic and well organize state, have total impunity from the High Commander. Or to be cruel, they piss off at the institution, and constitution. These guys into NOr Navy did is same squadron who was involved in the Breivk case, when they with support of David Cameron's government try to make overthrow in Oslo. 

And if some believe how act in Baltic sea has only vectors to Russia and Germany, than they is at wrong way. To US democratic, semi socialistic state in the north Europe, and state which has several hundreds billion Dollars US dept in position, which they had change to the new obligation at the est, try to prevent what DC saw like non loyalty ally who try to switch the side. For this reason they activated in the country cell of these agents who was ready to do what the DC try from them. 

For NOr government it was embarrassment and even today, they have problem to solve previous image at the World politic arena. 

Specially, when several months before the operation in the "North Stream", general director of Hidro say how they have problem to pump same amount of oil and gas from the Norwegian shelf, and how they in this moment have only possibility to pump in the pick production 8% less than year before. In case that they take much stake at the market of EU, the situation at the fields going to be worst. Same it had predicted by electricity and said how NOr is out of power to change situation at the EU energy markets. After all, when Russia blocked tanker transport from far east over Arctic Ocean, possibility to rebrand Korean gas, stay at the zero. 

This information has nothing in the DC, they had self plans but, in all plans which they made, is to much holes. Like, when in the sea was leaked dozen millions cubic tons of methane gas. What caused that fish industry in the region has no more human friendly. And that even fish wheat cannot be use for animal food.

The chapter two said, what them had nothing have be naff, and that they have not allies but only the  servants, who must do what they try. 

Turkiye now is clear example about it. After stay clear , how new Turkiye has nothing by the previous regime, and how they try to have much independent policy then before, firs DC 2016. arranged the coup  d'etat, in plan to liquidated actual President and his family.

From than to 20.November 2022. situation in Turkiye went not so bad. This resist cause that DC made order that "Eastern Erase" must be active soon as possible. 

All operation, and so call scientist was put at the close zone at Incirlik Air Base. There, Ana Ivanovna Ulianovna, take act in the deep drill into the soil. All things made a DC dogs from Ukraine, and former Soviet Union. With cooperation to some agencies from Netherlands, Denmark,UK, Spain, and mysterious guy from Italy.

The operation has this parts: First,boring to the 3000 feet in deep, hole with 50-79 inch in diameter. In the hole in early 2023 they transported by submarines several tubes in which was deep freezes Hydrogen. It was put at the hole a month before the catastrophe in Gaziantep, and Syria. 

The Hydrogen was put at the bottom to 1500 feet deep, on this came Natrium  Hydro-peroxide Phosphate, what cause some reaction. Days before the Hydrogen at the absolute zero temperature start to leak into area, make construction with elements in the several thousand feet deep.

All operation, what to DC try to promote Ivanova and dogs, was clear, correct, controlled, and secure for use. So, there you have to see what mean education system in DC. School to idiots. 

Everything was, and earthquakes explain how they had been in wrong. Firs chemical reaction in the pressure, make some what we said "Nail" in the head. Accumulated huge electricity,Geo-static energy, what came like implosion 1000 time strongest than Hiroshima and Nagasaki bomb explosion. In all, after implosion of fluid made mainly from the Hydrogen and Phosphate, where huge temperature bored 120000 feet to the magma, where in contact came  non-controlled reaction, which three day after made 46000 dead in two country. All about process and who make order to it going to be, we have.

Third part said how situation what DC want to present to the local population have nothing with the thru. We are at the sky, but they have no technology to fight us in any way. Because that, they use us in public predominant propaganda, like excuse for real domestic civil war. Where each day in US,have blow up dozen farms, pumps, refiners, where have several fatal rail accidents.  And where they have half arms in Army and Navy depots than it they have in registrars. More than 372,5 billion USD is gone, and they have not knowledge where. On other side Austin, the Bear, have problem to say what to done by more than 27 thousand US soldiers at Ukraine soil.And how to explain direct conflict against Russia in Syria. What cause, hundreds dead US Marines and lost half position in Der er Zor.                                      

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